"Boom! Boom!"

  A violent explosion sounded on the "Yorktown" aircraft carrier, and the carrier-based planes of the German Navy were frantically smashing aerial bombs at the aircraft carrier. Although the aircraft carrier 'Yorktown' has increased its speed to 30 knots at this moment, and is rushing left and right on the sea like a bison, it is still unable to escape the attack of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft, and aerial bombs continue to capture hit.

  Four torpedo attack aircraft launched an attack on the aircraft carrier 'Yorktown' from the flanks. At this moment, the aircraft carrier 'York City' was avoiding the aerial bombs in the sky, so it didn't notice at all.

  Four torpedo attack aircraft dropped torpedoes less than 800 meters away from the USS "Yorktown" aircraft carrier. Eight heavy aviation torpedoes hit the sea heavily and sank into the sea. But it quickly came out and rushed towards the aircraft carrier 'Yorktown' at high speed.

   "Torpedo! I found a torpedo on the port side!" The sailors on the aircraft carrier spotted the torpedo rushing at high speed, and roared heart-piercingly.

  The captain of the aircraft carrier also noticed the threat and immediately instructed the aircraft carrier to make an emergency turn.

   But unfortunately, it's still too late. Of the four torpedoes, two scored hits.


   "Boom! Boom!"

  Two heavy-duty torpedoes exploded on the side of the aircraft carrier, and the high-energy explosives inside the warhead exploded with enormous power in an instant. Two large holes were torn open in the underwater armor of the USS 'Yorktown' aircraft carrier. Sea water began to pour into the aircraft carrier's hull frantically.

  Although there are multiple watertight compartments inside the 'Essex-class' aircraft carrier. Even if it is hit by a torpedo, as long as the watertight compartment is closed, it will not have much impact on the aircraft carrier. However, the battle has only just begun. As the attack of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft group became more and more fierce, the USS "Yorktown" aircraft carrier was shot more and more. It won't be long before this aircraft carrier will probably be sunk.

  After the fierce battle lasted for more than 20 minutes, the USS "Yorktown" aircraft carrier had been destroyed. The entire hull was burning, and it had already been hit by as many as 20 aviation armor-piercing shells. The fire that ignited in the battleship could not be extinguished at all, and it was still spreading to the sinking cabin. The poisonous gas produced by the fire will even kill many sailors.

  In addition, the "Yorktown" aircraft carrier hit a full eight heavy torpedoes. As a result, its hull has been seriously flooded. Although several watertight compartments have been closed, the hull has tilted slightly due to too much water ingress.

   "Sir, our aircraft carrier has suffered too much damage. It is irreparable, please abandon the ship." The officer in charge of damage control reported to the captain. Despite their efforts, the attack was too much for the aircraft carrier to hold on any longer.

   "Is it irreparable?" The captain was obviously a little bit reluctant.

"Yes, sir. Our aircraft carrier is tilting. Moreover, the German attack is still continuing, causing our hull to be damaged more and more seriously. In this case, it is estimated that after ten minutes, our hull may Overturned."

  The captain hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, abandon ship!"

  After the captain of the USS "Yorktown" aircraft carrier gave the order to abandon the ship, the sea valve was opened, which further accelerated the sinking of the aircraft carrier. Ten minutes later, the "Yorktown" aircraft carrier sank into the sea. Uh, most of the sailors on the aircraft carrier withdrew safely. But whether they can survive this naval battle depends on whether God blesses them.


   Less than five minutes after the USS "Yorktown" aircraft carrier sank, an earth-shattering explosion sounded on the USS "Hornet" aircraft carrier. Billows of smoke rose into the sky from the aircraft carrier USS Hornet.

   "What's going on? Did the ammunition depot explode?" Admiral Ernest Jin's face was very ugly.

   "It's either an ammunition depot or an oil depot!" Lieutenant General Halsey looked gloomy.

  Whether it is an oil depot or an ammunition depot, once a martyrdom explosion occurs during a battle, the threat to the aircraft carrier is fatal. Almost no aircraft carrier can survive the explosion of an ammunition depot or an oil depot.

  The aircraft carrier 'Bumblebee' was indeed pierced by an aerial bomb in its ammunition depot, resulting in a martyrdom explosion. Thousands of tons of ammunition inside exploded. The huge power almost destroyed the entire aircraft carrier. Especially the bottom of the hull was completely blown up. Sea water is pouring into the hull crazily, and the entire aircraft carrier is sinking into the sea at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  In less than five minutes before and after, the aircraft carrier "Hornet" sank into the sea, becoming the second aircraft carrier sunk by the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft fleet.

   "General, both the 'Yorktown' and the 'Hornet' were sunk by the Germans. The 'Hornet' is under siege and is in a very dangerous situation." Lieutenant General Halsey looked serious.

  General Ernest King nodded: "We have already lost this battle!"

  Although, they caused a near-destructive blow to the capital ship formation of the German Navy's home fleet. But now they have lost two fleet aircraft carriers, and the other one may be lost soon. In addition, the carrier-based aircraft fleet of the German Navy will continue to launch attacks, which will only cause greater losses to the US and British navies.

  At this moment, the aircraft carrier 'Wasp' is indeed in a very dangerous situation. The carrier-based aircraft fleet of the German Navy has almost eliminated its **** warships, and is concentrating on launching the final attack.

   Aerial bombs and torpedoes are hitting the aircraft carrier one after another. Make its hull suffer more damage.

  In addition to the "Wasp" aircraft carrier, the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft group also began to attack other aircraft carrier battle groups. They are obviously determined to sink more aircraft carriers of the US and British navies in this attack, thus laying the foundation for the final victory.

  The dying struggle of the USS "Wasp" aircraft carrier did not last long. Less than ten minutes later, the aircraft carrier also sank into the sea, becoming the third aircraft carrier lost by the U.S. Navy in this naval battle.

  Although, the U.S. Navy has a total of nine fleet carriers and four light carriers. However, the three fleet aircraft carriers were sunk, which is undoubtedly a very heavy blow. What's more, the attack of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft group continues. No one knows how many aircraft carriers and other warships the US and British navies will lose in the next naval battle. But one thing is certain, that is, the US and British navies may all face a disastrous defeat in this naval battle.
