"Then I have to ask the elder brother, what is the intention of making friends frequently after I give my wife."

"You really misunderstand Mo Shen about this matter. Elder brother didn't mean to meet her."

"Is it? Was it unintentional or made in advance? " Speaking of this, night Mo deep sweep Shen Qiao one eye.

Shen Qiao immediately clenched his fist, and then fearlessly met Mo Shen's eyes at night, and his lips moved.

Everyone thought she would explain, but who knows Shen Qiao just said: "no matter intentionally or unintentionally, whatever you think is fine. Anyway, you are such a self righteous person. You can't listen to what others say. I don't need to explain too much to you

"Brother and sister!" Night Lin slightly frowned, do not understand why Shen Qiao at this time is not soft, must with the night Mo deep dead bar in the end.

"It's none of your business." Shen Qiao pushed the night cold away, and her petite body blocked in front of her, "don't you think I'm morning and evening?"? Then you think so. What you see is true. I am that kind of person. I asked my elder brother to come here. "


Night Mo Shen, eyes suddenly cold down, dangerous staring at her.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

Shen Qiao was really fed up with the night. After these days, every word he said stuck in her heart like a needle, one at a time, gradually increasing. Maybe she asked to stay at night, but she was incompetent? She really can't control her emotions.

"Sister in law, have you forgotten what I said to you just now? You... "

"Big brother, this is the business between me and Mo Shen. Would you go back first?"

"Sister in law..."

Shen Qiao looks at him firmly in the eyes and asks him to leave.

Ye Lin's thin lips moved, but in the end, she couldn't say a word. She just nodded, then looked at ye Moshen and made a final explanation: "Mo Shen, your temper should be restrained. My sister-in-law and I really didn't do anything out of the ordinary. I just said so much and left you two to talk about it."

After night Lenghan left, Xiao Su immediately felt that he was redundant. He pointed to the tip of his nose, "or I'm going first, too? "

No one paid attention to him, and Xiao Su stroked his head. Did he ask if it was a little superfluous? Just leave, right? So Xiao Su also left.

In the deep garden, there are only two people left: night Moshen and Shen Qiao.

The others left, and Shen Qiao looked at each other from a short distance. Because of the change of the atmosphere, the moonlight seemed to be no longer soft. It hit Zhou He at night and looked at the cold and clear.

Stalemate did not know how long, night Mo Shen priority opened a mouth: "come here."

Shen Qiao stood still, she lowered her eyes, "I want to talk to you about some words."

Listen, night Mo deep hook lips, sneer: "say."

Shen Qiao's eyes looked at the ground. "At the beginning, we made a deal. I stayed at night house only to let the night house become my shelter for a while, and my existence also allows you not to be forced to marry by the night master. In fact, our cooperation is equal, isn't it? "

"Who told you it was equivalence?" Night Mo deep indifferent tone let Shen Qiao suddenly raised his head, mistakenly avoid looking at him: "no No? "

Ye Moshen slowly rolls his wheelchair toward Shen Qiao. Because his movements are very slow, Shen Qiao doesn't notice. He goes forward and says in a cold voice: "it's none of my business that the old man wants to fill me with. I can take all the orders, but if there is a conspiracy involved in the marriage, or if it is designed by someone who has a heart in mind, it will not work. Shen Qiao, don't forget that even if it's a trade marriage, the person who married me in this marriage is your sister Shen Yuecai. "

Shen Qiao's fingertips trembled.

"Shen Qiao, you're married on behalf of others, and you still have a grease bottle. You asked me to let you stay that day."

Shen Qiao:

Ye Moshen: "now, do you want to say that this transaction marriage is equal?"

Shen Qiao bit her lower lip, and there was a trace of blood under her eyes: "OK, even if I asked you to let me stay, we are only trading marriage, aren't we? Why do you have to trample on my dignity? Why? "

Night Mo deep light smile: "fun."

Listen to words, Shen Qiao can't believe ground stare big eyes, "fun?"

Trample on other people's dignity, misunderstand others, purely because of fun?

Ye Moshen's smile was almost bloodthirsty, and her tone was as cold as ice: "do you think my wife is so easy to do? Shen Qiao, this is the price that you Shen family unite to cheat me! "

The price?

Shen Qiao is standing under the tree with a pale face. The moonlight makes her face whiter. She has her hair spread out like a ghost.

Originally, it is because of this aspect. Shen Qiao suddenly understood why he did this to himself.

"So, in your eyes, I am the one who intends to take advantage of this marriage and marry into the night home by any means, right?"

Night Mo deep pick eyebrow: "are you not?"What can Shen Qiao say? She lowered her eyes.

He thinks he wants to marry? She was also a victim of this marriage.

But tell him that he will not understand, Shen Qiao self mockingly smile: "yes, I am such a person."

Night Mo deep twist eyebrow, this woman how to return a responsibility? All of a sudden, there was no argument.

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

Shen Qiao raises his head again, Mou son already restored calm, her vision light ground looks at him.

"That's it. No more. I'm going back."

Finish saying, Shen Qiao turns to prepare to leave. Night Mo deep eyebrows deeply frown up, gnash teeth tunnel: "come back."

Shen Qiao's step stops and smiles: "do you have any orders? Night is little?"

From now on, she will recognize her own identity. No matter what he says, she will regard it as a transaction and will not have any other ideas.

She's really being too emotional today.

Yemoshen is right. It is an unequal transaction, and the use of means will pay a price.

And she Shen Qiao is the one who has to bear it.

"What do you call me?"

Shen Qiao stood still for a while, and suddenly turned around. Her face was cold in the moonlight, and her smile had no temperature.

"Little night, what can I do for you?"

The night is not deep

Damn it!

All of a sudden, this change made yemoshen very unaccustomed, and her eyes were so calm that he felt as if something was gradually losing.

This kind of feeling makes him very uncomfortable!!

"Who will allow you to call me that?"

Shen Qiao said with a faint smile: "did you not say that at night? Let me call you the same as everyone else. "

Ye Moshen: "it's outside and at home. What do you want the old man to know?"

"Oh, what would you like me to call you that night? You said, "I'll change it."

Very unexpectedly, Shen Qiao became very clever and docile, and seemed to be a good subordinate.
