It ends up taking me nearly an entire hour to figure it out, but once I do, I find the process to be rather quick. Not necessarily easy or simple, but quick to do. Because all of the energy immediately moves into the form of a bullet as fast as the speed of light. Maybe even faster.
Which will make for an extremely fast reaction speed for an attack.
I don’t really have any way to test it though, considering that I can’t manipulate mana myself. So I can’t make a spell circle to attempt breaking.
It’s too bad monsters can’t cast spells.
“You did it perfectly, there’s no need to test it right now,” the Quantum Architect says before returning to his bat form and regaining his masculine voice again with no small hint of satisfaction on his bat face. “Test it if you wish outside of the dungeon, but don’t feel you need to leave now for this. Simply do it a few more times to get the skill.”
Oh, right. The skill.
I do what he said and create and launch several more bullets before I get the System Message I’m looking for.
[*New General Skill* – Anti-magic Bullet: Increases the power, accuracy, and speed of bullets created through energy when they are used to pierce a spell circle or active spell.]
And there’s the skill. Nice.
I’ll need to find a Safe Zone to slot it though.
Anyways, now that I have it, I begin making my way through the maze once more. Only to immediately find myself at a dead end with a fallen foxkin just kinda standing sitting there asleep.
Huh. Didn’t realize they could sleep.
Well, doesn’t matter. I raise my hand and activate Quantum Breath, which got the ability to send the breath out of any part of my body after reaching Tier 2 rather than just my mouth. A very nice feature of the skill.
The fallen foxkin immediately wakes up upon being hit by the breath attack, but the purple and blue flames quickly begin to glitch the thing apart instead of burning it. And after only a few seconds, the thing dies. Partially due to my higher level, partially the surprise attack, and partially my Legendary Feat that increases my damage against fallen monsters.
Come to think of it, Legendary Feat Perks aren’t a guide, right? They’re something the System gives you.The narrative has been stolen; if detected on Amazon, report the infringement.
“Correct,” the Quantum Architect answers rather quickly, apparently using my suffering in this maze as his amusement while he continues recovering his strength.
So there are some features of the System that are given by the System itself. Features to reward progress and accomplishments.
Very interesting.
Then again, the fact that the System could take away the Legendary Feats in the first place says something about the fact that they’re given by the System.
After all, people could still use the same spells they knew before the Reset after it, but they didn’t have the effects of any Legendary Feat Perk they had before the Reset if they lost it afterwards.
It really does make sense if I look at it that way. Spells were never skills that someone got with the System. They were just things people created on their own with mana using spell circles.
Although I never really knew many spells. I mostly had skills as a Magic Knight.
At most I knew the simplest astral spell Gramps knew. Which was also the only one he knew.
And now I can’t even use spells since I can’t use mana.
A pity, but quantum magic is better anyways. And energy manipulation.
I can’t wait to see someone’s face when I break apart their spell circle.
The Quantum Architect stays silent as I smirk at the thought, calmly walking back to the last intersection before continuing on through the next hallway.
Of course, I’ll have to leave the dungeon first for that. And that won’t happen until I finish up in here.
I frown as a thought comes to mind.
Didn’t really think about it before, but spellcasters are a lot more common nowadays after the Reset than they were before it. Is that because the spellcasters from prior to the Reset are teaching any magic user spellcasting? Or is it just the spellcasters being a lot more motivated to learn and craft new spells after being tossed into a new dimension filled with monsters and a chance at reaching the top?
Well, regardless, I know what I’ll be doing when I get out of the dungeon.
Asking Astrid to let me test out Anti-magic Bullet on her spells. Since Gramps started teaching her some magma spells.
He doesn’t know shadow spells though, so no luck on that end.
My thoughts drive to a halt when a surprise System Notification appears in my vision.
A Cataclysm Class Monster has appeared within the domain of the merged Dimensional Block previously known as Dimensional Block #108.