The next couple months pass by as I travel through the dungeon suggested to me by Ethan. A dungeon that’s full of illusions. None of which affect me.
Doesn’t change the fact that the monsters in here have kept me wandering the dungeon for two months, only reaching a little over level 400.
“You complain a lot,” the Quantum Architect, who has been speaking more and more over these past couple months, whines. But I chose to ignore him.
He tends to stop talking when I do that.
I stretch my arms slightly as I walk through the illusion-covered corridor of this damned maze. Only to end up at another dead end, making me groan and turn back around again.
This maze is a bigger issue than the illusions.
I pause mid-step when a notification appears in my vision.
The Second Dimensional Council shall commence in three days’ time.
All Authority holders are advised to gather those you wish advising you during this council and mentally designate them as your advisors.
If they are not designated within the next three days, they will not be brought with you to the Council.
If you are in a dungeon and cannot get out, you will be teleported to the Council anyways.