Chapter 406

Xiao Yinzi gave a wry smile and respectfully handed a book to Zhao Hua.

Zhao Hua slowly flipped through the pages, reading about the discussions among the concubines regarding her elevation to the position of empress.

There were praises and criticisms, both positive and negative.

It was evident that the servants in each palace had eavesdropped on their masters' conversations and compiled them for Xiao Yinzi.

This indicated that although Xiao Yinzi was still under the control of Jiang Deshun, his ambitions had already surfaced.

However, Zhao Hua didn't read the entire book.


She only casually glanced through two pages and then closed it, looking at Xiao Yinzi with clear eyes as she asked, "Did Minister Yin bring me these things to let me know who in the palace sincerely supports me and who has reservations about me?"

Xiao Yinzi bowed and said, "I serve the Emperor and also serve the Empress. Therefore, I must consider and think for the Empress in all matters."

"Oh?" Zhao Hua smiled even more, her eyebrows raised as she casually caressed the golden armor on her little finger.

"Then tell me, what should I do about Consort Yun's private remarks that I am unworthy of the position, claiming that I am a fox spirit reborn?"

Xiao Yinzi's eyes turned cold, and he lowered his voice as he said fiercely, "Your Majesty is the Empress, and Consort Yun is just a concubine. If she speaks disrespectfully, Your Majesty can personally reprimand her. Or if Your Majesty doesn't want to lose the reputation of being gentle and virtuous, you can..."

He paused, looking at Zhao Hua and said word by word, "You can let me privately advise the Emperor and exaggerate the matter. Consort Yun will be at a loss for words and will have to beg for Your Majesty's help."

"Hehe." Zhao Hua lightly touched her temple, laughing coldly as she shook her head. "Minister Yin should understand that collusion between eunuchs and concubines in front of the Emperor is a capital offense."

Xiao Yinzi trembled and said fearfully, "If it weren't for the Empress's protection last time, I'm afraid I would have already lost my life. Serving the Emperor is like being with a tiger. When the teacher retires, I fear that I will again incur the Emperor's anger and have no one to protect my life."

As he spoke, he suddenly dropped to his knees, kowtowing to Zhao Hua repeatedly.

"I only hope that in the future, I can have the Empress's protection and mercy."

"You don't have to wait for the future." Zhao Hua lifted the teacup by her side and took a sip, casually saying, "Right now, I can protect you." "Let me go! Let me go!"


Almost as soon as Zhao Hua's words fell, a loud argument could be heard from outside the door.

Xiao Yinzi turned his head and saw Xiao Fuzi dragging a stumbling little eunuch inside.

The little eunuch was the one who had accompanied Xiao Yinzi to Fengluan Palace earlier to deliver gifts to Zhao Hua. Seeing him now, Xiao Yinzi was also quite astonished as he asked, "Xiao Zhuozi? May I ask, Fuzi, what crime has he committed?"

Xiao Fuzi solemnly said, "This rascal was peeking into the Empress's chamber through the window in the rear courtyard, who knows what he was trying to see!"

Xiao Zhuozi was immediately apprehended, and his face turned pale with fear. However, he still stubbornly denied, "I didn't... I just happened to pass by. I wasn't peeking at the Empress!"

"Passing by?" Zhao Hua burst into laughter. "Just behind the main hall, even stray cats are too lazy to wander. Where are you passing through? Yun Shan..."

Upon Zhao Hua's call, Yun Shan immediately understood. His face darkened in an instant as he retorted:

"It seems you're unwilling to speak! Xiao Fuzi, this person dared to spy on the Empress, which is a grave offense within the palace. Drag him out immediately and beat him to death with a club!"

Yun Shan's stern command startled Xiao Zhuozi, and Xiao Fuzi wasted no time, grabbing him by the collar and attempting to drag him out of the room.

