"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

   Explosions continued to be heard, and warships sank in the midst of burning, sinking into the cold Atlantic seabed with their glory.

  Although, these warships can be said to have been piled up with huge sums of money. However, it was easily destroyed now.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  Facing the attack from the sky, the warships on the sea are also tenaciously fighting back with anti-aircraft firepower. However, even so, their counterattack seemed very weak. The situation on the entire battlefield seemed to be completely controlled by the German Navy.

   "Bastard! Damn the Germans, are they trying to kill us all?" Admiral Ernest King paled on the battleship "Montana", the flagship of the U.S. Navy's battleship formation.

  The attack targets of those carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy are all several fleet aircraft carriers of the US Navy. So, those capital ships are safe now. After the "Essex" aircraft carrier was attacked, Admiral Ernest King moved his headquarters from the "Essex" aircraft carrier to the "Montana" battleship.


  However, watching his own aircraft carrier being continuously sunk and weakened, Admiral Ernest King felt as if he was bleeding. Although, the loss of this naval battle seems to be a little smaller than that of the Azores naval battle. But now the U.S. Navy has only such a little wealth left! If they are all lost, it will be tantamount to giving up the Atlantic to the German Navy.

"General, the 'Essex', 'Brave', 'Bennington' and 'Boxer' are all under siege by the Germans. This time, I am afraid they are doomed." Haspen? There was obvious lingering fear in Admiral Kimmel's tone. Fortunately, the main target of the carrier-based aircraft fleet of the German Navy is their aircraft carrier formation. If the attack is on their capital ship formation, then the remaining six capital ships of the U.S. Navy may also be unable to withstand it. Even if the 'Montana-class' battleship has solid armor, but in the face of overwhelming bombs and torpedoes, it still has only one life to be sunk.

   Ernest? Admiral Jin nodded with difficulty. He also knew that if all nine fleet aircraft carriers were lost, it would be a heavy blow to the US Navy. It is impossible for the remaining few light aircraft carriers and capital ships to confront the German Navy.

  Aboard the aircraft carrier "Ark Royal", the flagship of the British Royal Navy, Admiral John Tovey and Admiral Andrew Cunningham were also pale. Although, the carrier-based aircraft fleet of the German Navy did not launch an attack on the British Navy. But this is entirely because the aircraft carriers of the British Navy are nothing more than medium-sized aircraft carriers. Before sinking those large fleet carriers of the US Navy, the carrier fleet of the German Navy simply dismissed them. But the U.S. Navy suffered such a large loss this time, and it was also a heavy blow to the British Navy. After all, they are coalition forces now, united against the German Navy. If the U.S. Navy loses too much, it will have to let them deal with the German Navy alone. With the strength of the British navy, how could they possibly deal with the German navy?

   "The Americans are finished this time, and all their large aircraft carriers will be lost. Next, we will have no way to confront the German Navy." Admiral John Tovey said.

   "Yes, General. It's hard to imagine that the Germans defeated us with just one fleet." Admiral Andrew Cunningham sighed helplessly.

  Before they all thought that they had the chance to win. After all, the combined strength of the American fleet and the British fleet is enough to suppress the German Navy's home fleet. However, the German Navy abandoned the car to save the commander, and the US and British fleets made a fatal mistake, which finally ruined the good situation. Now, even under the counterattack of the Germans, they suffered heavy losses. It can be said that they have lost a complete defeat in this naval battle.

"What should we do next? Our carrier-based aircraft also lost a lot. It is impossible to counterattack the German navy. The German carrier-based aircraft did not lose a lot. They even have the ability to launch the first Three rounds of attacks. At that time, after the nine large fleet aircraft carriers of the Americans are sunk, their targets may be aimed at us. Our eight medium-sized aircraft carriers may become the targets of the Germans. "Admiral John Tovey was a little worried.

   There is no doubt that once the nine fleet aircraft carriers of the U.S. Navy are all sunk, the eight medium-sized aircraft carriers of the British Navy will become the targets of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft fleet.

   Admiral Andrew Cunningham couldn't help frowning tightly together. When the carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy were besieging the large fleet aircraft carriers of the US Navy, they were also watching the battle. It can be said that the anti-aircraft firepower of the American fleet is already very strong, and the anti-aircraft firepower of the British fleet is not much stronger than that of the American fleet. Once the German navy launches an attack on them, their performance will not be any better than that of the US fleet. This also means that once the aircraft carriers of the British fleet are attacked, they may only be sunk.

   "Be prepared for air defense as much as possible! Once the German carrier-based aircraft group attacks us, we will have to fight back." Admiral Andrew Cunningham said.

  The only thing they can do is to do their best and obey the destiny. Of course, they all hope to survive this disaster safely. It is best for the German Navy to cancel the third round of offensive after launching the second round of offensive. In this case, they will be safe for the time being.

  The carrier-based aircraft group of the German Navy has reached the last juncture in its attack on the remaining four fleet aircraft carriers of the U.S. Navy. When the **** warships in the four aircraft carrier battle groups were almost destroyed, they directly attacked the four aircraft carriers.

  When one after another aerial bombs and torpedoes hit these huge aircraft carriers, their fate seems to have been decided.

  As the flagship of the U.S. Navy, the "Essex" aircraft carrier successfully escaped disaster during the naval battle of the Azores. But this time, there was no hiding anymore.

   After suffering more than 20 aerial bombs and more than a dozen heavy aviation torpedoes, this aircraft carrier with a huge displacement sank into the sea.

  The aircraft carrier 'Brave', the aircraft carrier 'Bennington' and the aircraft carrier 'Boxer' did not last long, and were sunk one after another. So far, all nine fleet aircraft carriers of the U.S. Navy have been sunk.
