"Quasi-magic, the **** of fire shines in the world!"

Almost without any hesitation, the holy flame around Xiao Yan instantly ignited, and in an instant he turned into a flaming giant like a sky-high flame, directly taking huge steps of destruction, swooping away at the Silver Dragon King!

"Elemental power, peel off!"

In the face of Xiao Yan's furious attack, the Silver Dragon King didn't do much, he just raised his finger and pointed slightly towards Xiao Yan's direction.

A dazzling silver brilliance flickered from the fingertips, and in the rich elemental brilliance, a silver dragon roaring surrounded by colorful power could be vaguely seen.

The dazzling silver brilliance instantly collided with the flame giant behind Xiao Yan. As soon as they touched it, they could clearly find that the dazzling silver brilliance still had the upper hand in their attacks.

At the moment of the impact, the countless flames on Xiao Yan's body were slowly extinguished like candle flames. The huge flame giant also collapsed completely in a few breaths. Like a hungry beast, it kept biting, eroding Xiao Yan's body, flesh and blood.


The strength of the half-step nine-layer reincarnation level, the blessing of the nine-color holy flame, and the quasi-god-level fighting skills given to him by the elders as an attack, the devastating blow under the blessing of the three forces, in the eyes of the Silver Dragon King, it is as unbearable as the power of ants. one strike.

Today's Xiao Yan doesn't seem to have any power to fight back when facing the Silver Dragon King... Attempting to use half a step of the Nine Reincarnation Rank to fight against a powerhouse who has stepped into the peak of the Nine Reincarnation Rank with half a foot, I am afraid that the entire Great Thousand World, only There is Xiao Yan alone.

For a time, the battle between the two slowly became silent, and both Xiao Yan and the Silver Dragon King seemed to be preparing some kind of real trump card!


When Xiao Yan was moving like this, Cailin and Yunyun took the lead in breaking through the mottled elemental power deployed by the Silver Dragon King and rescued Long Hao and the two.

The strength of these two people is around the rank of Nine Reincarnation, which is the necessary strength for this battle, and this is also the idea that Xiao Yan secretly passed on to the two women.

"It's work."

Long Hao and the two looked at the amazing fluctuations on Cailin and Yunyun, and they were slightly surprised, but their eyes were extraordinarily serious.

In order to forcibly shake one of the two jade boxes, the two of them had completely used up all the power in their bodies. Although they were rescued by the two women from the torture of the Silver Dragon King, but... facing the battle between Xiao Yan and the Silver Dragon King, Also helpless.

The extremely dry power of reincarnation in the body makes them at this time, empty of strength and other ranks, but there is no power at all!


After rescuing the two strong men, Cai Lin also found that the extremely dry reincarnation power in the two people could not be restored with medicine pills and other substances, and immediately shook her head helplessly.

In this battle, it seems that they can only rely on themselves.

"That's... Zi Yan?"

But when the pressure in Cailin's heart increased greatly, and when she was about to reinforce Xiao Yan, Yun Yun, who was beside her, slowly raised her head, looked at the purple-haired girl who was stepping into the endless void step by step, and said in shock.

"Zi Yan?"

"This girl, what's going on?"

When Cai Lin heard the words, she hurriedly looked up. The latter had a very deep memory of Zi Yan because of Dou Qi Continent's Canaan Academy and other matters.

Today's Zi Yan, the whole body has become more and more exquisite and small, quite a girl's appearance, but the mind is blurred, as if controlled by some ancient power, even behind the latter's head, there is a faint silver crystal The layers are looming... As for the current situation of the latter's body, I am afraid it is caused by the so-called will of the Dragon God.

"This girl should be controlled by the Silver Dragon King, but there is not much threat, let us contain it, the Silver Dragon King still has to ask you."

"You don't have to die, you just need to delay as long as possible."

After a short while, Long Hao's eyes kept wandering back and forth over Xiao Yan and the broken golden cocoon. With the appearance of Xiao Yan, the power of the Silver Dragon King to peel off the golden giant cocoon has become very weak...

Moreover, Long Hao seems to be a little surprised. The power of the Golden Dragon King that the Silver Dragon King has just absorbed was deliberately left by the Golden Dragon King, and the purpose is probably to let him relax his vigilance!


After the two women finished speaking, their bodies took off and returned directly to Xiao Yan's side.

In the distance, on the silver dragon king's exquisite body, pieces of silver dragon scales fell off, completely evolving all the space here into a scene of silver tides!

The golden ocean and the Suolongtai cast by the Golden Dragon King have already been completely wiped out, and the divine artifact is also lying quietly on the ground. A little burns.

Wind, thunder, fire, water…

Elements include all things, the moist air and unrecognizable element fluctuations seem to be weakening Xiao Yan's power in disguise.

A rare burst of holy flame erupted in the body, and even the other three bucket cores trembled.

Under the hands of the Lord of the Elements, the Silver Dragon King, almost all elemental attribute attacks are like a breeze, unable to cause any damage to them.

Simply relying on the four attributes and the power of the Holy Flame cannot shake the Silver Dragon King... However, this does not mean that Xiao Yan does not have the strength to match the Silver Dragon King.

The last time he used the power of the devil, Xiao Yan's control and perception of the power of the devil has been improved to a higher level. Now, facing a more powerful opponent, the blood of the devil suppressed by Xiao Yan in the depths of his body emerged unsuppressed.

Demon, Fang is the biggest threat to some powers!

At least, in Xiao Yan's cognition, the power of the devil will never give up if he has not yet touched the powerhouse in the category of "God"!

"It came just fine."

"It just so happens that this king is still troubled by the fact that after ruling the dragon family, he has no elite teachers."

"Today, the three of you will be obliterated here, and immediately use your soul to refine the dragon puppet of the king!"

The body of the Silver Dragon King rose slowly, and there were countless deep silver vortices emerging all over his body... Each silver vortex contained a destructive power that was enough to penetrate the heavens and the earth.

In addition to this void that is already filled with countless elemental fluctuations, the entire world is controlled by the Silver Dragon King!

At least... With the current three people, no one can resist this aura of destruction.


Facing such an infinite threat of death, Xiao Yan had a gloomy face.

The flames and other powers on his body slowly faded away, and a dark green shadow of evil spirit hid behind him and surrounded him.

On the dark green shadow of evil, there is a witty black robe that is nearly a thousand meters long. Under the black robe, there is an almost illusory and twisted white bone, forming a huge human-shaped frame.

The robe waved, UU read com seems to have some kind of demonic shadow that surpasses the power of the gold and silver dragon king, but it is fleeting.

For a time, the devil's robe appeared on Xiao Yan's body again, and the endless devil's breath surrounded Xiao Yan, making Xiao Yan not afraid of any threat.

"Ten-colored swallowing python!"

Cai Lin nodded silently, then snorted coldly, and the giant pythons behind him surged together!

The huge and slender body twisted slightly, and there were traces of colorful marks left along the way, all of which contained deadly venom.

"Husband and wife are of one mind."

Feeling the coldness on Cailin's face, as well as the endless anger in the mind of the demon Xiao Yan, Yun Yun slowly stretched out her palm and stood in the air, her miserable smile filled with a wave of death as if she were at home.


The voice without a trace of emotional fluctuations came out of the mouth of the demon Xiao Yan, and immediately three magnificent shadows burst out as if covering the sky and slaughtered the Silver Dragon King.

