
A clicking sound echoes through the area as I take a picture of the sight in front of me with the lovely new albeit slightly older looking phone I got from the people in Lucas’s Dimensional Block.

Right. So, if anyone ever tries to tell me that the System doesn’t have some sort of obsession towards piranhas, I’m just gonna point them towards this photo.

I nod my head, absolute in my decision as the piranhas in the rather large and rather out of place river running through the maze jump out and into the water one after another.

Seriously. What is with the System and piranhas? The Quantum Architect said he didn’t have anything to do with it, so what’s up? Did it just get the obsession over the years while quantum pops was in that tube?

What’s going on?

I’m honestly curious now.


Also getting sick of piranhas.


The slightest hint of a smile crosses my face as I reach into the water with a single finger, letting a piranha jump out to bite my finger. Only for the thing to pass straight on through without bothering me at all.

Nice. They have no magic.

In that case, I just begin to teleport, only to find that teleportation doesn’t work. Which was kind of to be expected. The System often does that after all.

It wants the piranhas to be fed no doubt.

Anyways, I jump into the river while ignoring the piranhas that are quite literally glitching through my body every time one charges at me. And it’s not just the piranhas, but the larger fishies in the water too. Not to mention some eels.

They all pass right through me.

Although I didn’t realize until I saw them passing through that they were even in there.

Should be more careful next time.

I continue moving through the little river that just kinda goes through a few corridors of the maze before going underground on both directions. But I’m not interested in either end of the river. What has my attention is the dead end at the other end of the river.

Specifically the treasure chest at the end. A loot box.

Would’ve been nicer to just teleport over there, but it’s fine.Stolen from its rightful place, this narrative is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

After swimming through the river for a couple more minutes – the rapids being rather strong – I make it to the other side and move up towards the chest while dripping water everywhere. Then I reach out and touch the thing, making a smile immediately light up my face at the sight of what comes out the top along with the menu that appears with it.


Revered Spatial Ring

Description: This spatial ring can hold 1000 cubic kilometers of non-living matter and it has been created to perfectly fit the original finder, Alexia Knight, on their index finger. It may also hold 100 cubic meters of living matter.

Stats Bonus: +100 MAG, +100 MEN

Requirements: Must have one elemental affinity beyond B Grade.

Item Tier: 5 (Item Tier increased by one due to the Legendary Feat, The First Clear)


Ah, I really love The First Clear. It’s probably my favorite Legendary Feat thus far.

Still not sure how I feel about The Reaping though. Might be my favorite or might not. Considering how it is why I’m so powerful, but it also wasn’t really my feat. I had no say in the matter.

But seriously. This spatial ring… it’s exactly what I was looking for before.

Although… probably would’ve been nicer to get it when I needed it.

At least I can still use it in case I need it in the future.

The ring itself is actually rather simple despite being a Tier 5 item. It’s just purple with a golden line running down the middle of the strange metal.

I reach out to take it before putting the thing on my finger and then sitting here for who knows how long moving stuff out of my old storage ring onto the dead end of the corridor I’m at. Then putting it back into my new ring.

A process that is very boring too.

Eventually I finish it though and put my old storage ring into the new one.

The old storage ring was a Tier 3 one that I managed to get crafted for me while I was in Dimensional Block #1. Which would make a great gift for Luna when I see her next. Seeing as I already gave a ring to Astrid, having had two of them crafted for me at the time.

I’m pretty sure soul-bound companions can use them after all. And it would probably help.

Whether she can keep it while in her bat form is a different matter. But I think it’s safe to assume she can, considering that her clothes appear and disappear when she transforms.

Not sure if she can use the thing while in her bat form though.

Would have to test that when we see each other again.

I turn back around after finishing moving the stuff between storage rings before jumping back into the water again. But instead of heading back across it to the other side, I move along the current to the neighboring corridor. Then I look back and forth to see which side of the corridor would be better.

Because I’m getting sick of ending up at one dead end after another.

It’s just annoying. And it’s getting me nowhere.

After traveling for half a minute though and finding a monster whose level is two hundred above my own though, I beat a hasty retreat back to the river and try the other corridor next to the one I was originally in.

Because no.

I look both ways once again and then head to the left before running into some more monsters. These of which are only around thirty or so levels above me. Which is much better.

So I continue on down this path instead of the hell path.

Since I still need levels, even if progress is important too.
