Chapter 269

October 9th, Wednesday, sunny.

The second day of classes after the National Day holiday.

Perhaps on the first day of classes, everyone hadn't fully reacted yet, but by the second day, Su Xiaoqi felt like she was attracting a lot of attention when she went out.

When she reached the entrance of the dormitory area and even the cafeteria, she finally understood what was going on.

There was a banner hanging at the entrance of the dormitory area: Congratulations to Su Xiaoqi, a freshman from the Computer Science Department of our school, for winning second place in the women's division of the Meng City Marathon and breaking the record, winning a million-dollar prize.

There were several banners like this.


It was said that they were also hung at the school gate, the new area, and the entrance of the teaching building.

She didn't know who did it.

Mier went to inquire and said it was done by the Student Union. It wasn't specifically targeting Xiaoqi; whenever there was a major honor achieved outside the school, they would put up such banners.

Xiaoqi felt nervous and didn't like the feeling of being in the spotlight. Making a fortune quietly was her life principle.

It felt awkward to be pointed at by people when she went out like this.

And today she had to go to the Meng City downtown area. The interview that was supposed to take place earlier was rescheduled for tonight.

Xiaoqi had no choice but to find the Student Union president again.

Xiao Shengzhou didn't expect the young girl to come to him for help twice in one week.

Buying a house could be considered a rather strange matter, but he could understand it.

However, this time she asked if he could take down the banners...

Xiao Shengzhou saw the huge banners when he went to the student street, and it was a bit amusing. No wonder the young girl was anxious to find him.

He didn't know how things would turn out with her sudden wealth, but being hung on banners like this for publicity seemed quite awkward.

In the end, Xiao Shengzhou came up with a compromise. As the Student Union president, he couldn't use his power for personal gain, so the banners remained, but he had the name removed.

It became: Congratulations to the freshman from the Computer Science Department of our school for winning second place in the women's division of the Meng City Marathon, breaking the record, and winning a million-dollar prize.

Xiaoqi felt it was a little better without her name being mentioned and reluctantly accepted it.

Xiao Shengzhou asked if she would come to the racecourse in the afternoon.

She mentioned that she had to go to the TV station in the evening to record a program, so she couldn't go to the racecourse.

Xiao Shengzhou:...

Are all kids this calm now? That's going to the TV station to record a program, not going to the student street. "I happen to be going to Meng City this afternoon. I'll take you there," Xiao Shengzhou felt that this mysterious underclassman was unexpectedly capturing his heart.

Xiaoqi hesitated for a moment and agreed. It seemed like she had asked the Student Union president for help many times, and now it had turned into a situation where she owed him a lot.

Today, she was supposed to go to the TV station to record a program and originally planned to go with her roommates.

After all, it could be considered a big event, and Mier loved to join in the fun. She had never been to a TV station before.

Wei Cheng thought they could help carry bags and other things.

Yunshu appeared to be obedient, but in reality, she was the one in the dormitory who had seen the world the most. She felt that her roommates seemed a bit naive, so she decided to go as well. In case something happened, she could also help.

On Wednesday morning and afternoon, they had classes. In the morning, it was Macroeconomics and Calculus, and in the afternoon, it was Marketing. There was also a public course on college students' mental health education, but now it had become various lecture classes, and attendance was relatively relaxed.

The residents of Dorm Room Seven were all excited about skipping a lecture, but Mimi was feeling nervous early in the morning. During the macroeconomics class, taught by a young teacher from the same university, the atmosphere was relaxed and not very strict. Mimi couldn't concentrate on the lecture. After a while, she nudged Xiaoqi and asked, "What should I wear?"

What to wear?

This was almost the ultimate challenge for girls.

Last time, Xiaoqi and Jiajia went shopping for clothes, but they only bought outerwear like windbreakers, denim jackets, and a small leather jacket. They considered the cool weather and figured that adding a jacket would be enough.

They also bought some basic items from Uniqlo, like jeans, a white T-shirt, and a knitted cardigan. Because of Jiajia's influence, Xiaoqi chose a more vibrant color, a reddish-orange. Xiaoqi rarely wore such bright colors, but she liked it... Speaking of which, she was also a young girl, but compared to Jiajia, she felt like she seemed much older.

"Just wear that set from Uniqlo that you bought during National Day," Xiaoqi wrote in her notebook and discreetly passed it to Mimi during class.

"Uniqlo?" Mimi had never seen Xiaoqi wear it before, so she asked, "What's it like?"

Xiaoqi saw how curious she was, as if she wanted to get to the bottom of it. She had no choice but to pick up her pen and draw on her notebook, sketching out the outfit.

She planned to pair it with her new ankle boots, jeans, a white T-shirt, and a red knitted cardigan.

It wouldn't be too plain or too eye-catching. The quality seemed decent, so there shouldn't be any embarrassing mishaps like tearing.

When Mimi saw the drawing, her mouth formed a big "O." She had a classmate who was practically a fairy.

She could effortlessly draw clothes, pants, and shoes.

Did she have colored pencils in her drawer?

