"Respect?" Lu ordinary sneered and looked at Zhang Yufan's eyes with disdain: "did I hear you correctly? How could master Zhang respect a little assistant? Who is it for? I don't know what dirty thing I'm thinking about. "

Zhang Yufan frowned, pointing to the landing common: "you this person How can you talk like that

"Since young master Zhang doesn't want to start, let's step back." Several people behind Lu Pingchao winked, and then they went to surround Shen Qiao.

Shen Qiao's face changed, staring at landing.

"Mr. Lu, what do you mean?"

"Oh." Lu ordinary sneered: "little assistant, do you dare to ask what I mean? If you send it to your door today, don't blame me for being rude. "

Aware of the danger, Shen Qiao opened his mouth and wanted to shout. As a result, the man behind her directly raised his hand to chop her back neck. Shen Qiao rolled his eyes and fell to the side.


No one catches her, but Zhang Yufan walks forward to hold Shen Qiao, then frowns and looks at Lu ordinary.

"Mr. Lu, what are you doing?"

Lu ordinary stare at him in the eye: "roll to one side."

Zhang Yufan hugged Shen Qiao in his arms: "do you want to fight assistant Shen? She is yeshao's assistant. Do you want to offend yeshao in Beicheng? "

"Oh, I'll make a vow to him." Lu ordinary narrowed his eyes and looked at him dangerously: "Zhang Yufan, right? Give people to my men, or I'll knock you out and take it away

Zhang Yufan smell speech, with Lu ordinary on the eyes, but the hands did not intend to let go of Shen Qiao.

"Just an assistant I just met. Do you want to offend me

Words fall, Zhang Yufan's hand is loose, that under the situation will Shen Qiao snatch over.

After that, Shen Qiao was directly taken away from the banquet hall. It was grand and was seen by many people in the corner. However, everyone saw Lu's usual style and thought it was a matter of mutual affection, so he ignored it.

After the man left, Zhang Yufan felt sorry for himself and quickly called for his secretary.

"You go upstairs to find someone to inform Mr. Zhou's assistant and tell him that the assistant who accompanied him to attend the meeting was knocked unconscious and taken away by Lu ordinary."

The Secretary frowned at the words: "land night two families?"

"Well, go."

The Secretary stood still.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yufan frowned and asked unhappily.

The secretary explained, "fan Shao, you don't know about Lu Ye and his family, do you? I also just got the news. I heard that Lu ordinary somehow offended Ye Shao. Ye Shao asked someone to abolish him. What does Lu Ping usually like to do best? Now that he's been abandoned, he's holding his breath very hard. He's probably trying to break the can. "

Hearing this, Zhang Yufan frowned and said, "it's not very good that Lu ordinary plays with so many women at ordinary times? It can also be regarded as eliminating harm for the people. "

"Fan Shao, don't you understand what I mean? What I mean is that Lu is now in a broken situation. It is estimated that there is nothing that they can't do. It involves a lot of things. Let's not get involved in it. "

Listen, Zhang Yufan pick eyebrows: "so you mean to let me stay out of the matter, pretend that I did not see?"

Secretary: "most, it's better."

Zhang Yufan twisted his eyebrows, and the Secretary said, "we Zhang family and Luye are different. If they really fight each other..."

"What if it is because of this time that we Zhang can get the protection of Yeshi?" Zhang Yufan's words are astonishing, the Secretary glared: "where less?"

"I want to make a bet. You can quickly find a way to inform yeshao in person, and inform Ye Shao of this news in the form that I released. Lu is a thorn in the eye It is estimated that many people have long thought that in addition to the Lu family, they are not the opponents of the night family. We can watch the fire from the shore. "


not long after ye Moshen and Mr. Zhou sat down to talk, someone sneaked in to deliver the news. Mr. Zhou stopped for a moment and looked up at the opposite night Moshen.

Night Mo deep pick pick pick eyebrow: "Mr. Zhou has something to do?"

"Little night, it has something to do with your little assistant."


Shen Qiao? Night Mo deep eyes suddenly and dangerously squint up: "what do you mean?"

Mr. Zhou passed on the news he had just received to ye Moshen, and Xiao Su in the back heard: "Lu ordinary? Damn it, Mr. Zhou. You've even given him a dinner? "

Mr. Zhou touched his nose awkwardly and laughed: "I didn't invite him, but it's not difficult to get an invitation from others in his capacity."

Listen, don't frown deeply at night. In this way, the situation will be more serious.

Xiao Su said in a quick voice: "night is little. Lu usually doesn't hold a grudge because of the last incident, so Deliberately waiting for this opportunity Where will he take assistant Shen? "

Mo Shen at night, his face is not good-looking, his eyes are dark and frightening, and his voice is cold: "Mr. Zhou, I'm afraid I'll excuse you again today."Mr. Zhou made a gesture of asking for help, and then got up: "assistant Shen has an accident at my party. I am also responsible for being the host of the party. I will send someone to investigate and monitor the situation and find out where they have taken assistant Shen."

"Thank you."

Mr. Zhou soon went out. Xiao Su pushed Yemo out of the room and said, "that damned Lu ordinary, he won't do anything to assistant Shen? His second son is abandoned, which is a very angry thing for a man, and I don't know what extreme things he will do

Xiao SuYue said that the more ugly the night was.

"Deal with it."

Xiao Su takes out the mobile phone.

Just at night, the mobile phone rings, is a strange number.

Xiao Su breathed heavily and stopped to look at his mobile phone screen.

Night Mo deep answer the phone, cold eyes.

"Don't be hurt. It's the night."

Lu ordinary should beat the voice through the mobile phone, Xiao Su heard, immediately loudly scolded: "Lu ordinary, do you want to die? How dare you kidnap people at a party? Do you want Lu to be leveled by our Yeshi? "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Lu ordinary laughs wildly: "if you have the ability, come, but before you shovel Lu, your little assistant It's going to be ruined. " Lu ordinary's voice suddenly sharpened: "night is not deep, for a small assistant, you do not hesitate to stir up disputes between the two families, cancel cooperation, or even find someone Oh, I'd like to see what a disabled and incompetent man can do for this little assistant

Xiao Su: "Lu ordinary, if you know something, let people go quickly."

"What do you want?" The night is deep and the voice is cold.

Lu ordinary calmed down for a moment and then said, "it seems that you really attach great importance to this little assistant. I didn't expect you to have today? I'll tell you now that your little assistant has been given a lot of infatuation drugs by me and is waiting for you to rescue her. What do you think? "
