Prelude to the first school fight

“Welcome new cadets to our prestigious academy. You have made the right choice for your future and the future of the Federation to join Scylla Military Academy.”

“Please be reminded that it is of uttermost importance that you be present at the opening ceremony at nine hundred hours at the assembly point in front of the administration building.”

“Welcome new cadets.....”

“Have you got everything you need?” asked Zi Feiji as the repetitive announcement from the drone high above the premises played in the background.

Zi Han nodded his head as he looked up to the sky to take a glimpse of the drone above them. “Look at me,” said Zi Feiji patting his shoulders.

Zi Han complied as he heaved a deep sigh attempting to calm his nerves. “You don’t have to be the best so don’t overwork yourself. But since this is the path you have chosen you should try your best to succeed. If you fail the pre-training programme we can always find something else for you to do so... no pressure, okay?”


Zi Han could barely follow what his grandfather was saying. He was like, “You don’t have to be the best but work hard.” Wasn’t his message a little conflicting? What he did grasp onto was the fact that if he fails his grandfather would find something else for him to do. When he recalled those other fliers he suddenly had a headache. There is no way he was going to study law or medicine. This was what he wanted to do or join the Bloodgarde but since the Bloodgarde wasn’t an option he had to do his best in the Military.

“I understand. I will do my very best...,” he said before looking down at his light brain, “I have only twenty minutes before the opening ceremony. Grandpa you can go..... I will be fine.” He could clearly see the worry in the old man’s eyes thus he said this to reassure him.

Zi Feiji wasn’t reassured in the slightest. In fact, he was even more anxious now than before but what could he do? He couldn’t camp outside the campus gates. That would be highly inappropriate.


He wasn’t worried when he dropped off Zi Xingxi at this very school but it turned out he should have been because she ended up involving herself with his royal highness.

Now he was dropping his grandson to the very same school with the enemy’s cub lurking around. That made him very nervous thus he reiterated, “Stay away from Yi Chen. Do you understand?”

Zi Han, “.....”

“Yes, yes I will. Grandpa, if you don’t leave now I will be late for the opening ceremony,” said Zi Han almost shooing his grandfather away like shooing away a chicken.

“Fine, you can go... I will pick you up after school,” said Zi Feiji waving his hand feeling a little flustered.

Zi Han hugged his grandfather for a brief moment and then smiled at him before walking away. But just as he turned his foot to take a right, Zi Feiji yelled, “Wrong way!”

Zi Han chuckled softly and turned to go to the left while waving at his grandfather. It was easy to see that he was nervous at a glance which made Zi Feiji even more worried.

As soon as his grandson’s figure disappeared he sighed as he leaned against the wall. He immediately contacted the Emissary of Education to check if there were any other openings just in case his grandson messes this up. That feeling only grew stronger and stronger as he walked out of the premises.

The grandson he was worried about wasn’t doing as bad as he imagined in his head. Zi Han had found the assembly point with ease and he was currently looking for the row where his class was supposed to stand.

Based on the cadet access pass he received he was supposed to be in class one. Classes were assigned by one’s grades when one applied to the academy. This meant Zi Han was one of the smart ones but right now he didn’t feel smart.

The first row in the assembly point had students with different coloured uniforms. Their coats were navy blue and their pants were silver which was the opposite of what the rest were wearing. It was obvious that he didn’t belong there.

He was about to casually pick a row with fewer people when someone accidentally bumped into him from behind. His brows furrowed as he looked back. Behind him were three boys and a girl, three of them were about his height and the other one was so short that Zi Han had to lower his head to look at him.

Despite having bumped into him they weren’t apologetic. In fact, two of them walked forward their expressions a little intimidating.

Seeing this Zi Han couldn’t help but smirk. It seemed his grandfather knew he would encounter assholes from day one thus he deliberately made him promise not to fight outside training.

“Apologise,” said the tallest one among them as he stood right in Zi Han’s face. Based on Zi Han’s character that wasn’t going to happen.

The smirk on his face abruptly vanished as his gorgeous fox eyes exuded a bone piercing chill that made the boy’s blood run cold. The way his expression changed from a sly fox to that of a demon was so fast that it startled the people around him.

The tall boy was very much intimidated but he didn’t show it on his face. He wanted to back down but his pride wouldn’t let him thus he stood his ground. He had already lost his position in class one and rumour had it that he lost it to someone from a garbage star.

His father was an admiral to the Marshal so what kind of power could a low life from a garbage star have not unless their mother climbed into one of the board members’ beds. That had indeed happened before. It was because Scylla was extremely difficult to get into especially for candidates outside the Capital Star. Thus this new cadet wasn’t in the best of moods.

“Maverick!..... the drone is watching,” said the short guy and the moment he spoke the two guys made way for him like he was some sort of don in the mafia.

“Hey... the opening ceremony is about to begin and you are all fuckin loafing around like delinquents,” said a melodious yet overbearing voice.

As soon as she spoke the group passed Zi Han with the two boys intentionally bumping into his shoulder. The girl just gave him a provocative smile before passing him. Shorty on the other hand scoffed before walking away.

Zi Han, “.....”

Did he just get insulted by a garden gnome? Okay, fine he was definitely taller than a garden gnome but Zi Han couldn’t help it. The guy was just too short. He glanced in shorty’s direction before the girl who just spoke cleared her throat to grasp his attention.

When she saw his dangerously handsome face and those fox eyes staring at her from underneath the service cap she felt weak at her knees and her face heated up. One should be able to guess her strength based on that group’s response.

Her name was Hela, a six-foot beauty with a heart of a jaguar. Oh, and she was also the vice president of class one thus explaining her uniform. She was the type of girl no one could ever conquer but today she seemed to have met her match.

Unable to accept that a man had stirred her heart at a glance she composed herself and said, “Student ID.”

Zi Han passed on his access pass which also served as his student ID. Hela took the card and the corner of her lip quirked before she gave him back his access pass.
