When Grand Elder Baek Young-ryeong fainted from shock, the Council of Elders was thrown into disarray. The situation was so chaotic that the phrase “running helter-skelter” best described it.
Regrettably, the age-old connection between Grand Elder and Immortal Divine Sword could not be resolved, but Yi-gang was satisfied. They could always discuss the matter again once Grand Elder regained consciousness.
Baek Jin-tae was imprisoned in the Law Enforcement House, and his trusted subordinates from the First Corps were also subjected to harsh interrogations.
Though it was called an interrogation, it was not much different from torture. Surprisingly, the members of the First Corps were loyal not to their clan but to Baek Jin-tae himself.
Some of them knew about Baek Jin-tae’s betrayal and even took part in it. They were subjected to severe questioning.
The investigation was multifaceted. Discovering the mysterious organization that Baek Jin-tae had been in contact with was of utmost importance.
In the end, they found almost no clues. Even Baek Jin-tae himself didn’t know their exact identity. All he knew was that there was a person named Heuk-am in a senior position and had subordinates named Il-ho to Oh-ho.
Baek Jin-tae regularly met with someone named Sam-ho. In the Law Enforcement House they tried to locate the place where Baek Jin-tae had met him.
However, that place had turned to ashes from a fire the previous night. Upon searching, they only found the body of a deaf old man who had been the head chef.
The only remaining clues were a mask and a drug called holy medicine that Baek Jin-tae had received.
「It’s not an ordinary item.」
That was Immortal Divine Sword’s assessment of the mask, and Yi-gang agreed.
The mask with silver needles embedded in it emitted a more sinister aura than its appearance suggested. They weren’t sure if it was a Treasure, but it seemed to have a unique purpose.
Additionally, they examined the holy medicine left in Baek Jin-tae’s medicine bottle. All the physicians from the Medicinal Hall gathered to identify its composition.
However, the results were inconclusive. They couldn’t even determine if it was indeed medicine.
Baek Jin-tae testified that the suspicious group claimed the drug was made from a Treasure.
「All-curing medicine, huh? There’s no way such a thing exists.」
‘But the man’s wounds did heal instantly, didn’t they?’
When Yi-gang learned about the effects of the holy medicine, he thought it might be useful for Ha-jun or his father.
「It might offer temporary relief. But the more miraculous a tale sounds, the more we should doubt it.」
The Immortal Divine Sword’s words proved true. In just a few days, they discovered how dangerous the holy medicine was.
Baek Jin-tae started showing signs of severe side effects.
Even accounting for the torture he underwent, within days his hair started falling out rapidly, his eyes turned hollow, and even healthy teeth began to drop. His laughing disorder became more severe, so much so that he laughed even while being tortured.
On the bright side, Baek Ryu-san’s condition had significantly improved. He could now walk without anyone’s support.
“…What a foolish guy.”
Walking in front of Yi-gang, Baek Ryu-san mumbled those words. It wasn’t directed at Yi-gang, but seemed to be about Baek Jin-tae.
Both of them were heading towards the prison cell in the Law Enforcement House. The jailer, recognizing the Clan Head, quickly opened the door.
However, before entering, the Clan Head quietly said to Yi-gang, “There’s no need for you to come with me.”
“It’s okay.”
Baek Jin-tae had silenced Yi-gang’s quarrel and stabbed his younger brother. Yi-gang believed he still hadn’t settled matters with his older brother.
As they walked through the corridor of the prison, the stench of blood grew stronger. At times, there was even the foul odor of human waste.
And in the deepest part of the prison.
Baek Jin-tae, who had made a name for himself in Jianghu as the Red Dragon Corps Commander, was pathetically tied up.
Hair tousled and disheveled, face swollen from torture, and in his abdomen, there was something resembling a stake impaled.
Baek Jin-tae grinned, showing his teeth.
“So, you even brought your son. Here to mock me?”
“I came to confirm once more what you’ve confessed.”
Despite seeing his younger brother in such a state, Baek Ryu-san’s complexion remained unchanged.
With a cold expression, he began verifying the facts they had discovered so far.
About someone named Heuk-am, the impressions of people they had encountered so far, their martial arts skills, the paths through which they met, the sources of their information, and the Red Dragon Corps members who pledged loyalty.
Baek Jin-tae, while laughing softly, answered compliantly.
After the confirmation, silence ensued.
“…Is this all because of Seong-ah’s death?”
The first to bring up the story of the deceased younger sister was none other than Baek Ryu-san.
Baek Jin-tae, who had been lowering his head, suddenly lifted his face. He was smiling brightly.
“Ha-ha, shut up, brother.”
“How many times have I told you? That’s your misunderstanding.”
“I said shut up!”
