"General, emergency, emergency!" The adjutant's voice sounded anxiously outside the door.

  Brigadier General Jonathan, Commander of the Bermuda Islands Garrison, was woken up, but when he opened the door with an angry face and knew what happened, his anger disappeared completely. Instead, there was deep panic.

   "General, the radar has detected that a large number of German warships are approaching the Bermuda Islands at high speed. It is estimated that they will arrive after half of them disappear, or attack us." The adjutant said anxiously.

   "God! How did the German warships appear here? Aren't they in Greenland?" Brigadier General Jonathan exclaimed.

  However, without the adjutant answering, he already understood what was going on. Obviously, this was a trap from beginning to end. A trap for America. The target of the Germans was not the British Navy, but the Bermuda Islands. The Germans used a fleet to attract the main force of the United States, while the other fleets began to attack Bermuda.

   "Damn Germans, this is a trap, we are all fooled." Brigadier General Jonathan said through gritted teeth.

   "General, what should we do now?" The adjutant was so anxious that he was about to cry.


   Apparently, even fools know it. After facing such a situation, the US garrison on Bermuda will undoubtedly be very dangerous next. The United States Marine Corps has only one regiment strength on the island. Coupled with other coastal defense forces, air defense forces, and airport guards, there are only more than 5,000 U.S. troops in the entire Bermuda Islands. It is obviously impossible to rely on these people to resist the German attack. Although, they still don't know how many troops Germany will send to attack Bermuda. However, the Germans planned this operation so carefully, and they must have dispatched a large number of troops.

   "Immediately send a telegram to the country to tell them that we have been fooled. In addition, let the country find a way to reinforce us. Otherwise, Bermuda will not be able to defend it!" Brigadier General Jonathan said.

   "Yes, General." The adjutant immediately sent a telegram.

  At the same time, the sirens on Bermuda also sounded. Countless American soldiers who were still sleeping in the dreamland were awakened. After they heard the siren, their faces changed drastically. However, well-trained, they quickly put on their clothes and rushed to their posts. Everyone knows that the battle is about to begin. They might die in battle, but as soldiers, that's their job.

  U.S. Department of Naval Operations, Chief of Naval Operations Harold Stark Admiral has not left the Department of Operations during this time. After returning from Toronto, I plunged into the office, eating and living here. He knows very well that the next period of time will be a very critical moment for the US Navy and the entire United States. Therefore, instead of going home, he chose to stand ready. In order to be able to respond to various situations in a timely manner.

   "Bang bang bang." There was a knock on the office door.

   Admiral Harold Stark immediately got up from the camp bed, put on his clothes, and immediately went to open the door.

   "What happened?" Harold? Stark Admiral asked.

   "General, Bermuda has sent an urgent telegram. A large number of German warships are approaching Bermuda. The Germans will soon launch an attack on Bermuda." The secretary said.

   "What? Bermuda Islands?" Admiral Harold Stark suddenly changed his face.

"Damn it, this is indeed a trap set by the Germans. Their real target is not the British Navy, nor Newfoundland, but the Bermuda Islands!" Admiral Harold Stark understood all this at once. up. But now, it is obviously too late. The main force of the U.S. Navy has already gone north to the waters near Newfoundland. It is more than two thousand kilometers away from Bermuda. Even if you go south immediately, it will take more than two days to arrive. And can the defenders of Bermuda survive for two days? That is obviously unlikely. What's more, if the U.S. Navy goes south rashly, no one can guarantee whether it will fall into another trap of the Germans. Once it is attacked by the German navy, which is waiting for work, the consequences may be even more unimaginable.

   "Call the White House immediately and tell them about the situation. In addition, notify the Army Staff. Prepare the car, and I will go to the White House immediately." Admiral Harold Stark ordered.

   "Yes, General." The secretary also knew that the matter was urgent, so he went to prepare immediately.

   Admiral Harold Stark simply washed up, and three minutes later he got in a car and rushed to the White House.

   When Admiral Harold Stark arrived at the White House, President Roosevelt also appeared in the office with the help of the waiter. Secretary of War Henry Stimson, Frank Knox of the Department of the Navy, General Marshall, Chief of the Army Staff, and others also arrived one after another. However, the expressions on everyone's faces were very ugly. Because they all knew that Bermuda was about to be attacked by the Germans. Obviously, this means that they were once again fooled by the Germans and fell into the German conspiracy.

   Admiral Marshall's face looked a little embarrassed. The reason why President Roosevelt ordered the main force of the navy to go north was because he suggested that the Germans might launch an attack on Newfoundland. It is precisely because of this that President Roosevelt made up his mind. But now it seems that all of this is nothing more than a conspiracy of the Germans. They sent a fleet to appear in the southeastern waters of Greenland, just to divert the tiger away from the mountain. The real target is Bermuda.

"Gentlemen, it is obvious that the Germans have once again used conspiracy and tricks. And we have been fooled again. Now, the Germans are about to launch an attack on Bermuda, what should we do?" President Roosevelt said blackly asked the face.

   "Your Excellency, I am very sorry, because of my misjudgment, this led to such a difficult situation, and I am willing to take responsibility for it." Admiral Marshall did not choose to excuse himself.

"No, General Marshall, the judgment you made at that time was also for the safety of the United States. After all, if Newfoundland fell into the hands of the Germans, the consequences would indeed be even more unimaginable. We were all too careless. Let us fall into the trap of the Germans." President Roosevelt shook his head.

  President Roosevelt did not intend to hold Admiral Marshall accountable. In fact, a talent like Admiral Marshall is very rare. He didn't want Admiral Marshall to take the blame and resign because of this. In that case, the power of the United States will be further weakened, which will be even more unfavorable to them.
