As much as I don’t want to admit it, it’s the truth. After the German navy won the victory in the naval battle of the Azores, this gave Germany an absolute advantage in this war. In addition, Germany has now completely defeated Russia, removed the threat from the European continent to Germany itself, and made Germany invincible.

   This is undoubtedly extremely detrimental to many of Germany's allies. It is undoubtedly very difficult for them to defeat Germany.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, Germany does have a huge advantage. It is very difficult to defeat Germany. But now it is not that we want to defeat Germany, but that Germany wants to destroy us in one fell swoop through this war. Therefore, we must do our best to resist the German attack. Otherwise, our country will perish!" Hopkins wrote.

  Churchill nodded with a serious expression.

  The current situation is indeed very unfavorable to them. Germany has completely taken the initiative. This gave Germany an absolute advantage in this war. Moreover, in terms of Germany's strategic goal of dominating the world, it will definitely use this war to destroy the United States, Britain, and other opponents in one fell swoop. Remove all threats to Germany's world hegemony, so that Germany's hegemony can be further stabilized. Therefore, even if the United States and the United Kingdom are willing to admit defeat, they are unwilling to continue fighting. However, the decision-making power is not in their hands.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, you are also very clear about the current situation. The Germans will not give up until they destroy us. Therefore, if we want our country to continue to exist, there is only one way, that is, to resist with all our strength. Stop the German attack! Under such circumstances, Britain and the United States must unite. Only in this way can we have a glimmer of hope." Hopkins continued.

   Churchill was silent, seemingly considering Hopkins' words.


"Your Excellency, according to our analysis, if we can withstand the German attack during the war and cause heavy damage to the German troops who landed, maybe we can make the Germans retreat. In that case, we can fight for a decent Of course, the Germans will continue to hold the hegemony of the world. However, we can continue to exist in the Americas. In the future, we will look for opportunities to defeat Germany again. Once we lose, we will not be able to withstand the Germans. Then , waiting for us, I am afraid it will perish." Hopkins said.

Churchill nodded: "Your Excellency, you are right, there are only two roads before us now. Either perish, or resist the German attack and let our country continue to exist. Besides, There is no other choice."

   "So, Prime Minister, is Britain willing to cooperate fully with the American Republic?" Hopkins asked.

   "Your Excellency, I will give you an answer tomorrow afternoon!" Churchill said.

  Although, Churchill now monopolizes the power of the British Empire. However, when such an important matter is involved, he still has to discuss it with other cabinet ministers. Of course, Churchill has a lot of power in the cabinet, and generally speaking, those cabinet ministers will not oppose Churchill's will.

   "Okay, Your Excellency the Prime Minister. I hope you can give me good news!" Hopkins said with a smile.

  Churchill nodded. In fact, he had already made a decision in his heart. It's just that he didn't say it right away.

  That night, the British cabinet held an emergency meeting. There is only one topic for the meeting, and that is the current world situation and the future of Britain.

   There is no doubt that this is a very heavy topic. The ministers of the British cabinet all have very serious expressions.

   "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, do we have to participate in the war? Can we negotiate peace with the Germans, give up counterattacking the British Isles, and stay in Canada instead!" Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden asked.

Churchill shook his head: "This is almost impossible. The Germans want to sweep away all forces that threaten their world dominance. In addition, the puppet government on the British Isles will not let us go. In addition In addition, we have an alliance with the United States. Once we want to violate the agreement, the Americans will not let us go. Although our military strength has been greatly developed. However, the military strength of the United States is expanding faster. If the Americans think we have betrayed the covenant and want to attack us, it will be difficult for us to resist."

   "Then there is no other choice? Is it only possible to follow the Americans all the way to the dark?" Sir Kingsley Wood, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, said with a frown.

   Obviously, the senior officials of the British cabinet are not optimistic about confrontation with Germany at all. They think that if they participate in the confrontation, they will most likely lose.

"From the current point of view, I am afraid that this is the only option. However, if we join forces with the United States to defeat Germany in North America, or resist the German attack and cause them heavy damage. Perhaps the war will be over. We can Forced the Germans to conclude a peace treaty with us," Churchill said.

   "Your Excellency Prime Minister, this is very difficult. With the strength of us and the Americans, it is almost impossible to defeat the German attack!" David Magson, Secretary of State for War, said.

   "Yes, Your Excellency Prime Minister. Germany's military strength is already well-deserved number one in the world." Lord of the Navy Sir Dudley also said.

Churchill nodded: "I know that the Germans are very strong, terrifyingly strong. But do we have any other options now? There is only one option to ensure the continued existence of our country. That is to do our best In the future war, resist the German attack and thwart their plot!"

   A group of cabinet ministers know that Churchill has made a decision. Everyone fell silent. They also knew that there was no way for Churchill to make such a choice.

   "Mr. Magson, from now on, the army will further expand its scale. I hope that the total strength of the army can increase to 1.5 million people. And, form ten armored divisions!" Churchill said.

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Prime Minister." Minister of War David Magson nodded.

   "Sir Dudley, I hope that the Navy's 'N3-class' battleships, 'G3-class' battlecruisers, and 'Giant-class' aircraft carriers can speed up the progress. We need a stronger naval force to deal with the Germans!"

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Prime Minister!" Sir Dudley replied with a serious face.
