The two formations of the German Navy's home fleet immediately separated. Under the protection of cruisers, destroyers and frigates, the 7 capital ships of the capital ship formation quickly headed south. Under the protection of cruisers, destroyers and frigates, the eight aircraft carriers in the aircraft carrier formation increased their speed to 30 knots and sailed eastward at high speed.

  Although, thirty knots is not slow. But compared to the speed of the aircraft at hundreds of kilometers per hour, this is nothing. The distance traveled by the fleet in an hour is only ten minutes for the plane. In this way, once the carrier-based aircraft of the US and British fleets launch a pursuit, they can easily catch up.

It's just that, after the carrier-based aircraft of the US and British fleets discover the capital ship formations of the German Navy's home fleet, will they turn a blind eye and directly give up attacking these capital ships, and continue to search until they find the German Navy's aircraft carrier formation Then attack again. If this is the case, then the German Navy's home fleet plan has come to naught.

  No matter how the US and British fleets choose their carrier opportunities, the German Navy's home fleet must choose such a strategy in order to save itself. In this case, there will be a chance of survival.

   On the battleship Kaiser, the flagship of the battleship formation, Lieutenant General Gerke looked serious. He knew that soon the capital ship formation he was leading would have to face a life-and-death battle. If it is not done well, the entire army will even be wiped out.

   "General Rudolph, do any officers and soldiers in the formation resent me for making such a choice?" Lieutenant General Gerke asked. After all, his unsolicited suggestion put the entire battleship formation into a desperate situation.

"General, no one has the slightest complaint. We are all German soldiers, and it is only right to sacrifice for the empire. What's more, we may not necessarily die. The capital ship formation has dozens of warships, large and small. Every warship has powerful anti-aircraft firepower. It is not so easy for the carrier-based planes of the Americans and the British to sink us. Even under our powerful anti-aircraft firepower, they will be smashed to the head .After we consume the carrier-based aircraft of the Americans and the British, it will be time for our aircraft carrier formation to launch a counterattack. At that time, there will be no problem if the Americans and the British are severely damaged. The victors will still be us!" Major General Rudolph said.


Lieutenant General Gerke nodded: "For the German Empire, we must sacrifice. I also firmly believe that we will be able to win this battle. His Majesty the Great Emperor will lead us to defeat one enemy after another and dominate the world international."

  The aircraft carrier formation is transferring at a high speed. On the deck, a carrier-based FW-190 fighter jet is lifted to the deck by an elevator. Before the planes were lifted onto the deck, they were fueled and ammunition loaded. The pilot has also climbed into the cockpit, making the plane ready to take off.

   All those parked on the deck of the aircraft carrier are fighter jets. Such a state is entirely for air defense considerations. Once the carrier-based aircraft groups of the US Navy and the British Navy are found, these carrier-based fighter jets will take off to meet the enemy. There are a total of 316 carrier-based FW-190 fighters on the eight aircraft carriers of the German Navy's home fleet. Once these carrier-based fighters are all launched, the combat effectiveness will be very powerful. Under their interception, it is not known how many carrier-based opportunities of the US Navy and the British Navy will be shot down. In this case, the threat posed by the carrier-based aircraft of the US and British fleets to the German Navy's home fleet will undoubtedly be much smaller.

  In the sky, a large number of carrier-based aircraft launched by the US and British fleets formed a huge fleet and flew towards the position of the German Navy's home fleet. Hundreds of planes filled the sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, even blocking the sun's rays, leaving a large shadow on the sea.

  All the carrier-based aircraft pilots of the U.S. Navy and the British Navy received orders before takeoff to try their best to sink the warships of the German Navy’s home fleet and destroy the entire German Navy’s home fleet.

  The carrier-based aircraft pilots of the US and British navies also believed that they took off so many carrier-based aircraft. Once the German Navy's home fleet is discovered, they can definitely be killed.

  A light cruiser in the capital ship formation of the German Navy's Home Fleet, located to the west of the fleet capital ship. The air search radar of this light cruiser was the first to discover the carrier aircraft groups of the US and British navies 300 kilometers away.

  The shrill air defense siren sounded immediately. All the officers and soldiers of the entire battleship formation couldn't help feeling tense. They knew that they were about to face a tough battle next. It is not even known how many people will die in this battle. However, in order to win the final victory, they must sacrifice.

   "Order the fleet to enter the air defense alert state! Everyone enters their posts and prepares for battle!" Lieutenant General Gerke issued the order with a serious face.

   "Yes, General." Major General Rudolph replied.

  The entire capital ship formation of the German Navy's home fleet has been seriously awaited, ready to deal with the attack of the carrier-based aircraft of the US Navy and the British Navy. A door of anti-aircraft guns has been pointed at the sky. Once they find the carrier-based aircraft of the US and British navies, they will open fire immediately. Use intensive anti-aircraft firepower to shoot down the carrier-based aircraft of the US and British navies.

   Soon, the air search radar of the German Navy aircraft carrier formation also discovered the carrier aircraft groups of the US and British Navy.

   "Take off the carrier-based fighter jets immediately and try our best to intercept the American and British carrier-based aircraft. Do your best to keep the capital ship formation." Marshal Lütjens ordered.

   "Yes, Your Excellency, Commander!" Lieutenant General Hans, the commander of the aircraft carrier formation, replied.

  After the order was issued, the eight aircraft carriers of the German Navy's home fleet began to take off fighter jets.

   One after another, carrier-based FW-190 fighter jets soared into the sky. After forming a formation over the fleet, they rushed towards the carrier-based aircraft formation of the US and British fleets.

  In order to ensure that the position of the aircraft carrier formation is not exposed, these carrier-based aircraft will first fly south, then turn west, and after flying over the capital ship formation, go to intercept the carrier-based aircraft group of the US and British fleets.

  The carrier-based fighter pilots of the German Navy's home fleet also know that they must work hard in the air this time. Otherwise, their fleet will suffer heavy losses.

  Under the guidance of the air search radar, the carrier-based fighter group of the German Navy directly killed the carrier-based aircraft group of the US and British navies. A large-scale air battle will begin immediately.