Xiao Zhuozi paled, hastily pleading, "Empress, spare me! I... I'll talk!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Fuzi let go of him and instead kicked his calf, forcing him to kneel before Zhao Hua. Leaning close, Xiao Fuzi threatened in a low voice:

"If you dare utter a single false word, I'll make sure to cut out your tongue!"

Cold sweat the size of beans trickled down Xiao Zhuozi's forehead as he stammered:

"It was Jiang Deshun... Jiang Deshun sent me to keep an eye on Xiao Yinzi, to see what he was saying to the Empress..."

These words pierced Xiao Yinzi's ears like the icy wind of winter, freezing him to the core from the inside out.

Among all the people in the palace, Xiao Yinzi trusted Jiang Deshun the most, and he understood Jiang Deshun's character well.

Jiang Deshun was unwaveringly loyal to Xiao Jingheng, always putting Xiao Jingheng's interests above all else, even willing to sacrifice his own life for him.

If Jiang Deshun were to learn about the conversation between Xiao Yinzi and Zhao Hua today, he would undoubtedly report it truthfully to Xiao Jingheng.

And then, Xiao Yinzi would have no way out.

While Xiao Yinzi was bewildered and at a loss, Zhao Hua appeared remarkably composed. She calmly scrutinized Xiao Zhuozi for a moment before saying: "Xiao Zhuozi, how many years have you been serving in the palace?"

"Se... Seven years."

"Oh, I can see that you have all your limbs intact. You clearly have wit and know how to adapt to the situation. So, let me ask you, do you understand the current situation in the palace?"

Xiao Zhuozi didn't dare to speak rashly and could only timidly shake his head.

Zhao Hua smiled warmly and said, "Jiang Deshun will soon retire from his position. Xiao Yinzi is the most likely candidate to replace him as the new eunuch. If you understand how to keep your mouth shut today, consider it as a favor given to Xiao Yinzi. When he assumes the position of the new eunuch, he won't forget to promote you.

Of course, this is just a suggestion from me. You can also choose not to listen and instead go back and tell Jiang Deshun everything you overheard from me. But..."

At this point, Zhao Hua's smile froze on her face, and her tone turned serious:

"You heard it all. Every word was spoken by Xiao Yinzi alone. I didn't entertain his words. If you reveal this to Jiang Deshun and he turns around and tells the Emperor, causing the Emperor to suspect me, thinking that I am unsettled, then you will be the culprit who destroyed the relationship between the Emperor and me."

Zhao Hua leaned slightly forward, her gaze sharp as she uttered each word with emphasis.

"If that is truly the case, then I can only cut off your hands and feet and throw you into Xinze Prison, letting you fend for yourself."

Xiao Zhuozi was terrified, kowtowing to Zhao Hua repeatedly, begging for mercy:

"Your Majesty, please spare me! I... I will be cautious with my words and actions and will not cause any trouble for Your Majesty."

Only then did Zhao Hua regain her gentle smile and said with satisfaction:

"Alright, I trust you. You may leave."

Relieved as if granted a general amnesty, Xiao Zhuozi wiped away his sweat and hurriedly left.

After he left, Xiao Yinzi took a while to recover and still tremblingly said:

"Your Majesty... Will Xiao Zhuozi turn around and inform his master?"

"Who in this palace is not plotting for their own future? I have already shown him a way out. Why would anyone ignore a good path and seek death? Have you ever seen such a person?"

Xiao Yinzi shook his head in a daze, but the cold sweat had long soaked his back.

Zhao Hua looked him up and down, sneering, and said:

"Do you know why, even though both of you serve the Emperor, you almost lost your head while his master has enjoyed a good life for so many years?"

Xiao Yinzi clumsily shook his head, and Zhao Hua continued:

"Because his master holds unwavering loyalty and understands the principle of serving only one master. What you said to me today, I will disregard it as if it were nothing. You go back and carefully think through these principles. When you have truly understood, come and tell me how you choose your own path in the future."
