After leaving behind the settlement of elves – ignoring the high elf guy who was apparently representing the naga and ran off in a different direction – I teleport straight to the tops of the trees. Then I continue teleporting from one tree to another. Just making my way towards the Eastern side of the Block.
Of course, I make sure along the way to keep the Wall of the Dimensional Block in sight. Because if I lose sight of it, I might end up accidentally entering the naga’s territory. And if I do that, there’s a good chance I’ll be stuck fighting with a naga for a while.
Not a pleasant fight, nor what I’m wanting to deal with.
Lucas didn’t stay for long before he left back to his Block, but he went ahead and explained to me some details about the neighboring Class S species that he believed I most likely wouldn’t know. Which was true since I didn’t know them.
Amongst the details were the intel I have about this naga.
Naga are territorial creatures who – just like all other Class S species – naturally emit their element into the world. Most of the time in the form of their aura.
Which is why my aura feels the way it does, since an aura is dependent on the one who it belongs to. Mostly, dependent on their class.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the world tree in this Dimensional Block grew strictly because of the nature energy the naga was emitting into it.
But the idea if fighting a Class S species in their own element is a terrifying one. Particularly if they know how to manipulate the element around them.
Something most of them do know how to do. With me being the lone exception to this since I haven’t gotten as far as I’d like into my energy manipulation training.
Although at least energy manipulation lets me manipulate the energy of every element. Not just the quantum element.
So that’s a plus.
I continue teleporting as I think about the naga, only occasionally stopping at a settlement to ask for directions.
In general, a naga is a massive serpent. One with green scales, nature magic, the power of petrification in its eyes, and a couple extra heads that are placed on its body in the forms of hands. A rather odd mix, if I’m being honest.Stolen content alert: this content belongs on Royal Road. Report any occurrences.
Most importantly though, they specialize in physically enhancing their body. Something that normally wouldn’t matter to me considering my armor and my natural immunity to physical damage making ninety percent of all physical damaged dealt to me completely null and void. But the issue is that I doubt I’ll be able to hurt them either.
Because the naga is generally immune to magic unless one of its heads is cut off through physical strength.
And I’m pretty sure my physical strength isn’t enough to cut the head off of a Class S species without the use of any magic.
So I’d rather not meet that naga if I don’t have to. It’d be a waste of time.
I teleport from one tree to another to another all across the Block, stopping every ten or so minutes for directions. An act that always frightens everyone in the settlements I go to.
Which reminds me.
Architect, do you know how to withdraw my stupid aura that keeps terrifying everyone?
“Yes,” he answers without elaborating further.
I wait for a few seconds.
Then wait some more.
Can you tell me how to withdraw my stupid aura?
“No,” he answers just as simply as last time.
Why not?
He doesn’t answer.
I feel like you’ve been getting less and less cooperative every day.
No answer.
Well that’s annoying.
But at least I know that I can, in fact, retract my aura. I just need to figure out how.
The fact that none of the other Class S species have ever been known to retract their auras leads me to believe that it most likely has something to do with energy manipulation. Seeing as only quantum beings can manipulate energy directly.
So I should start from there.
After I get better at manipulating my energy, that is. Because where I’m at right now in it won’t likely be of much use.
I continue teleporting for a while, occasionally learning that I went off course and having to readjust my path, until I finally arrive. And my prior question about if these Cataclysm Class monsters are all huge is pretty much confirmed by the sights I see in front of me.
Enormous trees covered in equally enormous cobwebs. Cobwebs waaay too massive to be from some small spider.
Doesn’t hurt that the nearby settlements mentioned a really loud hissing sound.
Interestingly enough though, not a single person has actually seen the creature. All they know is that a massive creature that makes a very loud hissing sound has been leaving cobwebs everywhere. And that the naga is ignoring the thing.
Wouldn’t be surprised if said naga came to watch me fight though. It’s what I’d do if someone came to my Block to fight the Cataclysm Class monster in it after all.
I look across the cobweb-covered forest before glancing at some of the monsters stuck in the web down below. Monsters such as treants – large walking trees – and giant deer monster things with two heads.
Then I begin teleporting above the cobwebs, making sure to keep my attention as focused as it can be until my senses finally lock onto a very large energy source. A larger one than the turtle.
I quickly begin teleporting over towards it, only to find that I can’t actually see the owner of the energy source. The spider is just so good at camouflaging itself that if I couldn’t sense it then I’d have no idea it was here.
Maybe that’s why the naga isn’t bothering with the thing?
Either way though, once it realizes I’ve noticed it, the creature suddenly begins to move, breaking whatever camouflage it had.
And revealing itself to be, as expected, a massive spider.
One standing at nearly two dozen meters in length.
A very big fella.
And it’s just kinda staring at me with its eight pitch black eyes.