Chapter 151

At night, the castle manor was a different kind of beautiful scenery.

In the middle of the tulip-filled terrace was a small fountain. Looking from the direction of the terrace cafe, it faced the endless sea. The ocean was especially gentle tonight without wind or waves, reflecting the brilliant starry sky. The entire sea surface shimmered and shattered the moonlight.

The butler they had seen before brought over two drinks with lemon slices and said something to her in French. Zhong Ruanxing looked blankly at Song JinXing, not understanding.

He smiled and translated: "He said you're the most beautiful lady he's ever seen."

Zhong Ruanxing's eyes shone brightly. "How do you say 'thank you' in French?"

With Song JinXing's low, attractive voice, speaking French was especially charming: "Merci."


Zhong Ruanxing imitated his pronunciation. She lightly lifted her own skirt in a somewhat playful gesture, curtsied towards the butler and said "Merci!"

The butler revealed an exaggerated, flattered expression and returned a gentlemanly bow in response.

Zhong Ruanxing repeated the new word a couple times, still reluctant to stop. "Song JinXing, will you teach me French in the future? In case we switch identities again someday, I won't be able to speak and will give ourselves away."

Song JinXing smiled and nodded: "Okay."

He probably understood now where Zhong You's social cow tendencies came from.

She was like a bright pearl, shining brilliantly wherever she went.

The drink had a refreshing lemon scent, with some stimulating bubbles that tingled the taste buds. Zhong Ruanxing sat down on the terrace sofa, drink in hand, and finally remembered the purpose she had come to find him tonight. She smiled at him, raising her glass: "Chairman Song, you did very well today."

Song JinXing also smiled and leaned over to clink glasses with her: "Thank you for the compliment, Miss Zhong."

When he called her "Miss Zhong", it was a perfectly normal form of address. But coming from his mouth, it seemed to always carry a hint of flirtation. Zhong Ruanxing finally understood what it meant to favor someone.

And she was also extremely clear that she was deeply addicted to this favoritism.

At this moment, she was more certain than ever that she was special to him. This feeling of being special no longer came solely from the secret of their body swapping. Every time his deep, penetrating gaze looked at her, it stirred her precarious sanity, like a silent coaxing, tempting her to open that floodgate.

At this moment, that damned competitive streak in Zhong Ruanxing emerged seeking attention again.

She was determined not to personally lift his restraints, as he seemed to want! On the contrary, she insisted on letting him flood out of control, with waves crashing against the dam he had built. Then the river would burst its banks, overflowing uncontrollably.

Just thinking about it felt thrilling.

Song JinXing saw the deep meaning surging in her eyes and raised an eyebrow: "What are you thinking about?"

Of course Zhong Ruanxing couldn't expose her own wicked thoughts. She smiled: "Just wondering when the late-night snack will arrive."

Song JinXing knew she was lying. He could see right through her little schemes, but he didn't expose her. He just laughed softly and called the butler. Soon, aromatic barbecue was brought out.

The fresh seafood caught from the sea that day tasted better than usual restaurant fare. With just a sprinkling of salt, the flavor exploded over the taste buds. Enjoying seafood barbecue while appreciating the island scenery at night had its own unique flavor.

She was suddenly struck by a thought and turned to ask him: "Song JinXing, why did you name this island Hidden Star Island?"

Song JinXing looked at her starry eyes and the phrase "you know perfectly well" floated through his mind.

She was asking deliberately, wanting to hear the reason from his own mouth.

Since she wanted to hear it, he would tell her.

Song JinXing's voice was very low, with unprecedented cherishment: "I met a bright, dazzling star. I wanted to hide her away privately."

Zhong Ruanxing froze for a moment, slowly putting down the barbecue in her hand. Then she slowly pulled out a napkin and wiped her mouth. Song JinXing watched her deliberately slow actions with amusement and tenderness. She took a sip of the lemony drink, then purposely asked in puzzlement: "Then where is that star now?"

Song JinXing suddenly leaned down, supporting himself with his arms.

His powerful yet warm masculine aura enveloped her like a net. Zhong Ruanxing hadn't expected him to move suddenly. Her back slammed against the sofa as she clenched her lips tightly and stared up at him, tilting her head back slightly.

Song JinXing laughed softly. The hand propped on the sofa back gently rubbed her hair pressed against it.

He said softly: "Right in front of my eyes."

She wanted him to burst out uncontrollably, consumed by passion. But now, the one whose passions were inflamed was herself. So close, sharing breaths, Zhong Ruanxing watched his lightly rolling Adam's apple, then slowly dragged her gaze up, looking at his hooked lips and finally into his eyes as deep as the ocean. The moment a tsunami strikes is often preceded by a massive storm brewing underwater.

Zhong Ruanxing swallowed and used her last shreds of reason to say softly: "Song JinXing, did you choose me only because of the body swapping?"

His breath hitched. "Of course not." She mechanically repeated the words he had once said: "If we can never swap back, marrying me would be the most beneficial solution for both of us."

Song JinXing chuckled. "You've got a good memory."

Zhong Ruanxing finally poured out all her concerns in one breath: "We still haven't found the secret to the body swapping. We don't know if we'll ever swap back one day. Choosing to be with me is the best protection for you."

He straightened up, withdrawing his arms and tidying her disheveled hair that had scattered in her fluster. His voice was gently reassuring: "I didn't choose you." His expression was more serious than ever: "I like you. Liking and choosing cannot be compared."

Zhong Ruanxing's lips were pressed in a tight line from nervousness.

He said he liked her.

He said he LIKED her!

Song JinXing had confessed to her!!!

Fireworks were going off in Zhong Ruanxing's mind.

Seeing her stunned wide-eyed reaction, Song JinXing felt somewhat amused and also softened. Was it his illness and past behavior that had given her this insecurity? To the point that she didn't even dare believe his sincerity?

He thought for a moment, then called out: "Star."

Zhong Ruanxing reacted as if she'd been electrocuted, even her ear tips quivering.

Song JinXing smiled, his eyes brimming with tonight's starlight: "Can you add me to the list of male candidates you can choose from this time?"

Zhong Ruanxing woodenly replied: "Then what?"

He took her hand and placed a kiss on its back even gentler than the night breeze: "Then, give me some time to prove my sincerity to you."

Zhong Ruanxing was shocked back to alertness. Huh, why does he still need some time? Can't we just confirm the relationship now?

Seeing her expression, Song JinXing let out a low laugh and slowly said: "Star, you seem anxious? If you're in a hurry..."

Zhong Ruanxing hurriedly waved her hands: "No hurry, no hurry! Take your time proving it! It's fine if it takes a while!"

Amusement grew in his eyes as he casually massaged her fingers while still holding her hand. Just when her composure was about to crack, he finally hooked his lips and slowly let go.
