"His Royal Highness, the Schlieffen Plan was formulated ten years ago. The situation at that time was very different from the present. Therefore, the General Staff revised the Schlieffen Plan according to the actual situation. After the revision The plan is more suitable for the current situation!" Xiao Maoqi retorted.

  He can no longer remain silent on this issue. Otherwise, he would really lose all prestige.

"Hmph! Your Excellency, the Chief of the General Staff, the central point of Schlieffen's plan is that the right wing fights in areas favorable to the offensive, and its strength is sufficient to encircle Antwerp, Namur, and Paris. The left wing fights in areas favorable to the defensive, and its strength is sufficient It is only limited to the ability to lure the enemy to go deep. But after the modification, the right wing is seriously insufficient, and it is not enough to break through the French defense. Once the attack fails, the consequences will be very serious!" Qin Tian snorted coldly.

  Little Moltke, like William II, is also a headstrong and conceited person. Although, in Xiao Maoqi's plan, he inherited General Schlieffen's core idea of ​​defending east and west. But in terms of specific plans, there is a huge difference. And these differences are very likely to lead to the failure of the plan. Of course, Little Maoqi does not allow others to question his plan, because it is a denial of his ability.

   "His Royal Highness, the entire battle plan has been demonstrated in detail by the officers of the General Staff. Our plan will definitely succeed." Little Mao Qi became a little angry.

  The generals who participated in this meeting can be described as an eye-opener. Although they already knew that the relationship between Qin Tian and Xiao Maoqi was very bad, they still didn't expect that it would be so bad. This is a battle meeting for the future war that concerns the fate of the German Empire, but the two quarreled tit-for-tat, which is completely embarrassing.

   "Alright, Oscar. Your Excellency the Chief of Staff revised the Schlieffen plan with my consent." William II said.


  Qin Tian froze for a moment, not knowing what to say. The so-called birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. No wonder Wilhelm II and Little Moltke became very good friends. The two are like-minded!

  Qin Tian no longer expressed any hope for the Army's success on the Western Front. He only hopes that the 8th Army can defeat the Russians as soon as possible on the Eastern Front and beat the Russians. In this case, he may be able to transfer the 8th Army to the Western Front as soon as possible to strengthen the attack on France and strive for success.

  Little Maoqi glanced at Qin Tian, ​​his eyes were full of contempt and virtue, like a rooster who has won a battle.

Little Maoqi divided the western front troops into 7 armies, which were the 1st army of General Kluke, including 7 armies, 3 cavalry divisions and 3 national brigades, with a total strength of 320,000; Legion, including 6 armies, two cavalry divisions and two national brigades, with a total strength of 260,000; General Howson's 3rd Army, including 4 armies and a national brigade, with a total strength of 180,000; Württemberg The Duke's 4th Army, including 5 armies and a national brigade, has a total strength of 180,000; General Dimlin's 5th Army, including 5 armies, 1 infantry division, two cavalry divisions and 5 national brigades, The total strength is 200,000; the 6th Army of Bavarian General Ruprecht, including 5 armies, 3 cavalry divisions and 4 supplementary divisions, with a total strength of 200,000; the 7th Army of General Schillingen , including 3 armies, 1 infantry division, two supplementary divisions and four national brigades, with a total strength of 125,000 people.

   Throughout the western front, the German army has assembled more than 1.4 million people, which already accounts for more than 80% of the total strength of the German Army. Of course, this is when Germany has only mobilized 50 percent.

  William II stubbornly believed that the German army only needed to mobilize 50% to defeat the enemy. Of course, another reason is to hope that as few people as possible will die in the war. Although Germany has a population of more than 60 million, there are only a few young and middle-aged people. Too many people will die, which will be very detrimental to the future development of Germany.

"Very good, generals. The troops have been launched according to the battle plan. The war will start soon. Once the order to attack is issued, I hope everyone can fight bravely and win the German Empire! Germany must Victory!" William II shouted.

   "Germany will win!" Everyone is full of confidence in the future war.

  That night, Marshal Earl Tirpitz, Minister of the Navy, visited Qin Tian. The war is about to begin, and the task of the navy is also very heavy. However, Marshal Earl Tirpitz still hoped to hear Qin Tian's opinion.

   "His Royal Highness, did you and Little Moltke quarrel at today's combat meeting?" Marshal Earl Tirpitz asked.

   "Huh! That self-righteous, self-righteous guy. He changed General Schlieffen's plan beyond recognition, and he still looks like he is sure of winning. I really don't know where he got his confidence." Qin Tian said angrily. As soon as today's combat meeting rang, Qin Tian couldn't help getting angry.

   Marshal Earl Tirpitz also frowned, it was the first time he saw Qin Tian like this.

   "His Royal Highness, will the army fail in the next war?" Marshal Earl Tirpitz asked. Once the army fails to succeed, this battle will be very difficult. Otherwise, Germany will be defeated.

   "It's hard to say, but the situation is definitely not too optimistic. Even if we win, our losses will be very large. A miserable victory is definitely not what we want." Qin Tian shook his head.

  Thousands of tanks and other new weapons were also equipped with troops on the western front. However, whether these tanks can play a big role in the war, Qin Tian is not sure at all. After all, although the weapon factor is very important, in war, the most important thing is still people. What's more, the reliability of current tanks is very low. If it is a long-distance attack, it is estimated that no tank can drive to Paris.

   "Your Highness, what should we do?" Marshal Earl Tirpitz asked.

"Do your best. However, if the army is unable to win the victory, the task of the navy will be very difficult. At that time, the navy must find a way to defeat the British. Only in this way can we continue the war Continue. Otherwise, once the coastline is blocked and the sea trade is cut off, we will collapse soon." Qin Tian said.

  Marshal Earl Tirpitz nodded with a serious expression, and he also felt how great the responsibility on his shoulders was.
