Chapter 257

After eating, Xiao Qi reported to the dormitory group chat that she was safe.

She asked her classmate Jiajia for videos of herself running and some photos, and posted them to the group.

She took a nap in the afternoon, and wasn't sleepy now, but didn't feel like moving either.

She was full and lazy, a mood Xiao Qi rarely experienced.

Jiajia had cleaned up the trash.

She didn't need to go running today either. In this state, going to evening self-study wasn't reliable either, so Xiao Qi simply took her friend Jiajia up to the rooftop.


The rooftop was empty over the National Day holidays, with no one sitting at the tables or chairs.

Xiao Qi brought water, while Jiajia had a soft drink. Jiajia wore a new coat, and had a big scarf her mom had insisted she bring, saying it was cold and windy at the seaside. She hadn't been happy about it earlier, but it came in handy now.

The rooftop was spacious, with stars visible overhead, and the dark, steep mountain ridges behind them. The sparkling stars in the sky looked beautiful as they sipped their sweet drinks, leaving Jiajia very content.

Xiao Qi drank warm water. At 17, she had a mature demeanor, liking to bring her own water bottle, thankfully without added goat horn fruit.

A nice view called for...checking their phones.

Both were silent, leaning back in their chairs, enjoying the comfortable night breeze while distracted by their phones.

Under Jiajia's influence, Xiao Qi downloaded King of Glory and played a few rounds.

She instantly got a bit addicted. Turns out games were so fun, no wonder boys seemed to like playing them so much.

And many familiar people seemed to be on there too.

She had logged in with WeChat.

She was still at the lowest Bronze level though. Xiao Qi played clumsily, but surprisingly kept at it for five whole games before realizing two hours had slipped by.

Jiajia was already at the Supreme Star tier. To guide her teacher, she had started a smurf account.

Seeing how time had flown, Xiao Qi felt a little guilty. She hadn't indulged herself like this in a long time, limiting TikTok to one hour a day max. And she usually didn't even use it that long, keeping it under an hour. She quietly closed the game. She'd play again next time.

Or maybe she should switch it to youth mode too. She wondered if there was a setting like that - would she suddenly get kicked out mid-game and cursed by her teammates?

Opening WeChat, the several group chats she was in were lively.

In her class group, there was another flurry of red packets.

Nan Beichao classmate Su Li seemed to come from a mining fortune, not only constantly sending red packets, but tapping to send tens of yuan each time.

She said it was providing late night snacks for everyone.

Xiao Qi scrolled up and saw earlier they were talking about her marathon results. Later the topic had wandered to everyone's hometown delicacies, with nonstop food pics, quite lively. She didn't chime in, just looked through and exited.

Her dorm mates had all congratulated Xiao Qi.

Even in text, Wei Cheng simply sent: "So nice!"

You could imagine her utterly satisfied expression from those two words.

Honey hopped around vibrantly in the group chat, just like her real self.

Yun Shu displayed her rich heiress side for once, sending a big red packet split between the four dorm mates.

It was a fixed amount - Xiao Qi got 166.66, the other two as well.

Then there was the foreign teacher Party group chat.

Garen had shown off his ruggedly handsome middle-aged running photos, before talk turned to Xiao Qi.

Su is really amazing! Last time when she sang on stage with me, she was the champion.

And this time at the marathon with me, she got second place and broke the record!

The group was very lively, with English flying fast.

Constant "unbelievable"s...

Plus pics and videos.

Xiao Qi popped in briefly. Rather than keep discussing the competition, she brought up the "Fall Outing" plans. They were preparing to go to Cliff Village. Xiao Qi had previously said she would participate too.

Her decent English could double as a translator.

She gave some specifics in the group chat about what to prepare. The trails in Cliff Village were difficult to hike, so best not to wear shorts or short sleeves, as wild grass could easily scratch bare skin. Everyone wanted to barbecue, so they'd need to bring ingredients and such too.

Xiao Qi participated in the discussion for a bit. When it seemed sufficient, having gotten her own task assignment to prepare seasonings, she stopped engaging.

