Chapter 113   - Blur Of Darkness Without Her

After the butterfly kiss to his chin, Dean grinned and rubbed his chin where she had kissed him. He then closed her door before running around the car and getting back into the driver's seat.

Dean glanced at April as he sat in the car and buckled up properly, "What was that for?"

"What was what for?" April asked as she fixed her seatbelt and set her handbag to the side.

"The kiss? Don't get me wrong I am certainly not complaining, kiss me anywhere at any time." Dean wanted her to open up on her terms and when she was ready.

"Just expressing myself, but if you prefer I didn't" April smirked as she looked out the window, she had seen his shameless side many times now and wanted to try and tease him back. He had often left her lost for words and her heart racing and as of yet, she couldn't outdo him in the shameless department. But maybe she could tease him she thought.

Dean pulled her face towards his and held her chin as he lightly kissed her lips before he passionately devoured them. The kiss left April's heart racing.


Dean then sat back in his seat and replied, "I'll express myself then and I prefer you take advantage of my body whenever you like babe." Dean smiled and started the car he drove off, steering with his left hand and his right hand firmly held Aprils hand. He had missed her all day, he had wanted to text her but was waiting for her to make the first move.

The kiss seemed to be the first move and he decided that she was trying her best and slowly moving forward so from now on he wouldn't hold back. When he wanted to message her or kiss her from now on he wouldn't hold himself back.

"Oh, can I have your phone for a moment?" April asked.

"Of course, just take it," Dean answered as he continued to drive through the evening traffic.

April picked up his phone from the dashboard and the light came on, the phone asked for a password.

Without her asking Dean read out all six digits and as she put them in, her face burned.

"Emm your password is my birthday?" She shyly asked as she continue to look at his phone.

"Of course, it's an unforgettable date." Dean simply replied.

"Oh." April was too shy to ask more, this man seemed to say all the right things to make her heart pound.

She then wondered, weren't men usually funny about handing over their phones? So she asked curiously, "Don't you want to ask what I am doing with your phone?"

Dean glanced to the side, "I am curious but I don't care you can look through whatever you like, what is mine is yours and I have nothing to hide after all." Dean continued to drive.

"Oh okay, well I don't want to look through anything I just wanted to make a call and I thought it best I do it while you're here," April explained.

April then searched for the number she was looking for and hit the green call button. She was nervous but some phone calls have to be made and this was for her friend's future happiness.

"What do you want? I am not your personal Doctor on call you know" A gruff voice answered.

April glanced at Dean who was already smiling as he heard the voice on the other end of the phone.

April gathered her courage and greeted Zane, "Hi Zane sorry to bother you, It is April not Dean"

"Oh, sorry April I thought it was your lover annoying me again. What can I do for you?" Zane sat behind his desk and rubbed his tired eyes. He had just finished two back to back surgeries and he was exhausted.

"Well I was chatting with Sophie earlier and she seemed a bit sad. Have you messaged her today?"

"Em, I haven't after I dropped her off I came straight to the hospital. Why? What happened" Zane asked, he wanted to know who had made her sad.

"Nothing happened and maybe that is the point. It's not my place but can I give you some advice again?" April asked, she glanced at Dean who was smiling beside her from ear to ear. She thought he was enjoying his friend being told off.

"Please, I am kind of useless at this. I know that. All I do is work and go home to sleep, it's a never ending cycle and I want to break it." Zane rubbed his forehead worried at messing up his one true bit of happiness in his life.

"Some girls are a once in a lifetime type of girl and Aarna is just that, if you mess this up by being inconsistent… there is no upgrade after her. Do you get it if you lose her, that's it she won't take you back." April hoped that this would be the last time she would have to but in on their relationship.

"I hear you April, I am not used to having someone. My life is a blur of darkness without her in it so I will do better and make an effort. She is my first thought in the morning and the last at night before bed." Zane answered April honestly.

April smiled, "Okay well stop being stupid and message the girl then. Don't block your own happiness."

"Thanks, April, I will ring her now. "Zane was grateful for the reminder from April.

"No worries, take care." April then hung up Dean's phone and set it back on the dashboard.

"You're very kind and thoughtful." Dean noticed when it came to her friends April was able to be direct and also caring at the same time. Always looking out for others, but when it comes to herself she wasn't able to do the same.. He hoped over time she would be direct and demanding with him.
