After Shen Qiao said his coordinates, he went outside to wait.

It took about 20 minutes for Han Xueyou to drive in front of her. After the car stopped, Shen Qiao quickly stepped forward and opened the door and sat in.

"What's the matter?"

"Go to the company first. I'll be late. I'll tell you later on the way."

Han Xue can only turn around quickly.

"Why do you want to confiscate your mobile phone all of a sudden? Did you offend him? Or did you expose yourself? "

Hearing this, Shen Qiao shook his head: "no, I didn't expose anything, but we quarreled last night."


"Quarrel? Tell me what happened. "

Shen Qiao and night Mo deep quarrel process, she dare not say too detailed, just about why the quarrel told Han Xueyou.

"I'll go. He really doesn't like you. It's really venomous to say these words all the time."

Hearing that he didn't like you, Shen Qiao's heart was full of time and space, and nodded in a depressed mood: "yes, he should hate me very much."

"Judging from the current situation, you have neither revealed your horse's feet nor said anything strange. Then he should not have discovered it. After all Only the two of us know about it, right? "

Shen Qiao nodded solemnly: "I only told you one person."

"That's OK. I guess he just wants to play tricks on you with your mobile phone. After all He wants you to pay the price, which is to make you suffer all kinds of torture. "

"Xueyou, now is not the time to analyze this. The mobile phone is in his hand, and our chat records will be found."

"I'll go. You don't delete the record after that important thing?"

Shen Qiao also felt that he was not careful enough. "Before, but not the latest. I didn't know he would suddenly take my mobile phone."

"What now? The mobile phone was taken, and he refused to return it to you. You can only hope that he did not look at your mobile phone. "

Shen Qiao felt a headache and stretched out his hand to wring his painful eyebrows. Han Xueyou looked at her helplessly and couldn't help swearing: "I'm going to be fooled to death by you. I knew I deleted the record. Now I don't have to worry about it."

Shen Qiao stopped talking.

"I'll send you to the company first. Don't mess around and act according to circumstances."

Finish saying, Han Xueyou first give her a mobile phone: "this is my mobile phone, you use first."

Shen Qiao nodded: "yes! And you? "

"You are stupid, this is my spare phone, I also have the main mobile phone."


"It's coming soon. If you have something to do with it, you can call me. You can take your mobile phone back as soon as possible."

After Shen Qiao got off the car, he looked back at Han Xueyou anxiously. Han Xueyou waved to her: "go in."

Shen Qiao started to walk inside.

She took a deep breath and told herself to be calm and not to mess around.

After entering the company, Shen Qiao went upstairs to her post. Seeing the silence in the office, she got up again to make a cup of coffee and sent it in.

When you push the door in, ye Mo Shen calmly falls on the computer screen with his fingers on the keyboard, looking very attentive.

Shen Qiao turned her eyes and sipped her lips. She put the coffee on his desk.

"Little night, your coffee."

Night Mo deep answer did not answer her a word, Shen Qiao lip moved, want to ask him when to return his mobile phone to his thing almost blurted out.

As a result, the words to the lips, Shen qiaocai suddenly react to come over, she wants to calm down.

You can't mess around.

With this in mind, Shen Qiao pressed down the bottom of her heart, put down the coffee and then turned out of the office.

Night Mo Shen heard the door repeatedly closed, and the person who just came in was quiet as if he had never been there. He could not help but look up at the coffee cup.

Didn't you ask him for a cell phone?

Night Mo deep squint eyes, reach out from the pocket to take out Shen Qiao mobile phone.

This mobile phone is very old, it looks like some years old, even if you throw it away, you don't have to worry. But last night she was very flustered when she saw the mobile phone missing, which made him want to know the secret of this mobile phone.

But he never opened it.

He has no interest in finding out other people's secrets.

If it wasn't for the phone call from her ex husband, yemoshen would not confiscate her mobile phone.

If the mobile phone is returned to her, her ex husband will call him and get in touch then

Thinking of this, night Mo Shen did not have any hesitation, made a call to Xiao su.

"You go and buy a new mobile phone card, and pick up the pin."

Xiao Su over there didn't know why, but he did.

After Shen Qiao returned to his post, he breathed a sigh.The mobile phone rings for a while, Shen Qiao takes out to have a look, it is the short message that Han Xueyou sends, ask her progress how?

Shen Qiao said something about her eyes. After Han Xueyou praised her, she asked her to keep it up. At least for a whole day, she should not disturb the night. Of course, when there is a chance to perform, we should seize the opportunity.

Shen Qiao put away the mobile phone and was listless all day.

She was so worried that ye Moshen would find out her secret. However, she tried to keep absolutely quiet when she met yemoshen, and did not ask him to mention his mobile phone.

And night Mo Shen also seems to have forgotten this matter.

Until the end of work, night Mo Shen suddenly asked her to accompany him to a dinner party.

Shen Qiao slightly twisted her eyebrows.

"You don't have to go to this private dinner, right? Doesn't seem to have anything to do with me? "

Night Mo deep cold eyebrow a pick: "to my female partner to attend, after coming back to return your mobile phone."

Hearing this, Shen Qiao couldn't help biting her lower lip.

Asshole, he threatened her again.

She looked up into his eyes and said, "how do I know if you're going to lie to me? After all... " He just cheated her last night.

Ask her to kiss him and return the phone to her.

As a result, she kissed twice, and he still didn't return her mobile phone.

Too much!

"Don't want it?" Night Mo Shen sneered, "I'll pass by Xingshui lake on the way to the party later. If I don't come, I'll throw it in directly."

Words fall, night Mo Shen rolls wheelchair directly from her in front of leave.

Shen Qiao stare big eyes, stay for a full ten seconds before reaction, quickly follow up: "I go with you not good?"

The night Mo deep imagines that behind death that woman is exasperated but have no what to do appearance, thin lip can't help but slightly hook up.

Xiao Su hands Shen Qiao a box.

"Assistant Shen, this is the dress for the party."

After taking over, Shen Qiao went to the bathroom to change out and reluctantly walked to the night in front of Mo Shen.

Night Mo deep dark eyes in a little bit more light, squint at the Shen Qiao standing in front of him.

The style of girdle waist outlines her waist shape delicately. As soon as the waist becomes thinner, it highlights her S-shaped figure. Ye Mo knows that this woman's body is very interesting, but it is covered by her dress style on weekdays.

Then he touched it Only then did I know It turns out that she doesn't look flat as she looks on the surface.
