Chapter 199

Consort Chen spoke unhurriedly: "Your servant has a child on the way. I have long since handed over all these matters for Consort Ying to handle."

The Empress Dowager saw through Consort Chen's careful thoughts.

She deliberately placed Tong Rongyue towards the back so that she would be exposed to the sun for longer, leaving her in less than optimal condition and making it difficult for her to gain Xiao Jingheng's favor.

However, the Empress Dowager did not say anything, simply letting out a cold snort before letting her gaze fall upon Tong Rongyue.

She looked very different from those coquettish beauties at her side.

She wore a smoke-green cloud patterned Hibiscus shirt, with her bangs simply tied back.


The intricate make-up on the other women's faces had mostly been smudged by sweat, appearing blotchy. Only she, with her bare face untouched by powders and rouge, looked fair despite the sweat. She stood out from the rest.

The Empress Dowager said, "The beauty on the left in the third row, step forward."

Hearing her name called, Rongyue gracefully stepped out from the line and moved forwards. She bowed gracefully towards the Empress Dowager and Consort Chen, her voice as sweet as a warbling oriole,

"Your servant Tong Rongyue greets the Empress Dowager and Consort Chen. May the Empress Dowager enjoy great fortune and health. Consort Chen, may you live for a thousand years in peace and security."

Consort Chen narrowed her eyes as she looked her over.

She had a tall and slender figure, a swan-like neck, straight yet delicate shoulders.

Crescent brows, phoenix eyes, a tall and upturned nose, red moist lips, plus jet black lustrous hair, though simply coiled up, still could not conceal her graceful aura.

She had seen Rongyue's portrait in the registry of beauties. The real person was even more stunning than the painting had depicted.

While she may not be as alluring as Song Zhao in looks alone, compared to Song Zhao she was of higher birth as the legitimate daughter of her household. A woman like her entering the palace would be yet another rival to contend with. Consort Chen certainly wanted to trip her up. Just then, the Empress Dowager asked her, "Your father is an Admiral of the navy. Your family should be quite well off. Then why do you come today looking so simply dressed, when you know there is a selection?"

Rongyue stood straight and replied:

"I was prepared, but woke late today and feared missing the appointed time, so I rushed over without time to dress up. I hope the Empress Dowager will pardon me."

Hearing this, the smile that had just crept onto the corners of the Empress Dowager's mouth quickly disappeared without a trace.

To sleep in on such an important occasion for the selection showed she did not take this seriously. And she even dared to admit this out loud?

The Empress Dowager then realized either this girl was a fool or she did not respect imperial grace.

Seeing that the Empress Dowager fell silent, Consort Chen sternly said:

"Lady Tong has shown disrespect towards imperial grace and violated taboos. Drag her away. She may never be selected again."

Hearing this, Rongyue felt a flash of joy in her heart, though she did not let it show on her face.

She smoothed her skirt and knelt on the ground, bowing to the high platform three times:

"Your servant bears no intention to offend the Empress Dowager and Consort Chen. I hope you both pardon me."

The Empress Dowager glanced at Consort Chen out of the corner of her eye.

Seeing a smug smile playing at the corners of her lips, clearly very self-satisfied, she thought to herself that with the deposing of the Empress, Consort Chen now stood high alone, while Song Zhao had favor but no powerful background, unable to contend with Consort Chen.

The inner palace had always stressed balance in governance. And now there was the daughter of an Admiral coming in, which could serve to restrain Consort Chen.

Just as the palace maid moved to drag Tong Rongyue away, she raised her hand and said:

"Wait. While she made a mistake, at least she understands the rules. If it were anyone else who had been dragged from the palace forbidden from selection, she would surely have panicked and wailed, begging for mercy. Yet she remains composed."

She glanced at Consort Chen before letting her gaze settle on Rongyue, implying meaning in her words:

"The emperor needs someone level-headed at his side to serve him. She may stay."

Consort Chen quickly tried to block this: "Esteemed Empress Dowager, upholding the rules is paramount in the palace. This candidate was already negligent in her preparations for the selection. If she enters the palace, would she not blunder even more, disrupting the peace of the inner palace?" "Then do you understand the rules?" asked the Empress Dowager, narrowing her eyes to glare at Consort Chen. "If you violate the rules, this dowager will issue an decree, and then you would have overstepped."

The two of them snarled at each other, frightening the selection candidates until they seemed to stop breathing. Consort Chen could only reluctantly concede:

"Since it pleases the Empress Dowager, then let her stay."

The eunuch promptly declared: "Tong Rongyue is granted a token and awarded a fragrance sachet!"

The gold filigree sachet was placed into Rongyue's hands.

Her palm was very cool; clasping that sachet made it seem like she was grasping ice, sending chills to her heart.

For a moment, she was lost in thought while the others assumed her dumbstruck with joy. Consort Chen snapped:

"What are you standing there for? Kneel and give thanks!"

Only then did Rongyue say: "Your servant gives thanks to the Empress Dowager and Consort Chen."

In truth, Consort Chen had known early on that with Tong Rongyue's background and looks, her selection was inevitable.

So she had deliberately moved Rongyue's position towards the back. Under the vicious sun, no matter how great her beauty, after being scorched for so long she certainly wouldn't look her best, and thus fail to astonish Xiao Jingheng.

Not even Consort Chen had expected that Xiao Jingheng would leave before Rongyue had come on stage. With things having already progressed to this point, the rest would be easy to handle.

Consort Chen had deliberately provoked the argument with the Empress Dowager just now. She wanted these selection candidates to see the Empress Dowager scold Consort Chen in order to keep Tong Rongyue, implicitly indicating that Tong Rongyue had offended Consort Chen.

Everyone knew Consort Chen was currently in highest favor in the inner palace.

These clever candidates would surely take action without Consort Chen needing to make a move, and tidy up Tong Rongyue on her behalf.

On this day of selections, including Tong Rongyue, a total of five candidates had been chosen in the end. As these girls all had families living outside the capital, they would temporarily reside in the Crimson Study within the palace. After their positions were assigned and living quarters selected, they would move into the Six Palaces.

As the group was led towards the Crimson Study by the eunuchs, the other girls were busy befriending each other, while Rongyue alone limped slowly at the back.

Her personal maid Cai Ying supported her, gently reminding her:

"My lady, you have been selected. This is the palace. You should appear happier."

Rongyue lightly nodded her head, forcing out a smile but not replying.
