The Retreat
Astrid taps her fingers on her thigh as she sits in one of the seats on the council table, located in the heart of The Retreat. Just staring at the noble standing in the center of the ring-shaped counter.
“So once more, I implore you to assist us in our war,” the man states while bowing all the way to a ninety degree angle.
But he’s not bowing towards Astrid. Rather, he’s bowing towards Alara, who doesn’t appear interested either.
From what the man has said so far, Dimensional Block #108 and Dimensional Block #105 seem to be at a bit of a stalemate. Both sides having cleared out the same number of Authority Holders as the other, but with The Retreat holding a good portion of the Authority Holders of Dimensional Block #108, leaving them behind in numbers. Which, in Astrid’s opinion, isn’t a matter she or The Retreat have to care about.
And apparently even Varsac agrees with that sentiment. But despite that, he’s still sending noble after noble, begging for their assistance.
Astrid can understand where he’s coming from. Just a single Class S would turn the tides in the war strongly, even if Astrid isn’t at the level cap for Tier 3 yet.
She’s been off training for most of her time since becoming a Class S species, strictly so that she can catch up with her sister. But no matter how hard she tries, she still isn’t able to catch up. Because her sister is also still growing stronger at the same time.
And Astrid would never ask Lexi to slow down just so that she can catch up.
Astrid sighs, beginning to tune out the conversation since she cares just as little about this war as her sister does.
There’s no point in fighting… why should I even bother after all? There’s no reward to winning. And all it would do is slow down my leveling.
She pauses for a second before continuing to tap her leg in her impatience.
Actually, it’s already slowing down my leveling. Just from leaving me stuck here during this meeting.
Astrid would’ve already left to go to another dungeon, but she promised Alara that she would protect The Retreat during this time when the majority of their forces aren’t in the city.
A major pain to the Class S Shadowblade Hydra.
But a promise is a promise, and Astrid doesn’t break promises. Just like her sister.
It’s something they both agree on.
Unless they just forget them. Then there’s no fault to them for breaking it.
Astrid has a better memory than her sister though, so unlike Lexi who may forget a promise, Astrid won’t.
As Astrid is feeling bored to death watching Alara politely reject the noble for what must be the umpteenth time, her thoughts stray to the Hound. The man she and her twin learned to be their biological father.Unauthorized use of content: if you find this story on Amazon, report the violation.
I’m still not sure what to think about that… or the other stuff we learned then.
Unlike her sister, Astrid actually feels… a little interested in getting to know their biological father a little. Now, she doesn’t think of him as their father, since he wasn’t there when they were raised. But that doesn’t clear away her interest in getting to know him a bit better.
And she’s pretty sure her sister is at least a little interested in getting to know him a bit as well, even if she doesn’t realize it herself.
Astrid isn’t the best with emotions either, just like her sister, but she is at least better at recognizing them than Lexi is. And, more importantly, she’s better at recognizing Lexi’s emotions than Lexi is.
In reality, she may be the only person who can recognize her sister’s emotions very well, unless Lexi is just really feeling an emotion at one particular time or another.
But she also knows that her sister has a habit of going with the flow. Of just adapting to whatever situation she’s forced into.
So when the Hound said he had to leave, she just took that in stride and continued with whatever she was doing before he arrived.
Astrid rests her chin atop her palm, her elbow now resting on the counter in front of her.
I do think she’s gotten a bit better ever since this Reset. Maybe having that Quantum Architect house-wrecker in her head is helping with her emotions.
The hydra’s thoughts are interrupted when a System Notification appears in front of her vision, making her briefly raise her head again only to lower it a second later.
The Dimensional Council of Dimensional Block #1 has officially achieved victory against Dimensional Block #15 in their war!
Henceforth, the Dimensional Wall between Dimensional Blocks #1 and #15 shall no longer exist. Furthermore, all citizens of Dimensional Block #15 designated as not allowed in the Block will be forcefully ejected into a random neighboring Block.
Due to the war coming to a close through the slaying of the Dimensional Champion of Dimensional Block #15 by the Dimensional Champion of Dimensional Block #1, only one Champion remains.
Therefore the remaining Champion will take on the role of Dimensional Champion for the new Dimensional Block #1.
Lastly, the Dimensional Leader of Dimensional Block #1 will retain their position as the Leader of the newly merged Block.
The war results have now concluded.