
Over the course of nearly two weeks, I manage to deal with all of the remaining Cataclysm Class monsters out of the twenty-five for the requirement that I need to kill. With the final one being the monster in Dimensional Block #4.

I can’t help but smile as I stand atop the head of the massive creature. One with the head of an eagle, body of a lion, and wings of some sort of dragon.

The last of the twenty-five Cataclysm Class monsters, giving me the System Message I’ve been looking for for quite a while now.

[Twenty-five Cataclysm Class monsters have now been slain. Requirement to slay twenty-five Cataclysm Class monsters has been cleared.]

And after seeing it, I drop down to a sitting position on the creature’s head, uncaring of where I’m currently at. And uncaring of the oddly floating mountain this creature’s corpse is on. Or of the other floating mountains around me.

Even if they’re odd looking. They’re still not much different from the floating islands of Dimensional Block #108.


I smile at the message before stretching a little and falling onto my back to look up at the stars in the night sky.

Now I just have two requirements remaining. Almost one, since Quantum Displacement should be reaching level thirty soon enough, after which I’ll use a Core to raise it to Tier 4.

Which means I’m gonna be sitting in a room with my eyes closed messing with energy for a very long time just to level that stupid skill. A skill I’ve only managed to bring almost to Tier 2 in this entire time since I truly started training it.

I let out a sigh at that before sitting up again and looking around at the destruction my battle with this big beasty caused.

Then I ignore said destruction and begin teleporting away towards the Dimensional Wall shared with Dimensional Block #1.

From what Lucas told me while he was in Dimensional Block #108, and what I’ve heard from other Blocks, Dimensional Block #1 should be a massive ocean world with random islands planted across it. Rather large islands, but just islands. No continents.

It’s also one of the largest Dimensional Blocks in the dimension out of the ones the people I’ve spoken to have been to. With the only larger one being Dimensional Block #1000. Where Mom is from.

Which is literally just space. With random debris floating about it.

And massive floating bits of rubble making up places for the denizens of the Block to live.Stolen from its original source, this story is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

Overall, this is going to be an interesting albeit probably boring trip through Dimensional Block #1.

At least I can just track where Lucas is through my Legendary Feat bonus. So finding him won’t be a problem.

Just gonna be a lot of endless teleporting, which will at least help level my skill.

Even boring things come with benefits most of the time after all.

I continue teleporting through the Block until I arrive at the Wall and immediately cross through it. Although since I’m not touching the ground, I don’t send a message to Lucas about my arrival. So just to make sure he knows I’m here, I go ahead and teleport to find an island before landing on it to send him notice.

Then I go back up into the air again and continue heading through the Block in the direction I sense him in.

A trip that takes half an entire day. Twelve hours of me constantly teleporting over a thousand meters almost back to back, with only two breaks to restore some of my soul.

When I finally arrive at where the man is, I actually find a dungeon. Which means he’s currently fighting in the dungeon.


Well, this is awkward.

I hope he doesn’t stay in there for very long, but at the same time, I can’t just expect him to leave because I arrived.

So with that in mind, I go ahead and find a nice spot on the island to set up my portable house. Then I go inside and collapse onto my bed, resting for the first time since I started this little journey. Since even when I was recovering my soul, I was still running wherever I was going.

Don’t need soul to run after all.

I stare up at my ceiling for a few minutes before almost closing my eyes, only for a System Notification to appear in my vision.

Legendary Feat – Prodigy of Magic

Aurora Frost has become the first user within the System to raise a mana manipulation skill to Tier 5!
