Chapter 108   - Mr Palmer

The next day was Monday and as part of their working week routine Dean had dropped April off at work.

April glanced back and sure enough, Dean was still there in his car waiting for her to enter the Walker building.

Today she wore a white bodycon pencil dress. This dress is made from a stretch luxe fabric that flattered her curves. With a square cut neckline and straps, this simple understated yet sexy dress.

She wore a white blazer over the top of it for a more casual work vibe. She paired it with white Louboutins and had tied her hair up in a sleek ponytail.

The sun was low so she couldn't see his face but she knew he was probably smiling as usual at her. She waved at him and walked into the building only then did she see the car disappear.

Micheal who had seen the exchange smiled and bounced over to April, he put his arm around her shoulder only to receive a frown in return.


April was surprised at the contact and had tried to shrug off the arm but looking up and seeing it was Michael she was instantly relieved, "Sorry I thought you might be someone else."

Micheal wore a fitted silver-grey three-piece suit, he always had a trendy yet distinguished vibe.

Micheal with his arm still around her shoulders guided her towards the lift, " Eww do not compare me to James or any other low life. I saw you flirting with your handsome man and glad I saw you I will be joining you on your floor for a moment."

April nodded as they waited for the lift to arrive, "Sorry, you saw that." April felt slightly embarrassed that she was caught, so she changed the subject quickly, "So what do I owe the pleasure of your company today?"

Micheal and April entered the lift together and just as the doors were closing a small figure joined them.

"Morning Aarna." April greeted her friend.

Aarna wore a simple yet stylish burgundy trouser suit with a black blouse underneath.

Aarna smiled at April, "Hi, how was your weekend after..." She paused and glanced at Michael before then realising her big boss had his arm around April so she stopped talk g and greeted him instead, "Good morning sir."

Micheal nodded at Aarna, "Morning, Aarna is it?" Micheal added.

Aarna nodded and stood straight, she didn't know the boss below the CEO knew her name.

"If your Aprils friend speak freely im her friend too so you can chat as you normally would," Micheal said.


The lift door opened and Aarna glanced around the room everyone was present except for Emma their manager but that was the norm as she always tended to be late.

Aarna was taken aback but she would try to address Michael less formally from now on as he had requested. She had wanted to ask how April was after the events of last week.

Michael had his arm still over Aprils shoulder as they walked through the office he then made them halt in front of Sophie's desk.

April had no idea what was about to happen but she was sure that Sophie was about to have a rough day.

Aarna wanted a front row seat she sat at her desk and set her bag down. If Michael was Aprils friend and he had found out about Director Compton she was sure he would seek justice for April.

Sophie had seen April get out of the lift with Micheal right beside her. Lucy hadn't mentioned that April and Michael were friends so this had surprised her. Yes, Michael had been in the office before and had stuck up for her against Emma but she thought that that was a coincidence.

Sophie smiled and pretended not to be nervous as she addressed Micheal, she did not want to greet April at all. "Morning Micheal."

Micheal put his hand on his hip and his other arm was still over Aprils shoulder as he squinted at Sophie. He wasn't one for being addressed formally but he hated those fake types that were nice to your face but had evil intentions. Sophie was one of those people.

Being as close as he was to both Casey and Dean he had heard about what had transpired at the restaurant between Director Compton and April. Although she was prepared and had saved herself he was angry that she was put in the position where she had to defend herself, especially when it was supposed to be business.

No business deals were done outside of Walker interiors for this exact reason. He had looked into what had happened more closely and Dean had done forensics of all the company computers. They had found emails corresponding between Sophie and lucy and then Sophie's emails to April.

This was a deliberate set up with ill intent. He was glad that April was as savvy and as feisty as she was otherwise he couldn't bear to think of the alternative outcome.

"Who are you to address me so informally, its Mr Palmer to you," Michael said.

"I... I... I am sorry Mr Palmer." Sophie stuttered.

Sophie hadn't been able to rest all weekend with worry. Lucy hadn't answered any of her calls or messages. She was tired but then she had nearly slept in this morning, which led to her having to rush to get ready but in her haste her hair was messy, her makeup blotchy and her clothing was rumpled.

The room was completely silent as the two conversed. The silence made Sophie even more embarrassed by the situation.

"And another thing I need to have a word with you." Micheal's tone was annually harsh in Aprils ear.

"What... what about Mr Palmer?" Sophie continued her stuttering.

Micheal sneered how could she not know why he was here. So she wanted to play dumb, fine then he would lay it all out for her in front of everyone.

April did feel slightly bad for Sophie as she had been just a pawn and it was all Lucys idea but after what she had done last week she felt no sympathy for what may come get way now.