“You think I wanted that child dead!”
For the first time, Baek Ryu-san raised his voice as well. Seong-ah was the name of their younger sister who died 20 years ago.
At that time, under the command of Baek Ryu-san, who was then the Young Clan Head, their younger sister died, and Baek Jin-tae had a hook embedded in his head.
Something had been off with him ever since.
The two brothers began to quarrel about the past events.
You did it, no, it wasn’t like that.
「Seeing old men quarrel isn’t a pretty sight.」
The Immortal Divine Sword beside Yi-gang commented just that.
However, the argument came to no conclusion. Perhaps because it was such an old incident, there were even parts where their memories differed.
“It happened 20 years ago, it’s been 20 years! What do you want now!”
Baek Ryu-san spoke, seemingly exasperated.
Upon hearing this, Baek Jin-tae, who had been confrontational until now, suddenly shut his mouth.
Suppressing a laugh, he let out a snort and then spoke.
“Yes, you’re right, brother. It’s something that happened 20 years ago.”
“After the child died 20 years ago, it was over. We can’t change that now.”Silence lingered for a long while.
He was right. There was nothing they could change now. The wrongly tied knots had frayed and rotted, making them impossible to untangle. Unless cut with a blade.
Baek Jin-tae’s time was still stuck 20 years in the past.
Baek Ryu-san realized that further conversation with his brother would be fruitless.
“Now that your martial arts have been sealed. In the future…”
Baek Jin-tae cut him off sternly.
“Do not make a choice you’ll regret.”
Baek Jin-tae, who had already lost his dantian. Even if one severed the tendons in his limbs, it seemed like he would still lunge with his teeth.
Baek Ryu-san nodded.
And then, he turned his back, along with Yi-gang.
As they were leaving the prison, Baek Ryu-san remained silent.
Upon stepping outside, the air felt refreshingly different from inside the prison.
With the winter sun shining on him, Baek Ryu-san spoke to his son.
“Yi-gang, always remember that both you and Ha-jun have my support.”
“I will do anything to protect the two of you. Anything…”
He emphasized the word “anything.”
Yi-gang merely nodded in acknowledgment.
“It’s getting cold. You should go inside. I’ll be on my way as well.”
“Let’s go together.”
“That’s fine. I can walk on my own.”
Baek Ryu-san left Yi-gang behind and walked away alone.
The retreating back of their father looked especially frail.
「It seems your father has made up his mind.」
‘It appears so.’
「Well, anyway, it’s finally over!」 the Immortal Divine Sword spoke in a cheerful voice.
At a glance, it seemed he was purposefully feigning cheerfulness.
「You haven’t practiced for the past few days, right? Aren’t your muscles feeling a bit stiff now?」
‘Well, yeah, they are.’
「You see, a dedicated swordsman will feel restless even if they skip training for just a day. Let’s go and train!」
Yi-gang knew the real reason behind Immortal Divine Sword’s passionate request.
「Uh-oh, isn’t the training hall that way? It’s this way! This way!」
As Yi-gang started walking towards the opposite side of the Red Jade Training Hall, the Immortal Divine Sword froze in confusion.
However, he was still bound to the sword. When the distance between him and Yi-gang extended beyond thirty steps, the Immortal Divine Sword was involuntarily drawn towards Yi-gang.
「You sneaky fellow!」
‘There’s something more important than training right now.’
Grand Elder, who had been unconscious, had awakened, and Yi-gang had promised to meet and converse with her today.
He intended to discuss the stories of the Immortal Divine Sword and Heaven’s Shadow Sword Technique.
「Can’t you postpone it for just one day?」
‘I can’t.’
Although it was rare for the Immortal Divine Sword to show a vulnerable side, Yi-gang remained firm.「Heoo.」
The Immortal Divine Sword, too, had been contemplating facing an age-old problem.
Perhaps that’s why he finally came looking for Grand Elder with Yi-gang without uttering a word.
‘Enough. Please stop.’
Yet, he kept heaving sighs as if he were nervous. It seemed that even for the greatest in the world, family matters were hard to deal with.
Yi-gang arrived in front of the Council of Elders.
An unexpected person was waiting for Yi-gang.
It was Elder Baek Seo-ok who had supported not Yi-gang, but Ha-jun. It was a bitterly cold midwinter day. Still, she seemed to have been waiting for Yi-gang here all this while.
“Have you been waiting for me?”
“Yes. I waited because I had something to tell you.”
“What might that be…”
“Grand Elder. No, seeing my Great Aunt being so shaken, is a first for me as well.”
She briefly glanced at the Shooting Star Fang, which Yi-gang had attached to his waist. All the elders had come to know that Yi-gang possessed the Shooting Star Fang.
