"General, the 'Emperor of India' was severely damaged and lost two main turrets." The staff officer reported to Major General Robertson.

   "Damn it!" Major General Robertson's face was so gloomy that he could drip water.

  The 380mm main guns of the "Derfflinger-class" battlecruisers of the German Navy are too powerful, and their "Iron Duke-class" battleships simply cannot resist them.

   "I hope that General Betty can win sooner! Otherwise, we will lose." Major General Robertson thought secretly.

   Now, Major General Robertson can only pin his hopes on Lieutenant General David Beatty. He finally understood that it was almost impossible to use four 'Iron Duke-class' battleships to defeat the three German 'Derfflinger-class' battlecruisers.


  A huge explosion sounded, and Major General Robertson felt as if his body was flying.


   "Boom!" Immediately, Major General Robertson hit the ground hard, making him dizzy.

   "Damn, we were hit. Report the loss!" Major General Robertson immediately got up from the ground and asked loudly.

  Two minutes later, the staff officer reported to him: "General, the midship was shot and two secondary guns were lost. Fortunately, it was above the waterline. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous."

  Major General Robertson also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the place where he was hit was the side, above the water. If it was below the waterline, he had no doubt that their weak waterline armor would not be able to withstand the terrifying power of the 380mm main gun.

   "Asshole! Why hasn't the Marlborough hit the German warship after fighting for so long?" Rear Admiral Robertson was very angry. It stands to reason that without interference, the battleship 'Marlborough' should be easier to get a hit.

   "General, the 'Marlborough' has completed its straddle shooting and has started to focus its fire. It just takes a little time to hit the German warship." The staff officer persuaded.

   "Time? I want to give them time too. But will the Germans give us time?" Major General Robertson was furious.

   Indeed, the German Navy will never give them time.

  Five minutes later, the battlecruiser 'Hindenburg' hit the battleship 'Emperor of India' again. A 380mm artillery shell penetrated the stern armor of the battleship "Emperor of India", penetrated into the hull and exploded. The huge power directly blew up the transmission shaft. This caused the battleship "Emperor of India" to lose power, and its speed became slower and slower, and it would soon turn into a dead dog lying on the sea.

   When Major General Robertson heard the news, he remained silent for a long time, as if he couldn't believe that they were going to lose a battleship so soon. If the battleship "Emperor of India" is sunk, then, in the case of three to three, they may have no chance of winning.

   "Send a telegram to General Betty. We have tried our best. However, the enemy is very strong, and we may not last long." Major General Robertson ordered.

   "Yes, General."

"Very well done, lads. Send a telegram to the Hindenburg to send that British battleship to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish in ten minutes." Reinhard Scheer The general ordered excitedly. He seemed to have seen the victory, not only the victory of this naval battle, but also the victory of this war.

   "Yes, General." The communications officer who was equally excited went to send a telegram immediately.

  After receiving a telegram from Admiral Reinhard Scheer, the bombardment of the 'Hindenburg' became more intense. Heavy shells slammed fiercely at the battleship 'Emperor of India'. A column of water soaring into the sky continuously rose from around the battleship 'Emperor of India'.

  The British naval officers and soldiers on the battleship "Emperor of India" also seemed to know their fate. However, they still did not give up their resistance, and they were still hurrying up to open fire on the battlecruiser 'Hindenburg'.

  However, the response of the battleship "Emperor of India" was nothing more than a dying struggle.

  Five minutes later, the battlecruiser 'Hindenburg' hit the battleship 'Emperor of India' again. Because the speed of the "Emperor of India" battleship was getting slower and slower, which was almost forbidden, in this round of salvo, the nine 380mm shells fired by the "Hindenburg" battleship hit three.

  The battleship "Emperor of India" was broken into two pieces in the violent explosion, and quickly sank into the sea. The naval officers and soldiers on the battleship all sank into the sea together with the battleship, and none survived.

   "God! The 'Emperor of India' was sunk." On the battleship 'Iron Duke', there was an exclamation.

   Major General Robertson's face was ashen, and he said nothing.

"Very good, adjust the shooting target. The 'Lützow' attacked the 'Marlborough', and the 'Hindenburg' attacked the 'Benbau'. Now it is three against three, and the battle will be resolved within an hour!" Rein Admiral Hart Scheer gave the order with a smile on his face.

   On the battlecruiser 'Tiger', Lieutenant General David Beatty frowned. The current situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to them. Originally, he thought that with their numerical advantage, they could defeat the German Navy's breaking fleet. But now it seems that everything is too simple for him.

   "General, General Robertson is calling. The 380mm naval guns of the German fleet are very powerful, and they are almost unable to hold on." The communications officer reported.

   Lieutenant General David Betty frowned: "Let Major General Robertson find a way to hold on for a while longer."

   "Yes, General."

  However, soon, the communications officer returned.

   "General, the 'Emperor of India' has been sunk." The communications officer reported.

   "What?" Lieutenant General David Betty was stunned, as if he couldn't believe it. You must know that the "Iron Duke" battleship is the most powerful battleship in active service in the British Navy! Before the 'Queen Elizabeth-class' and 'Revenge-class' battleships entered service, they were the main force among the main forces of the Royal Navy. But now, one ship was sunk so quickly, which undoubtedly shows that the warships of the German Navy are much more powerful than they had expected before. The remaining three "Iron Duke" battleships probably won't last long either.

   "Let General Robertson try his best to persist first, and I will find a way here." Lieutenant General David Betty was worried. Now they seem to have fallen into a desperate situation.