At this time, her dorm wasn't as lively as usual, with no noise from downstairs either. But she saw the time and would need to head down soon, or lights out.

There were still mosquitoes upstairs. Jiajia was clearly more enticing to them. With her sitting next to Xiao Qi, it felt like sitting next to a living mosquito coil, the insects biting her instead.

It was rather late, so Xiao Qi didn't call her parents. Calling now would probably startle them awake, making them think something had happened to her. She figured she'd call tomorrow instead.

But Gumu Village was in fact not quiet, but very lively.

Especially at Lame Su's place.

Even Grandma Su had shown up.

Sitting in the living room filled with bamboo wares, Grandma Su usually found her eldest son's home dirty and messy. Yet today she steadily occupied a bamboo chair, not budging an inch.

"Youfu, why are you two still weaving baskets and whatnot? We saw it on TV, it's your daughter - you told me before Xiao Qi tested into Enhua University in Meng City, the marathon runner is your girl, said to be running very fast, second place, with prize money over a million yuan. If I were you, I'd be packing up now and moving to Meng City. What are you still doing here? How much can those baskets earn in a lifetime compared to a million?"

"Eldest son, you've always been useless. Sitting here all this time unable to let out a fart. Speak up! Give them a call and ask if it's Xiao Qi or not. A young girl getting so much money, what if something happens to her? Have her wire the money back here. Your uncle is having a longevity celebration soon and you're the eldest nephew - you need to give an appropriate gift and not lose face." Grandma Su righteously lectured.

Seeing the daughter-in-law Sheng Juanhua come out with hot water, Grandma Su looked at her disdainfully as well. All these years, only managing to pop out a money-losing girl, though her eldest still doted on her. Already old as she was, still dressing flashy in bright red and green clothes, looking coquettish.

After following her husband to sell woven wares several times, Sheng Juanhua had broadened her horizons somewhat, and was naturally plucky to start with, able to speak her mind. The two partners’ bamboo art sold even better. They had earned some money but remained frugal. The gaudy red and green clothes Grandma Su resented were old pajamas that had been worn for over ten years already, the hems tattered. Only now that she was more worldly, Sheng Juanhua carried herself with more confidence and grace that kept the ragged old pajamas from looking tawdry. But no matter the circumstance, there would be fault found.

"Mom, it's late already. Xiao Qi's probably asleep. She's still a child. Lots of people have the same name as on TV, and you've always said Xiao Qi was frail and weak, couldn't be raised up, so the winner couldn't be her - you probably saw wrong. Everyone should disperse for the night. We don't have field work tomorrow!" Sheng Juanhua said in her loud voice.

Grandma Su was somewhat at a loss after being rebuffed by her daughter-in-law. She used to criticize her eldest son's family for only having a useless girl, even cursing daily that she could never be raised and was as thin as a monkey, unable to grow up, saying it'd be safer to birth a son.

These words had been incessantly repeated for all to hear in the village.

The others had simply come to watch the fun, also half believing it implausible - after all it was a million yuan. But egged on by a few remarks, Grandma Su had been persuaded to come cause trouble, thinking about how her elder brother was about to have his longevity birthday, determined that if it really was her eldest grandkid's money, he'd have to contribute a substantial gift and send something decent, her mind filled with such thoughts. Now dressed down by her daughter-in-law, unable to step down, she cursed and grumbled as she left with the crowd.

With all the people gone, Sheng Juanhua and Su Youfu were left facing each other speechlessly.

Su Youfu had been dragged to the village shop by others to see the evening news broadcast.

While they didn't recognize her, how could he not recognize his own daughter? Standing amongst the crowded villagers watching the girl on screen running with all her might, tears had rolled down Su Youfu's face that he wiped away repeatedly with his sleeve.

The others only saw the million yuan prize. He saw his daughter striving there.

Crippled as he was, not to mention running, even walking was difficult.

His little girl was sprinting down that wide road. She was his daughter.

He felt proud, and pained.

But the pain was greater.
