"Order our fleet and prepare for battle. The German aircraft carrier has not been attacked, which means that their strength has not been damaged too much. They can launch a counterattack against us at any time!" Admiral Andrew Cunningham Said.

   "Well! Next we will face a greater test. Otherwise, we will lose in this naval battle." Admiral John Tovey also said.

  The mood of both of them is very complicated. Before, they still looked like they had the chance to win, thinking that winning this naval battle was already a certainty. But now, the situation has taken a sharp turn for the worse. They're going from winners to losers in no time.

  Although, the carrier-based aircraft of the US and British fleets have caused heavy losses to the capital ship formation of the German Navy's home fleet, and even almost wiped out the entire army. Based on the results of this aspect, they are undoubtedly in the position of winners. However, once the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft fleet launches an attack, perhaps they will have to pay greater casualties.

  When the order to prepare for the battle was communicated to the ships, the entire US and British fleet became tense. Some low-level sailors were even more stunned. Didn't they say before that they were going to win this naval battle? How did it come to the point of life and death again in a blink of an eye? This has become too fast, right?

  However, the sailors, who are used to obeying orders, rushed to their posts as soon as possible, preparing to face a powerful enemy.

  An anti-aircraft gun is already pointing at the sky, and as soon as the German carrier-based aircraft appears, they will take off immediately.


  On the four "Independence-class" aircraft carriers, all F4U fighter jets are ready to take off. The pilot has even entered the cockpit and is on standby. As soon as the air search radar finds the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft, they will immediately take off to intercept them.

  Although, these pilots are very clear. Once the German carrier-based fleet launches an attack, the fighter jets it escorts are likely to tear them to pieces. However, at this point, they have no other way.

  The first wave of carrier-based fleets returned by the US and British navies, the fighter jets inside have also become the priority aircraft for take-off preparations. After all, as soon as the next battle begins, they have to take off immediately and fight at the forefront.

   "Will the Germans come?" Admiral Ernest King frowned on the aircraft carrier 'Essex'.

   Judging from the current situation, he undoubtedly does not want the German navy to launch a counterattack. Although, the US and British fleets lost a large number of carrier-based aircraft in this naval battle. But they almost wiped out a battleship formation of the German Navy. Four battleships were sunk, three were severely damaged, and a large number of cruisers and destroyers were sunk. This is already a rare victory for them. As long as the fleet can safely withdraw to the mainland, the lost carrier-based aircraft will soon be replenished. At that time, they will have another chance to fight the German navy.

   It's just that the development of the situation is often not shifted by people's will. The carrier-based fleet of the German Navy has come to revenge.

When the second wave of carrier-based aircraft of the US and British fleets completed their attack on the capital ship formation of the German Navy's home fleet and were about to return, the first wave of carrier-based aircraft launched by the carrier formation of the German Navy's home fleet had already appeared in the US-British fleet. Within the air search radar.

   "Woo!" A shrill siren sounded over the fleet. All officers and soldiers of the entire fleet have entered a state of preparation for battle.

   "How big are the Germans?" Admiral Ernest King asked.

   "General, the Germans dispatched at least 400 carrier-based aircraft." Lieutenant General Halsey replied.

   General Ernest Jin's face was very ugly. Although the strength of the US and British fleets is very large, being attacked by more than 400 enemy carrier-based aircraft is still a huge threat to them. If you are not careful, you will pay a heavy price. What's more, what appeared this time may only be the first wave of carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy. In the future, there will definitely be a second wave of carrier-based aircraft groups. At that time, their losses will be even greater.

   "Order the air defense fighter jets to take off, and let them intercept the German carrier-based aircraft group anyway!" Admiral Ernest King ordered.

   "Yes, General." Lieutenant General Halsey nodded.

  After receiving the order, the F4U fighter jets on the four "Independence-class" aircraft carriers immediately began to take off. On each "Independence-class" aircraft carrier, 24 F4U fighter jets took off.

  In addition, the remaining F4U fighters in the first wave of carrier-based air fleet returning to the voyage also made preparations for takeoff again and began to take off to meet the enemy. The entire US and British fleet took off a total of 130 F4U fighter jets this time to face the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft fleet. This is already the best effort the US and British fleets can do.

   "Order the fleet to enter air defense mode! Everyone sticks to their posts. If you want to return to the mainland alive, you must resist the German attack!" Admiral Ernest King said through gritted teeth.

  He is very clear that it is now a matter of life and death. If it is not able to withstand the attack of the German navy's carrier-based aircraft fleet this time, the entire US and British fleet may pay a heavy price. At that time, they will completely lose this war.

   "Yes, General."

  All warships of the US and British fleets are ready for air defense. However, whether it can resist the German attack is something that everyone has no idea.

"Ready to fight!"

  When the carrier-based aircraft of both sides were about to meet, the commanders of both sides gave orders.

  The number of **** fighter jets for the German carrier-based fleet reached 144. All are carrier-based FW-190 fighters, which have better performance than the F4U fighters of the US military.

  Under the command of the commander, 10 carrier-based fighter squadrons of the German Navy rushed to more than 130 F4U fighter jets of the US and British navies.

   "Boom boom boom! Da da da!"

  A fierce air battle ensued, and the fighter planes of both sides fired at each other with aviation machine guns and cannons.

  For a while, fighter planes were continuously hit, caught fire, and fell into the sea.

  Although, the carrier-based aircraft pilots of the US and British navies worked very hard and were also very brave. Not intimidated by the German carrier-based aircraft. However, they are still at a disadvantage in air combat. When the two sides fought against each other in the first day of the new year, the US and British navies lost far more carrier-based aircraft than the German carrier-based aircraft.
