On the night of September 16th, the clouds were very thick, and the moon was completely covered by the clouds, making the night very dark. Although it was not to the point where you couldn't see your fingers, it was impossible to see clearly a little further away.

   "Damn it, tonight is very suitable for night raids!" Major General Besen muttered.

   "Yes, General. Therefore, we must be more cautious tonight. I can guarantee that the Russians will launch a sneak attack tonight." Guderian said.

   "Order the troops on the front line to be more vigilant tonight. As long as they survive tonight, the Russians will be unable to fly." Major General Besen ordered. For them, tonight was undoubtedly the most dangerous night. Tomorrow afternoon, the main force will be able to arrive one after another. At that time, the remnants of the Russian Ninth Army will all be surrounded by them. It can be said that as long as we persevere tonight, the German army will be able to win the final victory.

  Colonel Guderian nodded: "General, tonight, I will also make the 8th Armored Division ready for battle. If the Russians really dare to attack, we will directly dispatch tanks to crush them."

   "Well, in that case, it would be the best." Major General Besen said with great satisfaction. With the full support of the 8th Armored Division, it will undoubtedly be more certain to resist the Russian attack tonight.

  At ten o'clock in the evening, the Russian army is ready for battle. Admiral Letsky looked up at the clouds in the sky, and nodded in satisfaction. In his opinion, this undoubtedly meant that even God was on their side, which made him more confident about tonight's attack.


   "Everyone, are you ready? After half an hour, launch an attack! This time, we must win in one fell swoop!" Admiral Letzsky ordered.

   "Yes, General." Everyone replied.

   Half an hour later, the Russian army's offensive began. Without any fire preparations, three Russian infantry divisions, with a total of more than 30,000 troops, launched an offensive. In order to avoid being discovered by the German army as much as possible, the more than 30,000 Russian soldiers marched forward without saying a word, with their heads bowed and waists bent. Although their speed is very slow, every Russian soldier tries not to make extra noise as much as possible.

   During the day, the powerful firepower of the German army gave them a great shock. These Russian soldiers are also worried that once they are discovered by the German army, they will incur a strong firepower attack from the German army. Even if they can safely approach a place one or two hundred meters away from the German defense line, the possibility of them breaking through the German defense line will greatly increase.

   However, it is impossible for tens of thousands of people to act together without making any noise at all. Especially when the German army has raised its vigilance, it is even more impossible.

  After the German frontline troops received the order to strengthen their vigilance, all the soldiers, holding their guns, leaned in the trenches and closed their eyes to rest. The snipers in each squad are responsible for security. Once you find any signs of trouble, you can immediately fire a warning shot.

  The mortars of each platoon are also required to be vigilant, and the flares are always ready. Once the snipers shoot, they will immediately launch flares so that they can find the enemy in the first place.

   The sniper's eyes are originally required to be very good. Even in the dark of night, they can see farther than ordinary people.

  When the Russian army slowly touched the place less than 300 meters away from the German defense line, a sniper discovered something was wrong.


  Clear gunshots sounded, and a Russian soldier suddenly fell to the ground screaming.

  In the silent night, the sound can always spread far. The crisp gunshots and the screams of Russian soldiers immediately spread far away.

  Suddenly, on the German position, there was loud gunfire.

   "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Flares shot into the sky one after another, and the dazzling white light dispelled the darkness, illuminating the surroundings as if it were daytime. The densely packed figures of the Russian army also appeared.

   "Da da da!" The machine gunners, who had stood up earlier, started shooting. A series of general-purpose machine guns and squad machine guns began to pour firepower on the Russian soldiers.

The dense rain of bullets enveloped the Russian army like a torrential rain, and immediately caused the attacking Russian soldiers to pay heavy losses. Rows of Russian soldiers fell to the ground, like harvested wheat .

  The Russian soldiers were all beaten. The order they received was to launch a sneak attack on the German positions. Under the cover of night, they all believed that this sneak attack was very likely to be successful. But I didn't expect that the Germans were obviously prepared. What greeted them was the powerful firepower of the German army. This immediately caused the sneak attacking Russian soldiers to pay an extremely heavy price.

   "Damn it, the Germans were already prepared!" Seeing this scene, the Russian generals couldn't help being heartbroken.

   "Order the troops to continue the offensive. At all costs, tear the German defense line. This is our only chance!" Admiral Letsky ordered with red eyes. The current him is no different from a gambler who loses his eyes. You know, in order to avoid the German plane attack, he put all his hopes on tonight's attack. If the breakout tonight is not successful, then they will die.

  General Letzsky is definitely not a soft-hearted person, nor is he a person who cherishes the lives of soldiers. In order to win, he can kill all the Russian soldiers. Now, the time has come.

   "Yes, General."

   "Attack, keep attacking!"

   "We are not far from the German defense line. Only by rushing forward, the Germans' powerful firepower will be useless. At that time, victory must belong to us."

  The Russian officers on the front line are also constantly urging those Russian soldiers to attack. None of them wanted to pass up their chance tonight. Because, for them, this is the last chance.

   "Ulla! Ulla!"

  The soldiers of the Russian army, under the urging of the officers, and even the threat of punching and kicking, were driven like livestock to the Russian army's position. No one cares about their life or death. In other words, in the eyes of the Russian officers and generals, these Russian soldiers are nothing more than cannon fodder used to consume the ammunition of the German army and achieve their strategic goals. Apart from that, there is no other use. The lives of the soldiers of the Russian army are simply worthless.
