Chapter 243

September 30, Monday.

It was the last day of classes before the National Day Holiday, and actually some clever students had already asked for leave today, combining it with the weekend for a total 10-day National Day vacation.

There were many new students in Class 7, so not too many asked for leave, but there were still fewer people in the classroom.

After the Academic English class, the Information Management System class taught by Teacher Bai who liked to tell jokes about food was changed to Teacher Shi's Marketing class on Wednesday... Clearly Teacher Bai was another one of those clever ones who asked for leave to go back home...

Just happened that Xiaoqi had lots of questions to ask Teacher Shi about painting, so after class, she specially went to find Teacher Shi, and brought a painting she did yesterday, to show Teacher Shi. She didn't know what was wrong with it, she just felt it wasn't as good as the first painting.

Shi Zhaolai really liked painting, he was also a fairly well-known artist. One of his small paintings sold for 800, and a large one sold for 2000. Although they weren't sold everywhere, he still had some loyal fans who liked his paintings and were willing to buy them.


Xiaoqi really liked Teacher Shi's painting of the rice paddies.

She was also willing to buy it, because that was the value of his labor.

It wasn't just the 5 minutes Teacher Shi spent painting, but was the accumulation of decades of hard work, inspiration, and life experiences before that enabled him to produce such a work in those 5 minutes of swift, flowing strokes.

However, that painting had already been purchased by someone else.

Shi Zhaolai looked very carefully at the painting his student presented. He felt it was quite good, already exhibiting some spirit and her own painting style. At least she had entered the door in painting. But it was a little rushed, and the strokes were somewhat immature.

"You've painted very well, but painting is also a process of dripping water wearing away rock. If you really like painting, I suggest you practice more every day. Inspiration is certainly important, but fundamentals are the cornerstone on which inspiration and everything else is built. Without fundamentals, talking about inspiration or anything else is like building castles in the air. Try to paint at least one piece every day, no restrictions on subject, paint what you want to paint. This is what I do every day. In this area I'm not an expert either, I can only say we can explore together. Your use of color already exhibits some style, which is great."

Xiaoqi listened and kept nodding. She really couldn't be lazy. The teacher said it very clearly, she just needed more practice. Hearing that Teacher Shi painted a few pieces every day, Xiaoqi felt that he was right, there were no shortcuts to success, only continuous hard work.

And below, Chu Yu saw Xiaoqi chatting and laughing with the Marketing teacher, and couldn't help sneering again. Su Xiaoqi really buttered up everyone. Earlier it was the Academic English teacher who was from the Qingmeng League, so she cozied up and that was understandable, but Teacher Shi was just a young teacher at Huanhua, he said himself his family was very poor, yet Xiaoqi still tried to curry favor with him. She really was crafty, if you didn't know better you'd think she tested into Huanhua instead of Qingbei!

After Teacher Betty's foreign teacher class in the afternoon, the National Day holiday would start.

Betty had also joined their group chat and would occasionally pop in to chat a bit. They said they were organizing some activities over the National Day holiday together.

Xiaoqi would also occasionally pop into the chat, because at the last English speech contest many teachers had praised her.

Xiaoqi was thinking there would be a second round at Qingmeng University after the National Day, which would be much harder than the school one. She knew these foreign teachers so she could consult them, when speaking English who could be more professional than native speakers?

She checked the schedule and there were no conflicts, so she also signed up for their activity.

Today Betty wore a knitted dress, still low-cut and body-hugging, when she taught the boys in class were always ogling and whistling, her figure was too sexy. Also, aesthetics were different - even if local teachers actually had great figures, they wouldn't dress so boldly to highlight their curves. But foreign teachers were different, very willing to flaunt their beauty.

The knit fabric clung tightly, making her breasts look even bigger and her butt look even rounder.

Betty laughed gleefully, not feeling at all that she dressed inappropriately. She taught very well, using basic conversational English that average students could understand.

Her legs were snow white like daikon radish, a little fat. She was prone to gain weight, posting her food in the group chat every day - all plates of Brussels sprouts with vinegar and such. Despite eating like a sheep she grew like a milk cow... After class she also really liked to chat with Xiaoqi, making Chu Yu sour again.

After Betty's class, the National Day holiday started.

In Xiaoqi's dorm in the afternoon, the driver from the Yunshu's family came to pick her up. Originally Weicheng was planning to take the high speed rail tomorrow, but Yunshu had her take the family car with her, first to Fucheng which was close to Weicheng's hometown Nanpu, then she could take the bus.

And Mimi would take the evening high speed train, so she could catch a ride with Yunshu to the train station.

Of the four roommates, only Xiaoqi was left.

The others were all regretful about not being able to accompany Xiaoqi to run the marathon. Mimi was from another province, and wanted to go back for the long break.

And Weicheng's siblings had gone back, so she wanted to go back too to get together with everyone.

Yunshu's mom definitely wouldn't feel assured letting her daughter stay at school alone for so long, worried she wouldn't eat or drink well, so she had to have her come home. Only Xiaoqi was left alone.

But then her student Liang Jiajia was surprisingly coming to Meng City.

Mrs. Liang had actually agreed, and gave Xiaoqi a call entrusting Jiajia to her - she really dared to presume.

It was perfect, Xiaoqi had Jiajia stay in the dorm. Of her roommates, Weicheng had the best temper, so Xiaoqi asked her to let Jiajia sleep in her bed.

It wasn't bullying, it's just that easygoing creatures were easily taken advantage of.

So Xiaoqi also went with Yunshu's car to the train station, to send off Mimi and also to pick someone up.

At the train station, Mimi hugged Xiaoqi tightly for a good while before letting go to enter the station, repeatedly reminding her: "Send me video of the competition, I can watch it at home. I'll bring back lots of delicious food when I come back, we have lots of good stuff."

Xiaoqi felt a little smothered from her busty roommate's embrace... Finally sent her off.

Then she wandered the station a bit, buying some snacks, before going to the exit around the time Jiajia would arrive.

From far away, she saw a girl with bobbed hair bouncing and skipping energetically, hauling a huge pink suitcase, waving her arms and shouting "Teacher, I'm here, I'm here!" before even leaving the station exit.

Seeing her, Xiaoqi felt she looked much more spirited than when they first met, seeming to have grown up a lot. Young girls shoot up in height so quickly, like beansprouts. She smiled brightly with a full set of teeth.

Xiaoqi met up with Jiajia, then gave Mrs. Liang a video call so they could both say hi.

Then she hailed a Shenzhou taxi, and helped lug Jiajia's huge heavy suitcase to go sit in the cab. The suitcase was not only huge but really heavy.

"How did you carry this yourself, it's so heavy?"

"There were nice uncles and brothers along the way who helped carry it. It contains my latest equipment." Liang Jiajia spoke excitedly. She had brought a whole set of photography equipment, tripods, all to shoot the marathon. If not for her mom refusing to buy her a drone, she could have done aerial shots too.

"Teacher, I had to beg my mom for a long time, and promise I'd test in the top 3 in my class on the final, before she'd agree to let me come."

"What's your class ranking now?" Xiaoqi asked curiously.

"Uhmm..." Liang Jiajia counted on her fingers, thinking for a bit before answering: "Top 30, no, top 25 I guess."

Xiaoqi: ...
