Ash let out a heavy sigh and went all the way into the center of the room, sittingin the exact chair where the mystery guest was sitting just a few seconds ago.

Hesniffed the air around him and his head snapped in Riannon’s direction.

Shesimply nodded confirming his suspicions and then sat back into the oppositearmchair.“So?” she looked at him hopefully.

It had to be something important if he decidedto put away catching the intruder personally and stayed to talk to her instead.“Do you remember how my mate died?” he asked, and she clenched her lips,giving him a nod again.“How can I forget?” Ria lifted her knees all the way to her chest and huggedthem, “Chloe was one of my best friends at school.”“I remember,” he smiled, “She used to call you and Maya her sisters.” “That’swhat she was for me,” Riannon admitted, “Family.”“After she died,” he gulped and looked at her, but meeting her gaze chose to lookaway and out of the open balcony door, “I was shattered.

Broken...”“I remember that too,” his Luna said quietly.“She was my light,” he rested his head on the back of the chair, “My everything.And after her death, nothing mattered anymore.

I was in the darkness.

Thedarkness that nobody could understand.


Nobody but you.”He looked at her again and she nodded silently.

Ash lost his mate a few yearsafter she lost her siblings.

She did know very well what he was going through.Although they said that losing a mate was worse than anything.

But still, theexperience was similar.She remembered that after giving him some space to grieve, she saw that hewas slipping away.

And she remembered how she fought to make him stay andlive the life he was supposed to live.

As the new Beta of their pack.magic

Brayden was angry at times because he couldn’t personally get any of this andhad to commence his Alpha training alone, without his Beta.

At some point, heeven wanted to choose a different Beta, but Riannon talked him out of this.Luckily, back then her opinion mattered to him.

He gave them time to “fix” hisfriend while he covered for him.Slowly, day by day, Ash was getting stronger.

He was never the cheerful guy theyused to know back at school again, but he remained reliable and loyal, whichwas way more important.But when a tragedy happened and her and Brayden’s parents were killed, Ashsuddenly stepped in for the sake of them both.

They could trust him in their hardtime and he performedRia always thought that he found a new purpose in life when Brayden finallybecame the Alpha and named him his Beta.

This was Ash’s turning pointaccording to her.“You brought me back to life, Riannon,” Ash told her and this time he pierced herwith his hazel eyes, “If not you...”“Chloe would have wanted that,” she shrugged her shoulders, “I know we neverwere close friends before that, but...”“I never wanted to be your friend in the first place,” he stopped her before shecould finish that sentence,“This is not how I see you, Riannon.

You are not myfriend.”That hurt her to some extent, but she chose not to show it.However, when he kneels before her and took her hands, locking his eyes withhers, she opened her mouth in shock.“You are mean more to me.

Even before Chloe, I saw you more than a friend,” hesaid, “ When Brayden introduced you to me, I was only sorry that I didn’t get to

meet you first.

No offense, but Bray never saw you for who you were.

He caredfor your looks, your strength and your skills.

But not for the person that youwere.”“And when you met Chloe?” she tried to walk away from the uncomfortablesubject.“She was my mate,” he sighed, “She filled my heart and soul, made me believethat what I felt for you was just a childhood crush.

But she was gone, Riannon.And I knew that she would never come back.

I fell into despair after her death,thinking that everything was over and there would be nothing good in my life everagain.

This was when you entered my life again.

Do you remember how I tried topush you away at first?”She nodded, not even trying to say anything anymore.

This was a new side ofAsh she had no idea even existed.“This was because I felt that by liking you I betray my Chloe,” he smiled withsadness in his eyes, “She was gone and although I remembered our bond, youwere the one helping me heal.

Even my wolf wanted to be close to you for somereason.

As if he accepted you.”She furrowed her brows.“But that’s...”“Impossible,” he chuckled dryly, “I know.

But this is exactly what happened to me.The more time I spent with you, the more my old feelings were coming back.Chloe was letting go of me and...

To be honest, sometimes I think that sheblessed us.

As if she knew that you were“Oh, Ash,” she didn’t know how to get out of this.

