The German Navy has built a large number of landing ships of various types, all of which are preparing for landing in North America. The German Supreme Command knows that once the German army lands in North America, the Americans and the British will do their best to resist the German attack and ensure their own safety.

  Although, Germany's military strength is much stronger than that of the United States and Britain combined. The barrier of the Atlantic Ocean limited the projection of Germany's powerful military power. If Germany borders the United States, Germany can easily destroy the United States. But the problem is that if Germany wants to defeat the United States, or even destroy the United States, it has to send troops across the Atlantic Ocean and land on the mainland of the United States.

  Landing operations have always been very tragic, especially for the landing party, if they want to successfully land, they will often pay a very high price. The defensive side can gather superior forces to launch a counterattack and drive the enemy's landing troops into the sea.

   It is precisely because of this that the German army hopes to invest a strong enough force in the first round of landing. In this case, the counterattack of the US military can be resisted. After that, the German army will be able to land continuously. As long as it has a firm foothold on the mainland of the United States, it will not be easy for the United States to defeat Germany in one fell swoop.

  Qin Tian is quite satisfied with the landing ships prepared by the navy. If the tank landing ship, dock landing ship and amphibious assault ship are all dispatched, five marine divisions and three armored divisions can be invested at one time. The marine division launched the landing first, and after consolidating the beachhead, the tank landing ship can be dispatched. Once the German armored forces come ashore, will the US military be able to resist it?

   Of course, more infantry can also travel to North America on merchant ships and transport ships. After arriving, go ashore and join the battle. With European shipping capabilities, it is enough to ensure that millions of German troops and their allies are fighting on the North American continent.

  However, if you want to launch a landing operation on North America, the most important problem is to obtain the command of the Atlantic Ocean. Although through the naval battle of the Azores, the German Navy has already gained command of the Atlantic Ocean. However, this mainly refers to the vast majority of the Atlantic Ocean. The western waters of the Atlantic Ocean are still firmly in the hands of the Americans and the British.


  The U.S. Navy lost a lot in the Azores naval battle. But the remaining forces, with support from shore-based aircraft, could still control the western Atlantic waters. Not to mention the strength of the British navy is still relatively strong.

  If you want to land successfully, you must first eliminate the US Navy and the British Navy. Otherwise, the German landing ships and transport ships going to the east coast of North America will only become the targets of massacres by the US Navy and the British Navy. At that time, even if Germany sends more landing troops, they will just die.

   How to defeat the U.S. Navy and the British Navy has become the goal of the German Navy's three major fleets deployed in the Atlantic Ocean.

   In mid-September 1940, the German Admiralty submitted an operational plan. Emperor Qin Tian participated in the review of this plan. Marshal Manstein, Minister of War and Chief of the General Staff, and Marshal Albert Kesselring, Minister of the Air Force, also attended the meeting.

"Your Majesty, the navy hopes to launch an attack on Bermuda controlled by the Americans, so as to attract the U.S. Navy and the British Navy to go to sea to fight us! If the U.S. Navy and the British Navy don't go to sea to fight us, then we can take advantage of the trend to capture Bermuda and It has been built here as an important base. We can even deploy a large number of aircraft in Bermuda to directly attack the east coast of the United States." Marshal Raeder said.

  Bermuda is more than 900 kilometers away from North America, covering an area of ​​71.7 square kilometers. Moreover, the terrain of this archipelago is flat. If the German army captures here, airports can be built on several major islands and a large number of combat aircraft can be deployed. It can even be turned into a bridgehead for landing operations against North America.

Qin Tian nodded: "If we can capture the Bermuda Islands, we can even deploy heavy bombers here to directly bomb the east coast of the United States. Once our bombs fall on Mir's head, it will undoubtedly be a big deal for the Americans. It will cause great shock. Even, it will cause turmoil in American society."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Both our H-11 medium bombers and H-21 heavy bombers can launch from Bermuda to bomb the continental United States. However, considering that the continental United States has a very strong air defense force and fighter force. In the case of superiority, I am afraid that it can only carry out night bombing. Moreover, the loss rate will be very alarming." Marshal Albert Kesselring said.

  He didn't want Qin Tian to force the air force's bomber unit to launch an attack. In that case, the loss would be so great that his heart would bleed.

  Qin Tian nodded, of course he knew this clearly. The strength of the U.S. Army Air Force, although not as good as that of the German Air Force. But they have begun to equip P-47 fighters and P-51 fighters. These are all capable of posing a great threat to the bombers of the Luftwaffe. The FW-190 fighter jets of the Luftwaffe were unable to provide cover for these bombers all the way due to range problems. Once an attack is launched, it is very likely that there will be a lot of losses. As for the BF-110 fighter jet, its air combat capability is relatively weak.

"If the empire pretends to capture Bermuda, the Americans will definitely not allow us to capture it successfully. At that time, the US Navy and the British Navy will most likely come out with all their strength. This will provide us with a decisive battle opportunity. If the Imperial Navy can seize this opportunity, it can completely defeat the U.S. Navy and the British Navy in one fell swoop, clearing the way for landing in North America!" Marshal Lütjens said.

"Yes, the Americans will definitely not want to see Bermuda fall into our hands in order to ensure the safety of the homeland. At that time, they will definitely dispatch the navy to fight us." Admiral Rolf Karls also Said.

Qin Tian nodded: "It doesn't matter whether the U.S. Navy and the British Navy go to war or not. We still need to take Bermuda. If we can take this opportunity to get rid of the U.S. Navy and the British Navy, that would be the best. After taking Bermuda, We have gained a bridgehead to attack North America. We don’t even need to directly attack the mainland of the United States, but launch an attack on the islands in the Caribbean Sea, further establishing advantages around the United States and creating favorable conditions for landing in the United States.”

   "Yes, Your Majesty!" Everyone replied.

   "Then, follow the navy's plan!" Qin Tian said.

   "Yes, Your Majesty!"
