Chapter 477

The main hall of Xian Shou Palace was considerably larger than Feng Luan Palace.

In fact, these two palaces were originally the same size, but after Zhao Hua moved in, she had the Buddha statues and shrines enshrined in the main hall transferred to the Ten Buddha Hall at Cloud Terrace, making this space appear much more open and spacious now.

At this moment, the women seated in the hall had varied expressions on their faces.

Some appeared serene and smiling, while others looked gloomy and distressed.

Among them were many newcomers who had just entered the palace and had not yet served in the imperial bedchamber, destined to live the rest of their lives as perpetual widows.

Most of them, however, had willingly squeezed their way into the palace in pursuit of glory and riches, like moths drawn to a flame, and now faced this outcome. Who could they blame but themselves?


After they paid respects to Zhao Hua, she gestured for them to take their seats.

"For those former palace ladies, maids-in-waiting, and nobles, I will bestow upon you the rank of Imperial Consort, allowing you to spend your twilight years in the palace with the monthly stipend of a consort."

She paused, then added an unnecessary question:

"Or if any of you still harbor feelings for the late Emperor and wish to guard his tomb, I shall also grant you permission."

Her words were met with silence in the hall.

Those who had once flattered and curried favor with Xiao Jingheng now found their efforts moot with his passing.

Zhao Hua smiled wistfully and continued:

"As Imperial Consorts, you will no longer need to follow the rule of attending morning and evening court sessions as you did when you were Consorts. Instead, you may choose your preferred activities within the palace. I will also permit your family members to visit you once a year for a reunion." The women replied in unison, "We are deeply grateful for the Empress Dowager's benevolence."

Zhao Hua smiled faintly and nodded. "The late Emperor's funeral has just concluded, and you all must be weary. Let us adjourn for today."

The women paid their respects and prepared to leave, but a few remained seated, unwilling to depart.

Once most had left, Qimu Ge let out a short sigh and said wistfully:

"Finally, we have waited for this day. In the past, I always thought that once he was gone, I would feel relieved. But somehow, last night, I still dreamed of him... To be honest, which of us women did not give our true hearts to the late Emperor? But now that we mention this, it all seems like a fleeting dream."

Ru Naren said, "Speaking of regrets, I truly feel sorry for Sister Ning. Sisters, why did she go to such lengths? The late Emperor was already doomed, yet she insisted on poisoning him... Now, in the end, she has lost her own life as well."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Hua smiled bitterly and said softly, "She has found her release."

Ru Naren did not understand. "As long as one is alive, there is still hope. Now that she is dead, isn't everything lost? Sister Ning was not even afraid of death - what was she so afraid of in life?"

Indeed, as long as one is alive, there is still hope.

But for someone who has experienced utter despair,

is living really better?

If Ning Wanshuang were still alive, she would likely spend the rest of her life consumed by guilt towards her family, resentment towards her lover, and remorse towards her children.

For her, perhaps death was the better outcome.

The past is now behind her, and with her last breath, this life of hers has come to an end. If she could not hope for a sweet ending, may she find peace and protection in her next life, free from the torments of this mortal world.

Whenever Zhao Hua discussed Ning Wanshuang, she still felt a pang of sorrow, her eyes brimming with tears.

Not wishing to shed tears in public, she turned to Qimu Ge and Ru Naren and changed the subject lightheartedly:

"I had promised that after this matter is resolved, I would allow both of you to return to your hometowns. We can merely say that you have gone to mourn the late Emperor. No one will question a dead man."

"It is time to leave," Qimu Ge said with a dashing smile, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "It has been years since I rode a horse, and just thinking about it makes my bones feel weak."

Ru Naren also smiled in agreement, "Yes, yes, when you have time, Sister, you must come to Mongolia. I will treat you to the tenderest beef and mutton, and take you to the Gegentala Grassland to watch the sunrise. We can ride horses and drink amid the waving grass!"

Qimu Ge nodded vigorously and high-fived her in perfect accord. "It's a deal!"

The two of them had grown up on the grasslands, and without Xiao Jingheng's interference, they had become good friends.

As they joked and laughed, Zhao Hua cast an envious glance at Ru Ge, who was seated nearby, and softly asked her, "What about you, Sister Nalan? Do you wish to return home?"

Ru Ge looked at Zhao Hua in surprise, and after a long pause, she timidly said, "Can I?"

"Of course," Zhao Hua smiled warmly. "However, you can no longer use the surname Nalan. You will have to live in obscurity. You are a wonderful girl, and perhaps in the not-too-distant future, you will encounter a man who truly cherishes you."

These seemingly simple words were filled with a comforting power.

Ru Ge was an introverted and sensitive soul. At this moment, she nodded with tears in her eyes, choked with emotion. After a while, she struggled to say, "Thank you, Sister Zhao Hua!"

These women, who had lived their entire lives bound by etiquette and rules, had finally found the courage to stand up against the oppression of imperial power over women - a truly remarkable feat.

And Zhao Hua had promised them all a fulfilling conclusion.

These beautiful flowers deserved to bloom in lush valleys and by clear springs,

not trapped in this gilded cage for others' amusement.

Later that day, Zhao Hua dismissed the others but kept Rongyue behind.

The two sisters looked at each other, their unspoken understanding apparent.

Zhao Hua playfully teased Rongyue, "Sister Rong... no, wait. I should call you Sister-in-law now."

"Zhao Hua!" Rongyue chided her with a flushed face. "What nonsense are you saying......"

"How is it nonsense?"

Zhao Hua arched an eyebrow and gestured behind Rongyue, saying softly:

"Sister, look who has arrived."

Rongyue was momentarily taken aback.

As she slowly turned around and made eye contact with the person behind her, her pupils trembled, and tears streamed down her face.
