As Fayette went over her power-leveling options, she realized she would be facing a special challenge: organising proper [Lady]-level service in the middle of the wilderness. Sure, trade caravans usually carried some food and amenities, but Fayette was a [Maid] with standards. It was not just a matter of pride. Ambition would up the challenge factor, potentially giving her even more experience.

There wasn’t much time before the time to leave town would come, so she excused herself from the group for the morning, and went on a manic shopping spree through town to gather all her needs. The friendly [Blacksmith] had a lot of what she needed, and when he didn’t, he knew where to ask. With his help, it only took a bit over an hour to arrange everything, after which she caught up with the group and began forming more concrete plans. She only had one chance at a first-time experience bonus for everything, so the [Maid] intended to get everything just right on the first go.

A [Maid] had to act with confidence and certainty, so Fayette took the first part of the day for experimenting with her new supplies. She kept a ways from the caravan, trailing behind just enough to keep it in sight. The others were a tad worried about Fayette’s sudden obsessive mood and Mireille even debated stepping back to ensure she was alright, but the sound of an explosion convinced her to stay back

The process took her the whole day, so it wasn’t until the late evening when the caravan had stopped for rest, that Fayette finally approached the [Lady].

The wagons were arranged in a semi-circle with a campfire in the middle, like travelers huddled together for warmth. Fayette saw the rest of her party eating and sharing words with the members of the Salted Knives, while their charge, the so-called “[Governess] Adrianne”, sat on one of the wagons, busy scribbling in her notebook.

Fayette checked over her uniform one more time, just in case its pristine look had been sullied by a stray bit of grime, then walked forward, falling into her practiced and poised [Maid] mannerism.

“Miss, excuse me, would you like to retire for rest? The night is drawing near.”


The woman flinched, looked up at Fayette, then hurriedly stored her notebook away in a pocket.

“Ah? Fayette, was it? I didn’t see you all day. Also, please call me Marie.”

Fayette held the woman’s gaze, then slowly repeated herself.

“Miss, would you like to retire for rest? The night is drawing near.”

The woman’s face grew puzzled for a moment before she caught herself and slowly nodded. “Umm—sure? I guess it is time for that.”

Fayette nodded, then motioned for her to follow.

“This way then, please.”

She made sure the miss was following, then led her to their group’s designated wagon, where she had cordoned off one section with a curtain. Fayette hopped up, then turned around, extending a hand to the [Lady]. The woman hesitated for a moment, but then grabbed Fayette’s hand and let the [Maid] help her up.

Hmm, no experience just for that. Time to get serious then.

Fayette pointed at the curtained-off section. “Miss, your chambers have been prepared.”

“My chambers? I don’t think I had—”

Fayette silenced her with a wave of her hand, then spun around, stepped inside and threw open the curtains. A comfortable alcove was revealed. Bedding with heaps of blankets lit by a single dim lantern, with a bucket and mirror acting as a washing basin to the side. “Of course you have chambers, miss. How could you not have your own chambers? Our hunter party is committed to offering good service.”

The [Lady] looked at Fayette for a moment, then to the bedding within. Slowly, the comfort evident in it broke her restraints, and she finally accepted. “…I do? Well, I suppose it’s fine then…”

Fayette waited for her to step inside, then followed her in, closing the drapes behind her. The moonlight from outside dimmed, leaving the lantern as the sole source of vision.

“Miss, let me help you undress.”

The [Lady] turned and took a step back from Fayette, almost stumbling at the bedding.

“Um, I can handle that fine on my own, thanks. I don’t think that was part of your duties.”

Fayette took a step forward, closing the distance. “But miss, of course it is part of a guard’s duties to help their charge undress.”

The [Lady] took another step back but hit the wall—the cramped space left her with no avenue of retreat. She slowly drew her hand back behind her dress, fiddled at the laces there, and laughed nervously. “Thank you for the offer, but I am completely fine on my—”This content has been misappropriated from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

Fayette took another step forward, then grabbed the [Lady’s] arm lightly at the wrist. Fayette stood half a head taller than her, so she had to bend down slightly to look into her eyes. Once more, she repeated herself. “Miss, are you really sure? I can let you do it on your own, but... you had a lot of trouble last night.”

The woman seemed to shrink down under Fayette’s gaze, and turned her head to the ground, fleeing it. “…Alright,” she finally answered, almost in a whimper.

Fayette released her hand, motioned for the miss to turn around, then once she had done so, began unlacing the dress.

For a moment, the only sound inside the wagon was the swishing of the ties as Fayette unfastened them, until the [Lady] broke the silence.

“I’m just a [Governess], there’s no need for all this. I just hired you to be guards…”

Fayette physically winced at the obvious lie. What kind of [Governess] can afford to hire a whole hunter party to act as guards? She really needs to think of a better story.

