When we realize that it’s gonna take pretty much the entire hour for the other Authority Holders to fight- err, negotiate over who will be getting the other slots, Astrid and Ethan both join me in my booth. And just like the previous council meetings, we begin table top games. This time being a boardgame that Ethan brought instead of cards.
We continue playing for the entire hour to the mark. And throughout the game, Ethan loses probably about three fifths of the time. While trying to flip the board ‘on accident’ to reset it.
It never succeeds though, since Astrid is finally the same level as him by now and a Class S species. So she’s pretty much even in power to the guy at this point. Thereabouts at least. And she keeps the board in place with her shadows.
I just give an award winning smile to Ethan every time he tries to flip it though.
And I swear he shivers slightly when I do so.
Either way, by the time the hour ends, the idiots- err, I mean the Authority Holders outside of our booth still haven’t finished selecting everyone. So the like six slots that never got a person assigned to them are randomly chosen by the System.
Which kind of pisses off the other higher level Authority Holders, but it’s their own fault for not being able to stop arguing.
I do admit though that a single hour wasn’t really much time.
The three of us put away the game board. And by that, I mean Ethan puts it away with a sulky look on his face while Astrid smirks at him with her arms crossed victoriously and I ignore the two of them to focus on the outside of the booth. Where the other people are also looking rather upset. Or at least, the people who didn’t get chosen.
Another notification appears right as the two are leaving my booth.
The Ten Year Event Selection is now complete.
The Dimension-Wide Dungeon will appear in one week’s time.
Prepare for it shall appear next to the Champion of the Dimensional Block.