"The destiny? You should never have told me this ridiculous word that only the weak used to hide behind it! I don't care if so-called destiny goes in my way, but when it tries to put sticks in my wheels, I will even challenge destiny and crusade against it until my last breath!" Affirmed Alvine in a monotonous voice as he floated in the sky and looked at Nelda the same way she looked at him about thirty seconds ago!
Hearing Alvine saying such bold words, her eyes widened with surprise. "Kahaha! What does an ignorant like you know what destiny is?! Do you think the future can change? All living beings were born with their own stars of destiny. Even if it deviates its trajectory momentarily, powers that go beyond the very concept of your imagination put it back on the right path! Even the divine beings you call the gods cannot escape the concepts of destiny! It is certainly not simple mortals like us who can do much about it!" She exclaimed in a furious voice.
"Sigh, I know very well that I am hundreds of thousands of times weaker to be able to escape this concept. So what does it change?!" Alvine replied, looking at his sword. Hearing her words, Nelda frowned. "Even if I'm not strong, that doesn't mean I'm going to give up my life and put it in the hands of vulgar concepts! I don't know what you have experienced or you learned to abandon your life in the scripts of your glorious star of destiny, but it doesn't give you the right or power to impose your vision on me!" Dryly replied Alvine while injecting his power into his sword and preparing for his next attack.
Thanks to this exchange between Alvine and her, fifty percent of her wounds were healed. "Very well, if you're so stubborn, let me open your skull and insert a new record!" She said, putting herself in a starting position to better gain her momentum.
"What is it about? Why did their duel take such turns? Nelda is still not going to lose against him, isn't it?!" Freya wondered in an uncertain tone.
"No, their duel is just beginning. This kid is certainly the toughest cockroach I've ever seen on all planets! He reminds me of the king of beasts that I had faced in a duel! But in the end, he will be in our hands like the king of beastmens!" Commented Regroud in a thunderous and placid voice.
"Lady Rina, since when has our master held such a weapon? Is it a high-level divine weapon?! I didn't know you had such a treasure with you, no wonder you ordered the master to participate in this duel, your intelligence sometimes scares me!" Nicco asserted by moving away from Sabrina as if she wanted to dramatize the situation.
"Sigh, you're wrong Nicco. I have nothing to do with this weapon, I have no guarantee that he will win. Recently, I understood that our overprotection prevented the master from growing further. So seeing that he wanted to participate in this duel at all costs even if he was not sure of his victory... I could not oppose his decision. Even if he fails, it does not mean that we will separate from him! No matter the result, we will always be together. Don't take this duel with exaggeration, if only you knew why he was fighting." While she spoke these words, she had a proud expression that embellished her face with excessive pride.
"What do you mean by that?" Yuer who had just finished her task could not resolve to remain in the mystery.
"Sigh, in facing this holy Valskar, he realized the frightening power that the high-ranking Valskars hide in them. In realizing this, I think... no; I'm sure that when he saw this opportunity to end this battle without us having to face the emperor Valskars, he did not hesitate to sacrifice himself to prevent us from facing them and thus avoid the risk of losing someone else among us "Replied Sabrina while an aura of sadness emanated from her. It was their role to protect their master, not the other way around.By realizing Alvine's true intentions, Nicco and Ashia's enthusiast instantly turned into unreasonable sadness.
"I have never hated my weakness as much as now! After solving these problems, I swear I would do everything in my power to help each of us regain our original powers!" Her voice was not high, but Cheera and the others could easily hear Sabrina's monotonous tone who was full of determination!
"But Lady Rina, do you want us to leave this planet? This decision will cause us more problems than we currently have!" Ashia intervenes quickly.
"We don't need to get there! I have had new discoveries recently about this planet. We will talk about it after our master's duel!" She said, shaking her head with refusal.
[ Dimensional jump]
*Slam!!! *
Alvine and Nelda had resumed their duel with more aggression and fervor than before. Nelda's entire body was bathed in a dark purple aura while Alvine was decorated with an imposing light blue aura.
'Damn, this kid is tough! Even if he can't stand the power of his sword yet, he still manages to stand up to me in one way or another! I must continue the duel until his body collapses when he can no longer bear the power of his weapon!' Concludes Nelda by closely avoiding another Alvine slash.
