Manila, German Pacific Theater Command.

  Marshal Manstein, Marshal Lundstedt, Marshal Bock, Marshal Keitel and Marshal Loeb all gathered here.

  Although, the German army is launching a fierce attack on the mainland of the island country, and the progress is relatively smooth. However, the faces of the marshals of the imperial army were not very good-looking.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, I feel that our army is trapped in a quagmire. In addition to dealing with the frontal enemy, the army also has to be careful to deal with the attacks of other enemies from all directions. In particular, a large number of island country civilians are also involved. When it came to the offensive, this caused our troops to pay very heavy casualties." Marshal Bock said.

"Yes, Marshal. Those islanders are not civilians at all, but thugs. They attack our army with all kinds of weapons. There are rifles, pistols, and even grenades and explosives used by the army. Some people Even attacking our troops with agricultural tools and kitchen knives is simply impossible to defend against!" Marshal Keitel also rushed to say.

  Marshal Manstein's face was also very ugly. During this period of time, the casualties of the German army on the frontal battlefield were only more than 20,000. However, more than 30,000 German troops were killed and wounded by the people of the island country. This made the casualties of the German army more and more serious. Naturally, these marshals of the Imperial Army couldn't sit still.

"Gentlemen, I think we are in big * trouble this time. Those islanders are even more difficult to deal with than we imagined! Originally we thought that even if the civilians of those island countries were hostile to us, but with our force Under awe, they will also be afraid. But now it seems that they are not afraid of death at all! This makes us afraid that if we want to capture the entire island country, the casualties will increase exponentially." Marshal Manstein said.


   "Your Excellency Marshal, it seems that His Majesty the Emperor is right, the islanders are all lunatics!" Marshal Lundstedt said.

   "Yes, the islanders are all lunatics. But how can we complete the task now?" Marshal Loeb asked.

   Everyone looked at Marshal Manstein, waiting for his decision.

"Everyone, since the people of the island countries are all lunatics, then we will frighten them to death. I think that as long as the government and military of the island countries dare not fight any more, then the threat we face will be much lower." Marshal Manstein said.

   Several marshals nodded again and again. But the problem is that the islanders are crazy, how can we scare them?

"I will immediately report to the country and ask His Majesty the Emperor to authorize us to use nuclear weapons! Since the islanders are already crazy, they cannot be dealt with by conventional weapons. This war is coming to an end soon, and let us truly see Let's see how powerful nuclear weapons are when applied to the battlefield!" Marshal Manstein said.

   "This is a brilliant idea!" Marshal Keitel said.

  The other marshals also had smiles on their faces. Although, they all know how powerful a nuclear weapon explosion will be. However, this weapon has never been used on the battlefield. The field marshals of the German Army were also very curious about these weapons.

   Subsequently, Marshal Manstein sent a telegram to the country, requesting authorization to use nuclear weapons in the island country.

  Emperor Qin Tian approved Marshal Manstein's request to use nuclear weapons without saying a word. For the island country to use, Qin Tian has no psychological burden at all.

  The German Strategic Air Force acted immediately. Now Germany has made a breakthrough in the miniaturization of nuclear weapons, and has produced more than a dozen atomic bombs that can be dropped by heavy strategic bombers.

  These atomic bombs were transported to the airports of the Russian Republic in the Far East by transport plane. The German Army specially dispatched guards to guard these atomic bombs. Their mission was not complete until the bombers carrying the bombs took off.

   On the morning of October 31, two specially modified H-31 heavy bombers took off from an airfield in the Far East of the Russian Republic under the protection of 24TA-152 fighter jets.

   These two H-31 heavy bombers have been specially modified. Anti-radiation lead plates are installed on the bulkhead to avoid radiation after the atomic bomb explodes.

  One is responsible for dropping the atomic bomb, and the other is responsible for taking pictures and collecting various data after the atomic bomb explodes. German scientists also hope to obtain first-hand data after the atomic bomb exploded on the battlefield. This is very conducive to Germany's further research on nuclear weapons.

   After an hour of flight, the fleet entered the sky above the mainland of the island country.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  The anti-aircraft guns on the ground began to fire on the German fleet. However, these aircraft are all flying at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters. These anti-aircraft guns can't threaten fighter planes flying at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

  The fighter planes of the Army Air Force of the island country have almost lost in the previous battles, so they are powerless against the German fleet.

  The air defense commander of the island got the news that the German army had dispatched a fleet to attack, but he didn't care. These days, the Luftwaffe has also been bombing the island country continuously, which has made him accustomed to it. What's more, there are only two bombers in this fleet, so it shouldn't cause too much impact.

  The fleet crossed Honshu Island and flew all the way to Tokyo Bay.

  Although, the cities in Tokyo Bay have been bombed into ruins in the previous bombing of the Luftwaffe. However, the German Army assembled a large number of troops around Tokyo Bay to prevent the German army from landing in Tokyo Bay.

   "Get ready, drop the big guy in five minutes!" the captain ordered.


  Five minutes later, an H-31 heavy bomber of the German army dropped an atomic bomb.

  After the atomic bomb was dropped out of the cabin, a parachute opened.

   This makes the atomic bomb fall very slowly.

   "The Germans dropped a bomb, what is that?" an officer of the island army asked after seeing the atomic bomb in the sky with a telescope.

   "Is it the leaflets sent by the Germans? Are they going to fight psychological warfare?"

   "Huh! The warriors of the empire, how could they be frightened by the Germans like this?"

  The atomic bomb quickly fell to a height of 300 meters from the ground.


  An earth-shattering explosion sounded.

   Dazzling white light suddenly appeared in the sky, just like another sun hanging in the sky.

"what is that?"

  Countless officers and soldiers of the island country army looked at the sun that suddenly appeared in the sky with a look of astonishment.

   But then, they lost consciousness.
