Chapter 244

Consort Hui's temperament was indeed as Xiao Jingheng had said, the most carefree.

The next day when Song Zhao went to see her at Zhaochun Palace, she saw Consort Hui looking as carefree as if nothing had happened, already chatting and laughing with Rongyue and the others, as if she hadn't taken yesterday's incident to heart at all.

Seeing Song Zhao come, she immediately stood up to greet her,

"Sister Song~ I was just telling Sister Li and the others I wanted to come find you~"

Consort Hui seemed oddly happy, which puzzled Song Zhao.

Before she could respond, she saw Consort Hui craning her neck curiously at the food box in Yun Shan's hands, smacking her lips and asking:


"What nice things are those?"

Yun Shan smiled and opened the box. Seeing the dishes inside, Consort Hui's cat-like eyes lit up with a layer of lively light.

"Wow! Shredded fish with garlic sprouts, braised pork with preserved vegetables, shrimp with Longjing tea, and...fried silkie chicken! These are all my favorites, but the Imperial Food Management Bureau don't like to make them because they're too much trouble."

Song Zhao smiled and said, "Made according to the flavors of home, I figured my sister would like them. Actually, about yesterday..."

"Master Tong apologized to me already. I don't blame my sisters at all."

Consort Hui casually picked up a shrimp and popped it into her mouth, munching away with great satisfaction.

After swallowing it down, she said somewhat glumly,

"I just can't get over it in my heart, afraid my sisters will look down on me and not want to play with me anymore."

Rongyue said, "Your Ladyship worries too much. Since we entered the palace, Your Ladyship has always treated us like sisters. How could we ever grow distant from you?"

Li Changzai also said, "Which of the other principal consorts would condescend to dine with us lowly concubines like Consort Hui? For us to serve in Your Ladyship's palace is our good fortune." Consort Hui giggled and naturally took Song Zhao's hand. "Since Sister Song is here, keep me company for the meal! It's more fun with lots of people to eat these delicious things~"

Song Zhao smiled. "Of course."

As the servants were setting out the dishes, Consort Hui couldn't wait and had already started picking at the braised pork with her chopsticks.

She ate with relish, frequently praising Song Zhao's cooking skills,

"Sister Song is so skilled, just like my mother's cooking~ So delicious!"

Song Zhao used a kerchief to wipe away the oil at the corner of Consort Hui's lips, gently saying, "I'm glad you like it, but eat slower, don't choke."

"Oh right, Sister Song, you were so right! This morning His Majesty sent Eunuch Jiang to pass word that he'll be taking me along on his southern tour!" "Oh? That's wonderful news. My sister has been longing to reunite with family, now your heart can be at ease."

In the midst of chatting, Yun Shan had finished setting out all the dishes.

The last dish was the famous Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, also one of Consort Hui's favorites that Song Zhao had gotten up early to stew for her.

Underneath the pot of Buddha Jumps Over the Wall a small brazier still bubbled away. The rich white soup churned and boiled, and just the smell of it was mouthwatering.

Li Changzai praised, "Her Ladyship the Noble Consort is truly skilled. This Buddha Jumps Over the Wall looks, smells and tastes perfect, I dare say it's better than the Imperial Food Management Bureau's."

Song Zhao smiled. "Li sister flatters me. You haven't even tasted it yet, how do you know it's good?"

Since the dish was in front of Song Zhao, she gently told everyone, "Since you say so, I shall serve each of you a bowl myself. Don't just flatter me."

Song Zhao picked up a porcelain soup spoon, intending to personally serve them the soup.

For a high-ranked consort to serve lower-ranked concubines was a tremendous honor. Li Changzai and Rongyue held out their jade bowls, waiting respectfully for Song Zhao's "reward".

The greedy little Consort Hui couldn't wait either, and had also brought her bowl close to Song Zhao.

When Song Zhao was serving her, thinking she liked to eat, she first layered the bottom of the bowl with a full layer of seafood.

Perhaps the ingredients were too chunky, when she later tried to spoon in the soup, just one spoonful caused the soup to overflow.

The scalding soup splashed onto the web between Consort Hui's thumb and index finger.

Although just a few drops, it still burnt her and made her cry out softly as she immediately let go of the bowl.

The soup and ingredients spilled towards the west side of the table. Li Changzai and Rongyue almost simultaneously stood and backed away to avoid getting splashed.

Song Zhao hurriedly got to her feet and grasped Consort Hui's hand to check it carefully.

"Sister, are you alright? I'm so muddleheaded..." She gently pressed her fingertips over the web between Consort Hui's right thumb and index finger.

Consort Hui didn't take it to heart. She shook her head and looked longingly at the mess on the table, somewhat regretfully saying:

"It's just a waste of Sister Song's efforts..."

Song Zhao held her hand and gently blew over the slightly reddened wound.

"The important thing is you're not hurt. Tell me what foods you like and I'll have Yun Shan make them and send them to you, you can eat your fill."

Later, when the servants had cleaned up the table, everyone finished off the remaining dishes.

When it was past noon, Song Zhao said it was almost time for the Emperor's afternoon nap, and only then left Zhaochun Palace.

Upon returning to her palace, seeing the beautiful blooming plum blossoms covered in snow in the courtyard, she had Yun Shan accompany her on a stroll around the courtyard.

As mistress and servant walked, Yun Shan looked around in confusion and said:

"Little Fu Zi has run off somewhere again."

Speak of the devil - no sooner had she said this than they saw Little Fu Zi rushing back to the palace, footsteps hurried.

He quickly went before Song Zhao and bowed respectfully. As Song Zhao admired the plum blossoms, she casually asked him:

"What did you find out?"

Little Fu Zi said: "In response, Your Ladyship, Zhi Hua has been keeping an eye on Consort Hui as you ordered. Zhi Hua says Consort Hui spends all day in her palace only eating, drinking, and playing around. She seems cheerful every day, nothing out of the ordinary. After you left yesterday, when Master Tong came to apologize and make amends, Consort Hui did not make things difficult for them..."

He stared at the darkening of Song Zhao's eyes, hesitated briefly, then continued:

"Also about the incident where the Crown Prince was nearly harmed in Plum Garden. Zhi Hua said the night before they went to Plum Garden to pray for blessings, Consort Yao played chess with Consort Hui. The next day Consort Hui woke late and almost missed the auspicious time for praying.

She rushed to Plum Garden in a fluster, didn't even have time to put on her robe. The warmer was prepared by Your Ladyship, and Zhi Hua was with Consort Hui the whole time that day. She indeed did not notice anything strange about her."

Yun Shan said: "From how you describe it, Consort Hui seems completely innocent this time. Could we have misunderstood her?"

Song Zhao casually plucked a plum blossom covered in snow, and coldly laughed:

"The murky waters of the inner palace cannot nurture such a clean fish."

Having said this, she shook the snow off the plum blossom into her palm.

Taking advantage of Yun Shan lost in thought, she suddenly stuffed the snow down the collar of Yun Shan's robe...