Then she rushed straight towards him, aiming at his neck. Seeing that Alvine had guessed the trajectory of her attack, she once again used her [dimensional jump] and instantly appeared behind Alvine aiming at his left-wing!
Realizing that she had still disappeared in front of him, with her increased speed, Alvine instinctively made a flip-back in the areas and stood behind Nelda like a ghost because of her prodigious speed and held Nelda's thin and long tail and threw her to the ground with all her strength!
*BOOM!! *
Nelda had not had time to react in time before her body smashed the ground until it trembled under Nelda's shock!
'Shit, she's looking to save time! If I don't finish the duel before sixty seconds, my body won't hold anymore! This sword may be powerful, but I am not yet powerful to handle it for a long time!' Contrary to what seems to be blatant, it was rather Alvine who was at a disadvantage!
I have not yet dared to use the only law I have at my disposal. Because I don't know its effects yet! If I... shit!' While he was in his thoughts, Nelda did not give him respite, with her spatial-dimensional skills, she had only taken a thousandth of a second before returning Alvine stolen in the air three hundred meters from her original position thanks to her kick had landed on Alvine's chest!
'I have no choice. It's that or becoming her subordinate!' Alvine replied to himself in his thoughts! 'The absorption competence, a unique skill that devours all kinds of energy that exists in the universe! This skill alone is a scourge that must not exist! But for some reason, by using this unique skill several times... I ended up acquiring the law of absorption!' Alvine weighed the pros and cons while he was besieged by Nelda's attacks. Then, when Nelda disappeared directly as most of the time,
*Ack!! *
Her neck was grabbed by Alvine when she appeared directly in front of Alvine! "I'm starting to understand your little games! I have one last warning to give you, abandon the duel or I risk inadvertently killing you!" Alvine replied, looking straight into the green pupils of Nelda who was struggling to free herself from his grip.
"*Cough* he-he-he... how I can give up when you only have less than a minute left before you collapse under lack of endurance!" stammered Nelda after loosening Alvine's hand on her neck.
"Honestly, I really appreciate your fighting spirit and aggression! Therefore, I did not want to use this skill for fear that you would lose your life! But you hardly give me a choice! Please hang on to life as hard as you can! You will be a good asset to me in the future!" Affirmed Alvine with a Machiavellian smile.
"You're just an ignorant person who only knows how to pronounce swear words. If you still think you will defeat me because you hold a weapon of the same rank as mine, you overestimate yourself too much! I am Nelda Vilop, the Lord's "bloody queen" of the Lord's first-rate elite troop! It is not a simple “master” of a small castle located on a fourth-level planet that will defeat me! I will now show you what the real power is that you have never witnessed!" She cried out, lifting her sword translucent to heaven. [Divine Law level three: spatial fractions!] She says with unwavering determination in her pupils!
*Crack! *action
At the same time, a clear golden aura swirled around his body and his sword cracked and disintegrated into thousands of small fragments that disappeared into the void leaving a blue sky that broke into thousands of pieces like broken glass. Under the eyes-wide-open of all, the pieces of sky that had just broken swirled over his head like a calamity that was about to annihilate the whole world.
Seeing this unprecedented horror, Alvine's facial muscles stretched out to acquiesce to her astonishment and absolute surprise. 'Sigh, I who feared not to cause something irreversible with my absorption law, have no choice but to use it! After all, I don't think I can cause anything more... irreversible than this crazy girl!' He said to himself by preparing in turn. Unlike before, he did not intervene to prevent Nelda from using her ultimate law!
"Fufu, I'm still waiting for your famous ultimate spell that you intended to serve you to defeat me! Would you have abandoned the duel? What do you intend to do to counter my hundred thousand dimensional blades that are able to cut all things?!" Nelda announced in an arrogant tone filled with absolute confidence.
Seeing that she wanted to repay him by giving him time to prepare, with an innocent smile, Alvine stretched out her palm and concentrated all her raw energy inside her palm. "All seeds, souls, skills, affinities, creatures, laws, things that contain the slightest ounce of energetic existence, all things that exist in infinity are made up of unknown and known energy that direct the entire universe. I invoke by my name, by my authority, by my power, and by my own will the universal law: [universal laws level one: Absolute absorption]!
Enjoy it