“Even though you appear strong, you’re a person who has endured much pain.”
“I don’t fully understand the circumstances.”Yi-gang had the Shooting Star Fang, which the Immortal Divine Sword used to wield, and he had mastered the forgotten latter three forms of Heaven’s Shadow Sword.
Given the situation, it was understandable for Baek Seo-ok to regard Yi-gang with suspicion.
“Watch over that person carefully.”
“I will.”
Yet, after saying that, she left.
「So, she waited here just to say that. She sure has time on her hands.」
Yi-gang then entered the Council of Elders.
Where elders usually lined up on either side during council meetings, today it was quiet.
Only Grand Elder Baek Young-ryeong was there, waiting for Yi-gang alone.
Given the private setting, she addressed Yi-gang informally.
“Have you been well?”
“Yes, please come closer and see for yourself.”
As Yi-gang approached, she looked at Yi-gang’s Shooting Star Fang with trembling eyes.
She seemed in a rush. Naturally, she would be extremely curious.
“Where did you get that sword?”
“I found it in the underground of the manor where I stayed.”
“No wonder, so it was there…”
It seemed that Baek Young-ryeong had known all along that the Shooting Star Fang hanging behind her was a fake.
“You knew the Shooting Star Fang here was fake?”
“Of course. I personally crafted this counterfeit sword.”
“When the Immortal Divine Sword fled, he left behind the Shooting Star Fang’s scabbard. Since the scabbard was made of meteoric iron metal, I used it as a reference to forge a replica of the Shooting Star Fang.”
The long-hidden mystery was unraveled.
Given that the sword was crafted from the meteorite scabbard a hundred years ago, it was no wonder that the clan members, including Firelight Forge Chief, were easily deceived.
“You’ve learned the last three forms of Heaven’s Shadow Sword Technique?”
At that moment, Baek Young-ryeong seemed more surprised by the Heaven’s Shadow Sword Technique than the fact that Yi-gang had procured the Shooting Star Fang.
“Do-yeom believed that the essence of the Shooting Star Fang concealed the Heaven’s Shadow Sword Technique.”
“I did mention something to that effect.”
“You rascal. He’s your great-uncle. How dare you fool an elder?”
“I apologize.”
That was what Yi-gang had told Baek Do-yeom when teasing him.
However, Baek Young-ryeong had known all along that the Heaven’s Shadow Sword Technique wasn’t inscribed on the Shooting Star Fang.
“So… how did you come to know about it? The Heaven’s Shadow Sword Technique was surely forgotten.”
“Before passing away, the Immortal Divine Sword visited the Azure Forest.”
Starting from the beginning, Yi-gang narrated the story carefully. Considering that his great-grandmother might be shocked, he took his time explaining in detail:
The day he met the Immortal Divine Sword.
How he learned martial arts with his assistance.
How the Immortal Divine Sword became a spirit, lingering in this world.
Baek Young-ryeong listened to Yi-gang’s words in silence.
“…And now, he stands beside me.”
Not long ago, she had fainted upon seeing Yi-gang use the Heaven’s Shadow Sword Technique, but now she appeared composed.
“He expressed a desire to atone for his long-standing sins. I will convey Divine Sword’s words to you.”
Yi-gang tried to smile reassuringly as he spoke.
“The Shooting Star Fang is…”
However, Grand Elder’s reaction was not what he expected.
“Melt it down and entrust it to Firelight Forge. Let’s forge another sword using that meteoric iron. Since it’s yours, I will make a sword for you.”
“Ha, Grandmother.”
“Forget the Heaven’s Shadow Sword Technique as well.”
Both Yi-gang and the Immortal Divine Sword were taken aback. Baek Young-ryeong acted as if she hadn’t heard Yi-gang’s words.
“Why do you say this all of a sudden?”
“I was the one who prohibited the last three forms of Heaven’s Shadow Sword Technique. There’s nothing to be done about what you’ve already learned. Act as if you’ve forgotten it. Never use it again. It’s an order.”
“Please hear me out.”
“I don’t want to hear it!”
Baek Young-ryeong shouted in anger, followed by a violent bout of coughing.
“Cough, Immortal Divine Sword? Right, he was my grandfather.”
“Yes, he wanted to see his granddaughter.”
“Do you know what he’s done?”
What came out of her mouth was a shocking revelation.
“He killed my father, his own son, the Clan Head!”
“And then he ran away! What does he want to discuss now? I neither need nor want to hear it.”
Her voice was a mix of anger and grief.
Both Yi-gang and the Immortal Divine Sword could only hesitate.
The Immortal Divine Sword spoke feebly, looking as if his world had crumbled.
「Enough, it’s over. Just stop.」
Yi-gang’s expression hardened.