It took a few good seconds for Riannon to realize who that person was.

And ittook her a few more to gather herself and not give in to panic.She tried to think calmly.

She knew very well that it was best not to scream.

Noone would be here fast enough to save her.

And she wouldn’t have a chance in afight with a professional warrior now.

Not without her wolf at full force.To her disappointment, Onyx still wasn’t showing up.

So, she had to think in acompletely different direction.Axel/Everett or whoever this guy’s name was never showed up in her previouslife.


He escaped without a trace.

It would be easier for him to kill her quietly anddo just that while she was washing in the bathroom.

But it looked like he waswaiting for her, meaning that her life wasn’t what he was after.At least not now.It was surprisingly convenient how his story helped out Roxy.

And Riannon didnot believe in the coincidences like that.“Impressive, Everett” she smirked and praised him as she stepped closer, foldingher hands on her chest to cover herself at least a bit.

She used that name onpurpose to let him know that he didn’t mishear her the first time.“Right back at you, Luna,” the man-made a step forward as well.

He had a fewcuts and bruises here and there and was topless, wearing just a pair of jeans.Not his, because they were sitting too tight on him.“Did you lose your shirt on the way here?” she co.cked her brow up at him.“Do I really need one?” he flexed his muscles playfully while his lips curled into asly smile, “I find clothes restricting when I kill people.”Riannon’s chest tightened at his words.

Those were her people.

Moreover, sheasked Ash to make sure only the best ones guarded him.

And his best warriorswere the strongest among the werewolves...

If he took them down, then...

She prohibited herself to think about that now.

Now wasn’t the time.“So, I guess, I have to thank you for fetching some trousers on then,” Ria slowlywalked to one of her armchairs and gestured for him to sit on the opposite one.“I have to admit,” ‘Everett said, “You surprised me.

And that doesn’t happenoften.”“My pleasure,” she shrugged her shoulders, “So, what brings you here...

Excuseme, I still don’t know your real name, Everett.

Or Axel.

What is it again?”his lips.

He was incredibly good looking.

But she did not like the vibes that hewas giving her.

He was dangerous.

She always knew it.

In this life and in herprevious one.However, now it was different.

Something about him definitely changed right noweven compared to a few hours ago when she saw him last.

Her lips parted as helet her feel it more.“You are an Alpha,” she whispered, not being able to hide her surprise.

Shesuspected him to be a Beta or a Gamma at least.

But not an Alpha.

Alphas wererare.

They weren’t disposable like that.

No pack would send an Alpha to adangerous mission alone because they were valuable even if they weren’t theactual alphas of their packs.

And Everett was risking a lot.

She could haveordered to kill him earlier and the warriors would obey after some persuasion.

Yethe still did it.Even now, he was risking a lot.

This kind of confidence was frightening.“And you are a Luna,” the man in front of her smiled and his left eye gleamed inthe darkness with the red color, making Riannon swallow.

Although she madesure to keep herself in control even now.

“And a very unusual one at that,” headded, “I’ve heard about you a lot.

But I thought that all the praises werebaseless rumors.

Just a woman who is not bad at what she is supposed to doanyway.

That was what I thought about you, Riannon.”

“Again, it’s not polite to call me by my name without introducing yourself properlyfirst,” she tried to trap him but he did not buy it.

His grin, however, grew wider.“But you surprised me,” he continued, ignoring her words.

“I can’t say that a lot ofthings surprises me lately.

I usually hate surprises.”She clenched the armrest of her chair a bit tighter, and this did not escape hisgaze.“Don’t worry,” ‘Everett’ added quickly, “This one was a pleasant one.

I thoughtthis mission would be boring and painful.

But I needed to see with my own eyeswhat I am dealing with.

But you completely changed the game for me.”“How so?” she now rested her head on her fist lazily.“This also something I will reveal to you at different circumstances,” he avoidedanswering her question.“Why bother coming here in the first place if you aren’t even planning to speak?”she sighed, pretending to be annoyed.“I just wanted to make sure you would remember me,” he chuckled and thesound echoed through her empty room, “Selfish, I know.

