After leaving the tunnel-filled maze of a Dimensional Block, I enter a lovely grass plains. And during my time there, I manage to kill two more Cataclysm Class monsters and even meet a lovely unicorn Class S species and have tea with her. Then I proceed to go to the next Block, which is a massive volcano, and kill off another Cataclysm Class monster and have an argument with the Class S molten wyrm inside. One mostly revolving around my killing of the Cataclysm Class monsters in the Block.
Not my fault though that the Class S wouldn’t show himself to me.
And just like that, I go through one Dimensional Block after another, slowly racking up more and more Cataclysm Class monster kills while also meeting quite a few more Class S species along the way. Some of which are friendly, others less so.
Surprisingly though, not a single one actually tries to attack me, even if we may argue.
Guess most Class S species do respect each other.
Also, during one of the Dimensional Blocks on the way over here I go ahead and kill some random tyrant guy at the level cap of Tier 3, clearing the requirement from my list of requirements to advance to Tier 4. A much easier process this time around since I wasn’t the first one to reach the cap by any means.
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to make as much progress in terms of my Energy Manipulation as I’d prefer. Only raising it by around five or so more levels to level nine.
A long way away from the Tier 3 it needs for me to ascend to Tier 4 myself.
Although I did manage to bring Quantum Displacement to level 27, so it’s getting close to Tier 4. Which will mark off another requirement.
That Energy Manipulation will still take a while to get up to where it needs to be though. Which is a pain.
I let out a sigh as I arrive at the next Dimensional Wall. One I’ve been waiting for for a while now.
Finally time to visit her Block.
Without hesitating, I open the Dimensional Wall and step through into Dimensional Block #51.
The Dimensional Block that Isabella, the Ancestral Dragon, is the Dimensional Leader and Champion of.If you come across this story on Amazon, it's taken without permission from the author. Report it.
And immediately find myself on the edge of a large mountain. So I teleport up into the air, and lo and behold, find mountains for as far as the eye can see.
More mountains than I’ve ever seen before in a single place.
She really wasn’t kidding when she said there were a lot of mountains in her Block.
I look around the surrounding area for a few minutes before closing my eyes and focusing on the sensation I get from my Legendary Feat. From Dimensional Conqueror. The one I got for killing the first Dimensional Leader of another Block that gives me the ability to sense other Dimensional Leaders and Champions in the same Block as me.
And after a second, I lock onto the general direction that Isabella is in. Then I go ahead and begin teleporting over across the mountains.
There isn’t really much point in searching for a Cataclysm Class monster here, seeing as she’s no doubt already killed them all. What with her obsessive hunting of the creatures in every Block she passes through.
More than a few of the Blocks I crossed through didn’t have one in them strictly because of her hunting it.
Although she also hunted some Class S species along the way as well. Any of them that pissed her off before the Reset from what I understand.
And I believe I heard that Lucas did the same thing. Anyone who crossed him before the Reset was killed by him now while they’re still weak.
Since before the Reset, people who were at their level were almost unkillable in a way. Not in the sense that they’re immortal, but because they all have some method to get away if things start taking a wrong turn.
Like that lich I fought who kept trying to run away. Although that’s his entire shtick, so they were nowhere near as bad.
But after the Reset, most of them lost their methods of escape. So a lot of Class S species who are more powerful but younger, along with some of the top Class S species decided to go clean up shop.
Makes me glad none of them had grudges with me. Not that they’d get all that far with them even if they did.
I’m probably just as hard to kill as a lot of the others, what with my teleportation and almost complete immunity to physical damage sitting at 90% immunity.
Something that made it rather amusing when I ended up face to face with a Class S who specialized in nothing but physical strength. Which turned out to be the most amusing interaction with a Class S species I’ve ever had due to their overwhelmingly respectful attitude towards me. As if they were trying to avoid a conflict in any way possible, regardless of their pride.
I almost chuckle as I remember that, not pausing in my teleporting. And soon enough, I find myself stopping midair when a large castle and a city below it enter my vision. With the castle being set in the side of a large cliff containing a cavern entrance at the top of the castle. One with charred walls and the light of fire visible within the cavern.
Guess I found Isabella’s home.
Also, it looks like I have a welcoming party. None of whom – each a dragonborn – look to be unfriendly.
Actually, they all look rather pleased for some reason.
I teleport several meters in front of them, not surprising them in the least.
“Young Lady Reaper, we have been awaiting your arrival,” the red-scaled dragonborn all state while bowing their heads midflight. “Please, allow us to bring you to the Ancestor.”
I nod my head before we all begin to head towards the cavern.
Time to see Isabella again.