After dealing with the Cataclysm Class space ship – which feels odd to think – I begin teleporting through the Dimensional Block, training the skill in the process as I search for the second Cataclysm Class monster of the Block. Which in the end doesn’t take all that long to find.
It also doesn’t take long to kill, seeing as it’s in the low level 300s.
In fact, the thing is so easy to kill that I feel bad for it as I do so.
At this point I’ve stopped caring about the corpses of the Cataclysm Class monsters though. For the spaceship I kind of just dumped it on a nearby spaceship and had them give me some random ore for it. Because I wasn’t gonna figure out how to negotiate for a damned spaceship creature corpse.
And for this giant spherical mouth? Which is what the Cataclysm Class monster is. I take a bunch of teeth and dump the body on another spaceship.
While I’m teleporting to go to the next Dimensional Block though, I can’t help but think about how rich I’m gonna be by the end of this hunting spree.
Because if I keep on selling all of these corpses, then I’m gonna have a filled storage ring just from the stuff I trade for them by the time I finish with all twenty-five of the creatures.
I really do need to get a better storage ring.
That thought has me sighing as I reach the Dimensional Wall to the next Block. And without hesitation, I pass through the wall, entering it before pausing right in front of the massive expanse of stone blocking me from going any further.
The Dimensional Block this time – Dimensional Block #97 – is a massive network of tunnels and stone. With their form of our islands – where the people congregate and find wide open space and dungeons and stuff – are giant caverns amidst the tunnels.
But the tunnels only open towards the Dimensional Wall in certain locations.
Locations that I really don’t have much patience to find, so I begin glitching apart the large block of stone with Quantum Breath instead.
This’ll be an exercise to train the skill.
Of course, I make sure to sense for energy signatures all around me so that I don’t end up accidentally killing some poor rando.If you come across this story on Amazon, it's taken without permission from the author. Report it.
Well, that and to find the tunnels. Because that would be nice as well.
I end up making my own tunnel for a little bit before eventually finding an energy source a couple hundred meters to my right. So I turn to head in that direction.
And when I blast open into the tunnel I’m immediately assaulted by a flurry of bats.
I begin to prepare a counterattack, only for Luna to jump off of my shoulder and screech at the bats while sending some sort of purple pulse at them, knocking them all out to fall towards the floor of the cavern.
Luna hasn’t really been doing much other than sleeping during most of our little trip. And the other bat – the Quantum Architect – isn’t much different either. Except that he occasionally, once in a blue moon, maybe, sometimes decides to answer a question I may have.
Or he just ignores me.
Which is rude.
He’s even ignoring me calling him rude for ignoring me, not even bothering to open his eyes.
Anyways, Luna flies down towards the bats as I watch on curiously, only for her to tap the bats on the chest one after another. And it looks like she’s sending a sliver of quantum energy into them.
So I go ahead and check her skills before I find a rather interesting looking new skill of hers.
One that lets her turn other bats into quantum vampling bats.
As long as the bats in question are not sapient that is.
I watch as all of the bats begin to mutate, slowly gaining glowing purple veins that glitch out every now and then running through their body. Even occasionally glitching in where they’re at, moving from one point to another.
A rather odd look for a bunch of bats, but they don’t seem to mind much as they slowly fly up into the air with blank looks on their faces.
Luna lets out a cute little squeak, then another squeak and another. Almost as if she’s talking to them.
And all in sync, the bats begin to fly out of the cavern.
Then Luna returns to her spot on my shoulder, letting out a cute little purr as she does so.
I stare at her for a few seconds, then at the bats that are all leaving the cavern.
Huh. No idea what just happened, but since it was Luna who did it, it doesn’t really matter. She’d never hurt me, so she can do what she wants.
I begin teleporting through the cavern to the tunnels and then through the tunnels as well, just searching for something. Whether that something is a Cataclysm Class monster or a civilization, it doesn’t really matter. But something other than endless tunnels and caverns.
And I continue teleporting. And teleporting. And teleporting some more.
All I end up finding though are monsters.
Okay, where are the people?
Eventually, after teleporting for over an hour through this damned maze of a tunnel system, I find myself standing in front of a gate blocking off the tunnel. Without a single person at the gate.
I frown, my brows furrowed in confusion before I just shrug and walk up to the gate.
Then I knock as any normal polite person should do.
And knock again after no one answers.
When no one still answers even after that, I go ahead and open the door, with it making a creaking sound in the process, surprisingly unlocked.
What I find inside is rather surprising.
A massive cavern with some sort of forest inside. Which is… ridiculous… inside of a cavern this large. Just such a stark difference from the tunnels I’ve grown used to in this Block.
But even that doesn’t surprise me as much as the sight of the village inside of the cavern
A village that is completely in ruins, with dead bodies lying all over, burnt houses, and some monsters that look more like scavengers going around sniffing them.
The heck happened here?