Chapter 60  

Iona greeted in a refreshing voice.

Robert was embarrassed inside because he hadn't thought that his opponent would be out earlier than him.

Looking at that face that didn't even have the slightest trace of last night's drinking party.

He couldn't figure out what on earth was going on.

The other person had drunk more than him, so why was the other person fine while he was in such a state?

Robert said, looking flustered.


Dame Iona , it seems that you do not have a hangover.

"I didn't drink enough to have a hangover."

Iona replied nonchalantly and instructed her servant to open the main gate.

Beyond it suddenly appeared an official carriage that Robert had not prepared fr(e)e

While he was gone, it seemed that Ions had finished the preparations herself.

Before Robert even had time to apologize for the rudeness, Iona hurriedly climbed into the carriage.

Robert followed her with an awkward look.

Just as he thought it would be nice to rest for a little while, as soon as he confirmed that the carriage door was closed, the coachman immediately set off.

Oh, I should have had the servants bring you some water.

Iona looked at Robert's face up close and said as if she felt pity.

Even at first glance, his complexion was not very good.

With a lack of sleep, an upset stomach, and the shaking of the carriage, Robert felt like he was going to die.

Ugh, ugh It's okay, I'm... f-fine

If you feel like vomiting, tell me.

Iona, who answered casually, began to look at the documents prepared in the carriage.

Robert struggled to catch a glimpse of the contents through his blurred vision.

'What is that... ?'

Seeing the densely written numbers, it seemed like yesterday's ledger, but sitting face to face with the other person made it difficult to grasp the content properly.

There was also the fact that his stomach quickly worsened when he tried to concentrate.

"I get motion sickness when reading in the carriage."

Remembering Iona's polite advice, Robert eventually closed his eyes.

He concluded that Iona was cramming at the last minute. The ledger he sent was by no means thick enough to be easily dealt with.

"May I open a window?"

"Go ahead."

As Robert opened the window and breathed in the fresh air outside, he felt a little better.

After taking a deep breath for a while, Robert opened his eyes again.

He finally noticed that the carriage was moving in a direction different from the intended route.

"Hey... This isn't the right way. Let's start by slowly going around the northern outskirts." Robert said irritably, tapping on the window that led to the coachman's seat.

The coachman, feeling the vibration, glanced back. It was a face that Robert didn't recognize.

Did Iona call her own person while preparing the carriage?

While Robert was assessing the situation, Iona came to a succinct conclusion.

"Just keep going."

This time, Robert's gaze turned to Iona.

Dame Iona, there's no need for you to personally inspect the low-information areas in the south. They're not of much interest."

"I found that area more intriguing."

"Haha... Since you've always lived in the capital, you may not be familiar with the territory. I was going to guide you as I served the Count, so could you please follow my definite intentions?"

Robert said, trying to persuade Iona.

From his perspective, it was an act of patience, but it still seemed very presumptuous to treat the young lady of the noble family in such a manner.

Finally, Iona put down the papers she was holding.



"Are you the lord of this land?"


"I asked if you are the owner of this land."

Robert couldn't help but be taken aback by Iona's cold question.

Under normal circumstances, he would have boldly questioned why she was asking that, but at this moment, he couldn't find a way to escape the situation so smoothly.

When she suddenly expressed anger after being indifferent all along, Robert felt a great sense of surprise.

"When I heard that you don't commute to the lordship office and instead reside there, I understood it as a convenience. But now that I hear your words, I wonder if it was actually your unruliness that caused it. Baron, are you Count Modrov?"

How could that be, Dame Iona!

Robert exclaimed in astonishment.

He had only shown kindness so that she could inspect the necessary lands. Of course, that necessity largely followed his own standards.

'Damn, why is she getting so angry?'

The southern region was where Robert had harshly treated the farmers, turning them from tenants to laborers.

Robert always guided Count Modrov to another place, fearing that he might hear something strange.

However, instead of obediently following his suggestions like her father, Iona was stubbornly insisting on unnecessary stubbornness. Making a fuss over trivial matters.

I was just trying to be helpful to you.

Robert defended himself with a sense of injustice, but Iona coldly cut off his words.

"You're going off-topic."

Robert felt a surge of emotions, but he couldn't confront her here, so he ended up apologizing half-heartedly.

I apologize if you felt uncomfortable with my words and actions.

Iona didn't answer.

A sense of discomfort, humiliation, and a slight sense of nausea mixed together in Robert's mind.

He found it extremely difficult to endure this situation, being scolded by the count's daughter, who was not even Count Modrov.

Robert lowered his head, barely hiding his distorted face.

The conversation did not continue. In silence, the carriage ran for a long time. Through the window, the southern region seemed to be getting closer.

Robert expected the carriage to slow down and move slowly. That way, the owner could comfortably survey the surroundings.

However, the carriage suddenly came to a stop in the middle of a field road.

It was at that moment when Robert, with a bewildered expression, was about to inspect the carriage, thinking that there might be a problem with the wheels.

Leaving Robert with a puzzled expression behind, Iona stepped outside.

Dame Iona, why are you getting off all of a sudden .

Robert stopped talking abruptly.

People were also getting off the carriage that followed them, one by one.

When Robert spotted Fin's face inside, his eyes widened in astonishment.

Without a second thought, Robert hurriedly went outside and approached Fin, grabbing his arm and pulling him behind the carriage.

Why are you here?

Robert glanced around and whispered in a harsh voice. Fin responded dumbfoundedly as if asking why.

Dame Iona is looking for an assistant to help tour the manor.

Why is that you?

It was a fact that Fin didn't even know.

Fin had simply joined the group after being called by Sophia.

But if he mentioned Sofia's name here, Robert seemed likely to vent his anger on her for no reason. It seemed that Robert wasn't pleased with his appearance outside.

Fin only relayed what he had heard.

"Well, I happened to be available... And they said it would be convenient to have someone who directly organized the account books come and assist."

What are you assisting with?

Robert asked blankly.

Something was off. Since earlier, an unpleasant premonition had been creeping up on him.

As usual, Robert grabbed Fin by the collar.

Robert, who fiercely clashed his teeth once, asked again.

Did you say something strange?

Ouch, I I-It not true.

Fin's denial didn't sound particularly false.

But instead of letting go of the Fin right away, Robert stared into his green eyes for a moment as if examining his intentions.

Be careful what you do.

Leaving a warning, Robert turned around and came back behind the carriage.

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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