His confession was a bit toomuch.“Ria,” he squeezed her palms in his, “Just think about it, okay? I know that youdidn’t see that coming.

I tried to keep my distance when I could, you were happy

with Brayden.

But...”She stared at him with her lips parted when the realization struck her.

But theyweren’t happy anymore.

Everything changed and Ash saw a possibility for themto be together.

What if that was why he always took Brayden’s side in the past?Each time he did this, it was only breaking her marriage further apart.“He is exploring new things now,” Ash went on, “Why can’t you? I would neverpush you into something that you don’t like.

You became my peace once, now letme be yours.

I am ready to do whatever it takes.

If you want to keep this façadeof marriage and = stay the Luna, will be your lover in the shadows.

If you want toleave Brayden and start a new life, I will gladly become your husband.

A wife of aBeta is not that bad, right?”She licked her lips as they became too dry and his eyes lingered on them.

Yet hewasn’t done.“And even if you decide to have a new political marriage and marry some Alpha, Iwould follow you too.

As your guard or whatever.

Just let me be with you.” Shestared at him and he did not blink or budge.

His hands were still holding hers andshe knew that she had to be honest with him.Not fully, of course.

But in regards to him and his feelings.“Ash,” Riannon carefully slip her hands out of his grasp, making him sigh fromdisappointment, “I can’t.

I just...”“Brayden doesn’t even respect you anymore!” he snapped momentarily and thenrubbed his eyes, trying to focus, “He is shagging his mate all over the place! It’sover between the two of you.”“I know,” she confirmed and saw hope in his eyes which she had to destroy, “Butit doesn’t change anything.

Ash, you...

remind me of my dead brother.

You don’tsee me as a friend, but this is what I see you as.

And for me, you are Chloe’smate.

I couldn’t do that even after her death.

It’s never going to work.”

“We could try,” he stood up and turned away, “Slowly and...”“No,” she said firmly and stood up again, “I respect you enough, to be honestwith you.

This would never happen.

I need you in my life but as a friend, Ash.”“Are you sure that this is all that I am to you?” he asked, his voice dull andlifeless.“Yes,” Riannon did not hesitate, “So, this is the decision that you would have tomake.

Will you take my side as my friend and support me until the end? Or willyou stay with Brayden? Whatever you choose, I will accept.

But this is it.”“I am his Beta,” he reminded her.“I know,” was all she said.

And then, without adding anything else, he left theroom abruptly.Riannon felt so tired as the door closed behind him.

But it wasn’t the rest that sheneeded.

She wanted at least to hear her mate’s voice.So, she went back to her bedside table where she left her phone prior.

Only findout that it was missingShe started searching all over it hectically.

But it was nowhere, and she had avery bad feeling about this.Unfortunately, she did not memorize Gideon’s number yet, so couldn’t call himfrom the line number.

She needed her cell back!She, however, remembered her own number well.

And when she dialed it andheard the phone ringing right behind the wall, she knew who was to blame.There was no point to waste time as now even Brayden knew she was awarethat he was in possession of her phone.

So, when she knocked on his door just afew seconds later, he opened the door wearing nothing but a pair of boxers.

“Riannon?” he gave her his most seductive smile, “What a pleasant surprise!”“Cut the crap, Brayden!” she hissed at him and pushed him, walking inside, “Whydo you have my phone?!”“One of the maids brought it to me after cleaning the mess in your room,” he wasclearly lying, “But I glad that you are here.

Why don’t we talk? I feel like...”“The mess you made!” she decided to remind him, “And why would a maid bringMy phone to you?!”“That’s a question for her and not me,” he shrugged his shoulders, “You can askher tomorrow.

And what makes you so worked up about it? It’s just a phone andit’s nighttime already.”“Just give it back!” she rolled her eyes, folding her hands on her chest.

going tocall? Your lover?!”“Should I call your lover ?” she snorted and hit him with her knee where it hurt themost, making him groan from the pain.

He released her hands and she startedlooking around.Nevertheless, he recuperated fast and moved to his desk, opening one of thedrawers and showing her the phone.“I don’t want you to speak to him!” he growled, “Ever!”And with those words, he crashed the device in his palm