Seeing Mimi being playful, Xiaoqi nudged her again because Professor Shao had already glanced at her several times. If she weren't a girl, the professor probably would have thrown a chalk head at her by now.

Young teachers always cared about their image.

Mimi looked up and saw that the professor was indeed looking at her, so she became more obedient.

She blocked her textbook, took out her phone, and sent a message to the dormitory group, asking everyone what they would be wearing in the afternoon.

Xiaoqi felt her phone vibrate every now and then.

But she didn't take out her phone and instead focused on the class. Although Professor Shao's lecture was dry and boring, the course materials were well-prepared. She could learn by following along with the slides, and if she could solve something in class, she would do it there. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to drag it out until after class.

She gained knowledge from the class, and soon the lecture was over.

During Teacher Lu's calculus class, Mimi also restrained herself and didn't dare to be absent-minded.

Although Teacher Lu always had a smile on his face, he gave off an aura of authority and maintained great discipline in the classroom. Mimi was quick-witted, and as long as she put in a little effort, she did very well in her studies.

Xiaoqi also likes Teacher Lu very much. She is particularly focused during calculus class. She believes that besides the academic aspect, math exercises the brain and makes it more agile and efficient.

After class, a group of them go to eat together.

Mier is still discussing the profound philosophical question of what to wear.

In reality, only Yunshu and Mier have to worry about this philosophical question for a while. They both have a lot of clothes, so they have a wide selection. This time, Yunshu's family driver brought a big box of clothes for her.

Needless to say, Mier's family, being in the garment industry, lacks nothing when it comes to clothes.

As for Wei Cheng, even though she went home and came back, she only brought a backpack filled with food and didn't bring any clothes. There aren't many clothes at home either.

Xiaoqi is still fine as she bought a few pieces during the National Day holiday.

Wei Cheng decides to wear the hoodie that Mier gave her. It's her newest piece of clothing, thick and stylish, and she really likes it.

It's loose-fitting.

Yunshu didn't have any particular ideas at first and thought she could just wear anything. After all, her clothes are all expensive, so anything would do. Moreover, they were just accompanying Xiaoqi, but after being teased by Mier, she thought about it and decided to wear a dress. She has quite a few dresses, and she can just pair it with a small jacket.

Although Mier brought a lot of clothes, she feels that none of them are suitable and still can't decide.

After finishing their meal, they return to the dormitory and try on clothes for a while. In the end, Mier still feels that Xiaoqi's black leather jacket suits her well when paired with her own clothes.

There was originally only a half-length mirror on the bathroom sink in the dormitory, but Mier is quite particular about her appearance and had already bought a full-length mirror and brought it back.

It's common for the girls to borrow and try on each other's clothes. Xiaoqi bought some clothes that she hasn't worn yet, so she lets Mier do as she pleases.

Initially, Xiaoqi felt okay, but her roommates were even more anxious than her and changed their clothes too.

Mier always feels that she is dressed too plainly and wants Xiaoqi to wear a dress, but Xiaoqi feels uncomfortable in a dress, so it's better to forget about it.

After all the commotion in the dormitory, if Mier continues to fuss around, they'll have to give up their nap time. Xiaoqi quickly lies down on her bed for a short rest.

There's still another class in the afternoon, Marketing.

They can only leave after attending the class.

Xiaoqi's mindset is still fine. Mainly, if she's not focused in class, she'll get nervous herself, so she might as well concentrate and study.

The content of the Marketing class is quite interesting. Teacher Shi has brought in many case studies, some of which Xiaoqi and the others are familiar with, such as certain ridiculous advertisements like "Brain Platinum" and "Sheep, Sheep, Sheep." Surprisingly, these are all successful cases. Come to think of it, even though they are particularly ridiculous, it seems like the whole nation knows about them.

During the break, Xiaoqi takes out the painting she made during their previous picnic and shows it to Teacher Shi.

She feels quite good about it. At the time, her state of mind was also good, and she's somewhat satisfied with this painting. However, she can't quite express it and feels that there are still many shortcomings. It seems that she can appreciate it herself, but it's difficult to reach a wider audience.

Teacher Shi's eyes lit up when he saw this painting and he commented, "Very good. You can feel a sense of tranquility and distance in the painting, as well as a hint of nostalgia. The brushwork is still somewhat immature, but with more practice..."

Xiaoqi immediately felt that Teacher Shi was indeed an artist. She knew that he must have a better appreciation for art than she did. She had a sense of nostalgia in her mind, thinking of the ancient trees and the village, and she found the scene before her to be peaceful and beautiful. However, she struggled to merge herself with the painting.

After several attempts at painting, Xiaoqi felt that a painting could better express a person's emotions and what they wanted to say, but she always felt that something was missing.

In the second class, Xiaoqi was a little absent-minded while listening to the lesson.

Coincidentally, Teacher Shi began to talk about his own peculiar life experiences... Xiaoqi looked up at the screen in front of her, where a small gray-green bean was lying quietly. She hadn't said anything yet.

The mechanical voice asked, "Has the host used a talent seed in painting?"

Xiaoqi thought to herself that she hadn't made up her mind yet, but her mind seemed to be a step ahead, so she answered honestly, "Yes..."
