Chartok the necrobunny was having a bad day.

He'd really wanted to make the whole rabbit theme work.

No one ever conquered the world with undead bunnies! Just the looks on the humans’ faces would have been worth the trouble.The problem was, they really weren't terribly effective.

He'd gathered up a horde of about 30 zombie fat rabbits and went to clear out a bandit camp for practice.

Score: Bandits 30, Zombbits 2.

And he'd even attacked while they were asleep! He went back to the burrow to see if he could find some tougher ones.

He took over a fresh bunny body and walked in.


The silly things paid him no attention.

It took about ten minutes for him to kill a few dozen and turn them into undead.

The first level was full of fat rabbits and ruled over by a "Stout Rabbit".

Chartok rolled on the ground laughing.

What was next? Big Boned Rabbits? Portly Rabbits? He was never going to make this theme work.

He was so glad he hadn't spent points on this theme.

Time to go back to working with wolves.Hmm, what to do with all of these stupid undead bunnies following him.

Maybe turn them loose near a village and let the feral undead bother some humans? That sounded fun! He took them over to the nearest village and snapped all of the necromantic bonds he used to control his minions, eager to see what they did.

What they did was start eating grass.

Stupid rabbits! Human zombies had a hunger for Brainzzz! but these were hopping around looking for Grazzzz! He was done.

Time to head south and find a pupper to take over and build his pack back up.

First though, he was going to spend a few points! He had saved the points he earned getting to Tier 2 in case he found some spiffy bunny only power, but they continued to disappoint.

He was a Tier 2 boss now, time to make the world fear him! (Chartok's sheet in Post-Chapter notes.)

Surveying the scene of last nights little battle, Ozzy was even more confused.

What did those guys hope to accomplish by destroying a corral and chunk of pasture? Easy enough to fix.

He started dragging the killed sedge beasts over to his butcher block while Rolly filled in the hole.

As he was cutting up the carcasses, Ozzy saw Rolly dragging some large logs over to the broken corral.

"Aren't those a tad big Rolly? We should probably go cut some lodgepole to fix that, not foot thick timbers." "Naw, I got this.

I want to try out one of my new Shepherd powers."Ozzy watched as bony blades sprouted from Rolly's forearms.

The things were two foot in length and looked deadly.

He took a log and ran the blade down the edge of the log and sheared off a 1" thick plank, then proceeded to turn the entire log into a stack of planks."Holy shit, when did you learn to do that? What the hell are Shepherd powers?"Rolly continued to make planks, easily cutting the huge timbers down.

"Oh, I grabbed a perk for increased damage from natural weapons when we got points for killing that wolf boss.

That interacts with my Shepherd class abilities and lets me use some new abilities.

Pretty cool, isn't it?"Frightening was a better word, Ozzy thought to himself, and then shrugged.

Rolly had always been able to find weird little advantages in classes no one else bothered with.

Looks like he'd done the same here.

It took a couple of hours to repair all the damage.

Rolly quickly rounded up a small heard of cows and started feeding them into the rebuilt corral.

The great slaughter began again.

Ozzy called a break around noon and started up a fire.

"I grabbed some onions and garlic from the garden behind the inn, let’s see how herb encrusted sedge beast liver tastes." After frying up the sliced liver and onions, Ozzy tried a bite and grimaced.

"Damn, I think that's twice as bad." He staggered off behind a tree.

Rolly munched on a slice himself.

Five minutes later Ozzy got back, and saw that not only had Rolly finished the pan of meat, he was frying up some more.

"This stuff is actually pretty good Ozzy, I'm not sure why you guys don't like it.""Rolly, aren't you getting notifications about the poison? That much is probably going to kill you!""No worries Ozzy.

They keep showing up, but my Shepherd powers are neutralizing the poison pretty fast.

Getting some nice increases."

You have eaten enough poisoned meat to kill a normal human.

Luckily, you are pretty far from normal right now.

You have gained 50 points in Minor Poison Resistance.

MPR is now at rank 1.You have gained 50 points in CON.

Your CON is now at rank 1 for a total of 3.

You are still famished.

It's like you were eating for two!!