But also, I wanted tomake sure that I wasn’t wrong about you.

And it looks like I wasn’t.”“That means that the most precious thing in your pack is not the power thatcomes with it,” he averted what he was asked again.She knew that he wouldn’t crack, so decided that it was pointless to ask himdirectly.“So, you confirmed what you came here to confirm.

Seems like it’s about the timeto leave for you,” she gestured at the balcony door he came from.“What, you aren’t even going to try and scream?” he looked properly amused,“What if the warriors manage to catch me while saving their Luna.”

“Considering the kind of guards that you just escaped, I highly doubt it!” shesnorted and he stood up.

He was right next to her in less than a second, cuppingher chin and making her look at him.“This was entertaining,” he admitted simply and then let go of her.

He went in thedirection of the balcony as if he wasn’t in a hurry at all.“All right,” she stood up quickly, “How about you ask me one question and I askyou one in return.

And we both tell each other the truth.”He turned to look at her slowly with his lips curled.“Since you offer it yourself,” he leaned over the door frame.

“Shoot.”“Why did you really come here?” Riannon asked the question that bothered herthe most.“To make sure that you remember me, to make you think about me until we meetagain next time.” He sneered, “I already told you that.

But you just wasted yourquestion.

Now it’s my turn.”She really thought that there was something else.

Maybe he was not honest withher.

Or maybe he was this crazy and she got his attention.“How did you know that I was supposed to call myself Everett here?” his facesuddenly got very serious.

He really did not expect anyone to know a thing abouthim here.Riannon contemplated for a second whether to lie to him or not.

But then decidedthat there was no point.

She could use the same trick she just used.“You told me yourself,” she tilted her head, smiling viciously with her handscrossed at her front.At this exact moment, someone started banging at the door.

“Luna,” Ashscreamed from the other side, “Please, open the door! I need to ensure yourmagic

safety according to the protocol.

If you don’t open I would have to knock this doorout in thirtyRia turned to look at her guest again, but he was alreadygone.Sighing, she went to open the door.

It was clear that Ash wouldn’t be joking.And she had enough of her furniture destroyed for one day.“Are you okay?” he looked at her and grasped her arms without seeking any kindof permission, “The scent in your room...”“Shhh,” she pulled him inside and closed the door behind him.

Although herhusband wasn’t probably even there.

They had to alert him about the intruderfirst.

And he was probably checking on his mate’s safety now.

How pathetic wasthat? Not that she cared anymore.“He...” Ash looked at her with a desire to kill in his eyes, “Did he do anything toyou?”“Nothing,” she replied calmly, “But if you consider yourself my friend or at leastmy Beta, you would stay quiet about it.”He looked at her with a perplexed expression on his face, clearly not knowingwhat to do.“I have to tell him according to protocol,” he said finally and she decided not tohide her disappointment.

She noticed that he hesitated and when he went backto the door, she decided to stop him.“Ash,” Riannon called his name and made his turn, “I want to speak to you.

Stay.”She never did this in her past life and she always regretted it.

The way he choseBrayden time, after time, after time...

It was painful because she was sure thatthey had a good relationship prior.However, this time, in this lifetime he seemed different.

Just a bit.

But she wantedto check.

If he chose Brayden again, it wouldn’t change anything for her.

But she wanted togive him the benefit of the doubt.

So that at least she knew that she triedeverything.“Ash,” she stepped closer to him and at that time the lights started working againso that they were able to have a good look at each other.

His eyes lingeredaround her body in the thin gown quickly returning to her face.

“I am not sure howlong my marriage to Brayden would last,” she said calmly and he didn’t evenflinch as if he was expecting it.

“When it happens, you can only be with him orwith me.

Not with the two of us.

And after we split it will be too late to make thatdecision.

I always thought that we were friends...”“And we are,” he interrupted her speech, “We are more than friends.” “Then whydidn’t you tell me about Roxy?” she looked him in the eye and he licked
