Chapter 278

During class, the rain outside the window grew heavier.

But it could not cover up the mechanical sounds in Xiao Qi's ears, ding ding dong dong.

"The host ran hard, persisted in exercising, and through her own efforts obtained huge rewards, bringing positive energy to the students around her. The system is upgraded to a level 10 progressive system. The host will earn 1.0 yuan for every step, capped at 30,000 steps per day."

Xiao Qi calculated that one yuan per step equaled 30,000 yuan every day.

She felt like the system had been upgrading pretty fast these past two days.

The system had been silent for a long time now, she didn't know the rules for its upgrades.


Could it be that some greatly influential deed had to be done?

Xiao Qi mulled it over without figuring it out. Just then, she heard the P.E. teacher at the podium taking her as a case study example and talking nonstop. She didn't expect the P.E. teacher to be so eloquent.

She also didn't expect there to be so many professional things to say about her running.

She actually wanted to stand up and say, "No, it wasn't me, I don't know..."

Because she had to walk at least 30,000 steps every day, running had become a habit.

In preparation for the marathon, she had watched many videos to adjust her stride, but she didn't really understand the theoretical knowledge. She could only rely on her feel to continually correct her motions, the coordination between her limbs, breathing, etc. Now at the part with the P.E. teacher talking about turbine breathing methods and such, she hadn't even heard of those things before...

So when her classmates looked at her admiringly, Xiao Qi felt very ashamed.

The P.E. teacher had basically spent the entire class period praising Xiao Qi. Xiao Qi: ...Teacher, could you talk about something else?

In the next class, the teacher didn't talk about running anymore. Xiao Qi breathed a sigh of relief. But then she saw a big picture of a swimming pool appear on the projector screen behind the teacher...

The second class was theoretical knowledge about swimming. There was a ready-made case study example - the Women's 200m Freestyle Swimming Champion of Jingnan Province was in their class this year.

P.E. teacher Gao Juan had only found out about this freakishly awesome student in his class because of the marathon competition.

As the teacher, he had earnestly looked up the competition footage and materials to watch. Since it happened to be raining, he used it for the theory lesson for the students. After all, P.E. class regulations stipulated that 20% of classes had to be theory lessons.

When Xiao Qi appeared on the big screen wearing a swimsuit, the class erupted into exclamations from both the boys and girls.

The most discussed thing wasn't the swimming form, but rather how long her legs were and how straight, how fair her skin was.

Li Weijin, who rarely paid attention in class and was always sleeping on the desk, now sat up ramrod straight with a serious expression on his face. Yet his collarbone burned with heat the entire time, he felt like his whole collarbone must be red.

Looking at the slides on the projector screen playing photos and videos, he felt that girl was so pretty. Her face didn't have a trace of makeup on it, clean and good-looking. Her eyes held a kind of determination he had never seen before.

And she really did seem tiny, she looked just like a particularly especially little girl.

Li Weijin was a little over 1.8 meters tall. Xiao Qi was 1.6 meters. But in the video wearing a swimsuit she looked even thinner, probably because she was flat-chested, so she resembled a little girl who hadn't finished growing up.

Very nice-looking, but she wouldn't arouse indecent thoughts in anyone.

Then in the second period, mechanical sounds arose in Xiao Qi's ears again, ding ding dong dong.

"The host has beautiful swimming form and a positive attitude, bringing wholesome positive energy to the surrounding students and gaining admiration from 5 classmates. Rewarding the host with +1 smell sensitivity, improving smell to reach the sensitivity of an African elephant."

Xiao Qi: ...

She remembered that when her smell was previously upgraded to be like a dog's, she had to adapt for a long time after that upgrade. She would often smell really bad cooking oil fumes when going to small restaurants. The stench passing some places became especially unbearable.

The effect of a +1 upgrade after that? Wouldn't she have to re-adapt again?

Were elephants even more sensitive than dogs?

She couldn't resist asking curiously if there were smell sensitivity levels. She originally thought the system wouldn't answer. But the system unexpectedly gave a standard, orderly response.

"The basic level of smell is an ordinary human. The entry level smell is equal to a dog's. Next in order are the African elephant, great white shark, grizzly bear."

Xiao Qi strangely felt she had gotten a science lesson. She thought dogs had the most sensitive sense of smell among animals, she didn't expect there to be this many other animals.

She even specifically searched it up. She discovered African elephants have 1948 scent detection genes that can detect water 12 miles away, their sense of smell is extremely reliable.

Over two-thirds of a great white shark's brain controls its sense of smell. It can smell a drop of blood a kilometer away and then go hunt it.

The sense of smell king turned out to be the lumbering bear. A bear's brain is one third the size of a human's, but its olfactory region is five times bigger. A bear's sense of smell is 2100 times better than a human's. Bears can detect animal carcasses 20 miles away. For mother bears emitting intense pheromones, polar bears can detect smells 100 miles away.

Super curious about the smell upgrade, Xiao Qi directly ignored those 5 admiring classmates, which included 2 contributed by female classmates...

Xiao Qi felt she was immediately surrounded by various smells.

She could even smell that the student sitting second from the window in the back row must have eaten egg rolls from the cafeteria this morning.

Chu Yu who sat in front seemed to have sprayed perfume, a faint orchid fragrance.

And Li Weijin who sat behind Chu Yu had also sprayed perfume, but it was some medicinal smell? Kind of like ginseng??

The smell on monitor Cai Yu who sat in the third row from the back middle overlapped with the smell on vice monitor Yue Lai who sat in the front third row...this was normal too. After all the monitor and vice monitor seemed to be dating, they had gone public.

But the smell on vice academic affairs committee member Mao Wenshu unexpectedly matched the smell of another girl in the class. She was very quiet, Xiao Qi didn't normally pay attention. She just had good memory and remembered her name was Liu Xiaoli. She wore black-framed glasses and twin braids, seeming rather ordinary and didn't talk much either. But these two people's smells were the same...

There was also a perfume smell on Su Li who sat by the window in the fourth row. Very special, it was a scent mixing grass, trees, and mango. Pretty nice-smelling, it felt like the best smelling of all the perfumes. The mango scent was refreshing, the grass and tree scent a little fresh and sharp.

But the feet of publicity committee member Chen Daen who sat in the fifth middle row...seemed to be emitting a strange smell.

Smelling this, Xiao Qi's complexion immediately changed. She hurriedly stopped voluntarily opening her sense of smell to keep sniffing, urgently trying to remember how to seal off her sense of smell like before.

Because after catching a whiff of someone's foot odor, all kinds of foot smells drilled was simply a disaster...

Xiao Qi raised her head and continued to listen seriously. But she saw the screen had frozen on a picture of her beaming foolishly, holding up a huge sign that said 20,000 yuan.

Xiao Qi: ...

Teacher, could you be a little more serious when teaching?
