These gangsters, however, weren't as dumb as they seemed. They were professionals who knew how to track the two boys by following the trails they left behind.

After about ten minutes, they found themselves deep inside the forest.

At a fork in the path, Boswell grabbed Damian's hand, huffing and puffing to catch his breath. "Damian, let's split up. Remember, when the coast is clear, get back on the road and wait for me there."

Gasping for air, Damian nodded to show that he knew what the plan was.

Boswell started to worry about his brother when he sensed a hesitation in Damian's expression. "Damian, are you okay?"

Damian swallowed and answered, "Don't...worry. Just go... I can do this..."

"Well, just try to remember the rules of surviving in the wild Dad taught us!" Boswell gave his brother an assuring pat on the back. On the afternoon some time ago, Matthew didn't go to the company, but stayed at home with the four children.


As Colman mentioned some primeval forest, Matthew took the chance to teach them the survival skills in the wild. Back then, Matthew thought that he would have to coax them into listening to him, but to his surprise, the children gave him their undivided attention and listened to every instruction he gave them.

Luckily the kids were all gifted with good memory as they were able to catch all of the important information, even though Matthew only explained it to them once. Perhaps, that could explain why the four of them could speak so many words, even though they were only three years old.

Damian nodded his head with confidence. He didn't speak a word, because he had to conserve his strength.

By then, the gangsters had already caught up to them. One of them shouted, "They're over there! Hurry up!"

In a panic, Boswell pushed Damian away and shouted, "Run!"

Without wasting another second, Damian ran down the path on the right. What he didn't know was that Boswell didn't run. He stood exactly where he was and didn't move.

When the gangsters were close enough, Boswell made a face at them and taunted, "Come on, catch me if you can!" The brave boy was trying to lure their chasers away from his brother so that he could be safe.

His arrogance infuriated the gangsters even more. One of the men, rested his hands on his hips, struggling to catch his breath. "Barry...go ahead and chase that one. We'll go after this one here!"

Barry could hardly speak as he wheezed and coughed for air, but he had no choice but to run after the boy. He carried on the path where Damian

is son did.

Carlos' eyes darkened when he heard about the boys. "I'll bring the kids back home. You make sure Rika is safe."

"No, Dad. Listen, you have to send help here first. The house we are in is on fire. Gifford should be near Y City. I'll call him and ask him to find the boys," Matthew said.

"Okay, call Gifford now!"

As soon as they both hung up, Carlos started making phone calls, asking his friends for help.

Matthew called Gifford and told him what had happened. As soon as Gifford heard that his sister and two nephews were in danger, he left his work behind and started taking action.

There was no way Gifford could keep this from Wesley, so before leaving, he left a message to Wesley's phone, explaining what had happened.

As soon as Wesley saw the message, he took the first flight to Y City.

When Sheffield heard the news, he was still shopping with his daughter. As soon as he got off the phone with Matthew, he quickly sent Gwyn back to the Tang family first, and then took people with him to look for his nephews.

With more people helping them, locating the boys would be quicker and more efficient. Knowing that he and Erica couldn't leave the house for the time being, Matthew also asked her to inform Harmon and Joshua to take people to look for the two children.

Meanwhile, Matthew looked around the room for some sharp objects he could use to pry open the door or the windows.

Unfortunately, their enemy had foreseen this and had made sure to leave nothing of use inside that house.

The smoke billowed black across the room, filling Erica's lungs as she fell to the floor. The coughing was instant as were the tears that washed over her eyes.
