'Merlin! Merlin! What is that new thing called?'
'We are not new things! We are humans! And he is Max… go and disturb him. I'm trying to meditate!'
'Hmph. Fine.'
With this, Foveros jumped off the slowly moving levitating platform and walked closer to the 'huuman' that was fighting in a style similar to Merlin's own.
'Max! Max! I'm going to help as well!'
Suddenly, a voice entered Max's head while he was in the middle of battle. Stunned for barely a moment, he quickly ignored it and resumed fighting.
But after some time, he noticed that the number of zombies he was facing was reducing. Stopping for a moment, he looked around and saw a red streak moving between the zombies, cleanly decapitating them.
Soo, the streak turned towards Max, who was already prepared to fight. But before he could do anything, it had already reached his shoulder. Max was to terrified to move at all, and the zombies began to surround him. Although they would have already torn Max apart by now, there was something on his shoulder, which prevented them from moving closer.
Naturally, this 'thing' was Foveros, who was using a wind barrier, a Tier 1 spell with relatively low mana consumption.magic
'Hey Max. Let's kill them together! Come on!'
Max suddenly realised something and turned to look at Foveros. His shock was soon replaced with understanding since it was Merlin's pet after all. It couldn't possibly be a normal pet… right?
With this, the two began their slaughter of zombies. Merlin wasn't participating in this since all Tier 1 zombies, who couldn't even be placed within the class-threat system, would not give him any more points, since he had become a Tier 1 being. Currently, he was busy meditating the law set. Each successful recitation of the first method of the law set within his mind would give him around 1 to 2 stats. The law set was the only thing that would allow one to exceed the limit on stats. He had sent Max to clear out zombies not only to level him up, but to also reduce the number and strength of zombies within the island. Although it was slower than sending out his entire force to clear zombies, it was safer, since no one in his current force, other than Max and Alice could use the system.
He would only send a few groups at a time even once they all had access to the system, to prevent large losses in cases of accidents.
Time passed, and almost 2 hours later, the group arrived at the location Merlin had decided, and the platform began to lower itself. Upon reaching the ground, Merlin set up a wind barrier around them, which was at least 12 times larger, and 3 times stronger. This was an old habit of his from the future, where he would set up the most efficient barrier he could display before beginning planning.
"So we have arrived. Let me tell you a few things about the place we are about to go to. We will be going to a place known as a dungeon. It is a place built by those two a*sholes, and it is a very terrible place. Usually, the mobs of dungeons of this size are Tier 1 and Tier 2 monsters. And if we wait till the first year gets over, the mana will sharply increase, like it will at the beginning of every new year. When that happens, the mobs would be Tier 2 and Tier 3 beings. However, We are going in it right now, which is incredibly early on. This means that the normal monsters would likely be normal, and slightly stronger than usual animals like tigers and elephants. The boss should likely be a Tier 1 beast, and I will need everyone to work together to kill everything inside this place. Got it?"
"Yes Sir!"
"Right, Jack… Have you increase your mana to the point of being able to use Ultimate Tier 0 spells?"
"Yes. The power of my Tier 0 spells is now comparable to weak Tier 1 fire-spells""Good! and you Max… What level are you right now?"
"Just about to reach level 4!"
"Good! Then Max, you will stand at the front of the group and take the beasts head on. Wait… I'll give you something"
Saying this, Merlin pulled out a rectangle, and began compressing it. After 10 minutes, it had shrunk to about the size of a door with a handle. He then pulled out his elemental staff, and injected pure mana into it, which transformed into a white flame releasing no heat.
He used the flame as a tool to carve straight lines from the handle to the rest of the shield.
"Here. Take this and hold it in your hand. Once you do that, input some mana into it. But make sure u but in very little mana."
Since Merlin had used his own Tier 1 mana to create channels, the earth used for the shield wouldn't dissolve due to the force of mana, as long as Max used little mana.
"Remember, the more mana you use, the stronger the shield will become, but if you use to much mana, it will explode and take your hand along with it. So be careful. Now, you will be in front and take the attacks head on. Jack, you will follow behind him and you will be in charge of preventing the beast from moving to our sides. Just use some fire on both sides to force them towards Max. I will kill them off slowly for the first few time to allow you to get used to the final boss battle."
"Alright then. Let's go!"
'Foveros, you will watch by back right? I need you to prevent anything from sneaking up behind me, and I need you to eliminate it. If you can't, then inform me as soon as possible. Is that alright?'
'Of course! Leave it to me!'
Said Foveros while adorably puffing out his chest and wagging his little tail with frightening speed.