Erica simply swallowed the piece of steak whole and drank a mouthful of water to bring it down. As she stood up in a hurry, she grabbed the two boys and said to the other bodyguard, "Watch over them, I'll be back!"

"Mrs. Huo, please, I can't let you get out of my sight..." Before the bodyguard could finish his words, however, Erica had run out of the restaurant almost instantly.

The bodyguard sighed, standing beside the two confused boys and called the police first before he informed Matthew what had happened.

"Did the bad guys take my brothers away?" Adkins asked the bodyguard.

The bodyguard didn't know what to say to them, so he nodded and said, "Boys, I've called the police. They'll bring them back soon, I'm sure. Right now, I need to bring you two back home because I need to ensure your safety first."

Although the two brothers were worried about the safety of their brothers and mother, they knew that they were too young to be of any help, so they obediently followed the bodyguard out of the restaurant.

When Erica came out of the restaurant, she saw the other bodyguard rushing out of the alley nearby and chasing after a minibus that was speeding away.


Her intuition told her that the children were inside that minibus. Without wasting another second, she found her own car and jumped into the driver's seat. She pushed down the accelerator and sped after the minibus.

Just then, her phone rang. She controlled the steering wheel with one hand and found her phone with the other. It was Matthew. She answered the call and put it on speaker. Then she threw it on the passenger seat and apologized guiltily, "Honey, I'm sorry. Something happened to the kids!"

Erica felt as though it was her fault as she had failed to watch over the kids properly. If only she had taken the boys to the bathroom, none of this would have happened.

Matthew had already left the company. He drove out of the parking lot as they were talking. "Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. I've spoken to the bodyguard. This was all a premeditated plan. I have my people on this, don't worry. Just tell me where they are heading."

Holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands, Erica took a few deep breaths, adjusted her thoughts and calmly said, "They are now heading for Abby Road. It is a silver gray minibus without license plate number. I'm

ace was met with a splash of something liquid that had a strange smell.

"Hahaha!" The boys burst into laughter, and the sound of their giggling voices seemed to be fading into the distance.

Before he could remove the leaf from his face, he heard another man shouting, "Barry, the twerps are running away! Hurry up!"

Barry Wang cursed and looked at the leaf on the ground with a long face. He finally understood what it was. "Damn it! How dare you throw pee on my face! When I catch you two little rascals, you'll be sorry..."

Thwack! Barry Wang received a hard blow to the back of his head. The two men who were smoking beside the minibus rushed over, while Barry Wang was still standing there, scratching his head.

"Fuck! You're an idiot, Barry! Hurry up!"

"Okay!" Barry Wang followed the two men and ran into the forest.

Suffice it to say, the two brothers were very cunning. They knew that they should run along the trail in the forest so that the gangsters wouldn't be able to catch up to them by the minibus. They might have inherited this from Erica. They ran as fast as they could, scuttling through the forest quickly. They knew that as long as they kept off road, the kidnappers wouldn't be able to come after them in the minibus.

If they had taken the road, the gangsters would have caught up to them in no time.

Fortunately, they had lived in Tow Village before, a place fortified by mountains in the south, west and north. This wasn't the first time they had found themselves inside the woods which was why they didn't feel frightened or lost.