She finally managed to get the dress loosed up, and began helping the woman out of it. “Think nothing of it, this is just all just a natural part of guardwork.” She got the dress off, set it down to the side, then moved to the corset. “We're getting paid well, I think, so naturally we want to have satisfied clients.”

For the rest of the process, the miss stood silent, letting Fayette remove each garment one-by-one. As Fayette removed the last stocking, leaving her in only a night chemise, she finally heard the notice she had been working for.

[Good work! Progress towards next level: 60%]

Fayette smiled wide, almost tasting the delicious experience on her tongue. Nice, a whole 10%! I knew this would work, now then....

She moved a bit to the side, then motioned at the room’s washing basin. “Now, miss, let me wash your face for you. Let’s get that makeup off.”

The [Lady] gave Fayette a long look, looking as if she was debating something, then finally sighed and walked forward, letting the [Maid] have her way.

Fayette grinned with satisfaction, then got back to work.

[Good work! Progress towards next level: 70%]

Fayette woke up early the next morning, wedged between Mireille and the wagon wall. With a good bit of the wagon cordoned off for their client, the rest of the party had ended up rather cramped. Mireille had been a bit upset, but Fayette had promised that it was all for a greater purpose. She got up and stretched to get herself ready—there were many preparations to make.

She carefully stepped over Mireille’s and Olivia’s sleeping forms and got to their baggage, where she quickly dressed herself up. Her uniform ready, she silently crept to the curtain and drew it back just a bit, letting her peek inside. She saw the [Lady], snugly tucked inside her many blankets, eyes closed in peaceful rest. Good, seems I have plenty of time.

She stepped out of the wagon, and let her eyes get used to the growing sunlight outside. The [Maid] nodded at the morning-shift caravan [Guards], then walked to the middle of their encampment, where she began to make her morning preparations.

First, she went to the still-burning campfire, and set a tea kettle to heat atop it. Then, she walked a slight distance away and began pulling out bits of wood from her [Apron of Holding]. It had been a bit of a rush-job, but by using skills, you could get a lot done in a short time.

She sorted the bits of wood according to their purposes, then began attaching them together, sliding wooden tabs into holes carved for them, until she had a tea table and a set of stools set up. She went back to check on her kettle, nodded with satisfaction at the boiling liquid, then crept back to her wagon, this time all the way into the [Lady's] compartment.

“Miss, excuse me, it is time to wake up.”

The [Lady] turned around in her bedding, the groggily answered. “Please—, just five more minutes…”

Hm, a bit of a late sleeper are we? Well, that’s what [Maids] are for.

She stepped forward, leaned down, then pulled the blankets off the woman in one smooth motion. “No, it is really time to wake up.”

The [Lady] flinched up, limbs flailing like a patient in their death throes as she was forcibly ripped awake. Then she just dully stared around, blinking with confusion, slowly getting conscious of the situation.

Hmm, she seems a bit addled by her sleep. Good. Should make these next parts easier.

Fayette grabbed the woman by the hips, then lifted her up.

“Huh? Wait—wha—”

“Miss, let me help you get dressed. Just your standard morning routine. Here, let’s start with the stockings, sit down there.”

Fayette drew out a stool from her [Apron of Holding], set the unsteady [Lady] down onto it, then started pulling up her stockings. The woman herself was still a bit out of it, confused by the rush and still addled by sleep, but did not resist. If anything, she was going along with the motions smoothly, like she was used to them. An automatic pattern she had been used to for most of her life.

“Up we go—there. Next, let me fasten up these garters—there. Good, now, stand up would you? Keep your hands up—just like that—Here’s your petticoat. All fastened up? Good. Then, the corset…”

By the time she was fully awake, the [Lady] was already fully dressed and even had her makeup and hair in order. Fayette stood back a bit, admiring her work, satisfied that her appearance was finally in order.

Newly brushed up and styled, the miss’s golden curls were now set into long drills that ran by her sides. Her freshened dress was finally in order, giving off an impression of refined elegance. The lilies embroidered at the hems now shone in the sunlight, like they were blooming fresh for the spring.

Fayette felt rather satisfied as she looked back on the work she had done. Now that’s more like it—I guess these sorts really do need a proper [Maid]…

[Good work! Progress towards next level: 90%]

Hmm, good. Seems dressing up and undressing count separately. Now—moving forward…

The miss herself seemed amazed at her own transformation and looked at Fayette with a new respect in her eye. “You know, I really must thank you for this, it’s all quite—”

“It’s quite alright miss, I’m just doing my work,” Fayette cut in, then beckoned forward. “Now, let us go for your morning tea.”

The [Lady] looked at Fayette for a good, long moment, then sighed, shoulders slumping down. “Alright then… But please call me Marie.”

“Of course, of course, miss. Now, follow me. This way please.”

It was time for an elegant tea party on the road.
