After the three made the decision to join the group saving me a lot of time trying to convince them I told the others to back off.

Everyone knew what I was going to do now, I decided to only use my two Aura skills on these three, I can't get too tired as tomorrow I still have to take care of that Fairy.

"As I said before, choosing to join me will have some benefits, now I will free the three of you from slavery and give some of my power to you." (I)

"..." (Nira/Tânia/Anton)

"You don't need to worry, you won't feel any pain, everyone in this room has gone through the same process that you will go through." (I)

"Are ready?" (I)

"Are you ready dear?" (Anton)


"That was our decision, I will not go back on what I have already decided." (Tânia)

"Neither do I, if I'm really going to gain power with this then I have no reason to deny myself, I wasn't strong enough to protect you that day but I'll never let that happen again." (Anton)

"The day we're in danger again I won't let you fight alone, I'll be there fighting by your side." (Tânia)

"(Aren't they ashamed to say these things in public?)" (I)

While the couple was doing their couple in love scene I noticed that Nira was thinking of something before she turned her gaze to me.

"You said you're going to free us from slavery at the same time you're going to empower the three of us, didn't you?" (Nira)

"Yes." (I)

"Do you have any awakening ability or ability to transform others?" (Nira)

"..." (all)

Everyone in the room was surprised by this question that nailed it.

"Before I answer your question, can you tell me how you came to these conclusions?" (I)

"As a former Black Market receptionist, I have seen, heard and experienced many things, maybe even more than other receptionists because of my Item Rating skill." (Nira)

"The truth is that because of my ability traits they forced me to level up and switch jobs several times in order to better use my ability." (Nira)

"They forced me to rate unknown items, cursed items, miasma-filled items and items with strange effects." (Nira)

"Living this way allowed me to discover a lot of information and hear a lot of information, among which is information on how to free someone from slavery and information on how to make someone else stronger." (Nira)

"Among the ways to free someone from slavery and empower that person is for a priest to use the sacred power to erase the mark of bondage, turn someone into a member of another race and can also be a high-level Spirit, Fairy or Dragon awakening the power and potential within someone." (Nira)

"At least those are the only ways I know." (Nira)

"(Then I'm not the only one able to do this, I can't tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing.)" (I)

"Answering your previous question I can do both, but I'll just awaken their natural talents now, they two shouldn't change races the problem will be you." (I)

"What do you mean I'm the problem?" (Nira)

"My ability has a power that uses the darkness within a person to empower them, but in the case of someone with too much darkness they can transform into another race." (I)"Anyone who looks at this couple can see that they don't have any darkness within them, but you could end up changing races." (I)

"Still want to continue?" (I)

"I will continue, I have no attachment to my humanity anyway." (Nira)

"A lot comes then, let me get started." (I)

I took a deep breath and controlled my two Auras to surround just me and these three, felt my Aura of Judgment and Aura of Chaos intertwining and becoming one, then I felt my auras coming into these three, at that moment my mana and Ki came out of mine. body and flow to these three that start to glow, Tania and Anton glow with a white light that surrounds them, I look at Nira and see that the light that surrounds her is dark purple.


<[ Three individuals willingly submitted to you ]>



<[ Choose a power to grant them ]>

Once again my mind is filled with bloodlines, titles, and abilities, all this information always leaves me with a headache.

I choose to give the skill [ Enhanced Line Production: 1 ] to Tanya so she can create her line just like me.

For Anton I chose to give the ability [ Magic Great Bodily Strength: 1 ], this ability can help him both in battle and the Forge.

For Nira it wasn't difficult to think about the skill that would give her, as the auctioneer and she has already said that she was exposed to many cursed items that even made her acquire a Curse Resistance skill, I imagine she evaluated many types of items with curses during the time she was in the Black Market, so I'll give her the [ Weak Affinity with Curses: 1 ] ability.


<[ Grant of power completed ]>

When I finished granting the last power to them I felt the flow of Mana and Ki flow faster to their bodies before stopping, soon the lights covering Tanya and Anton dimmed, but the purple light that covered Nira turned into a dark purple flame that entered her body, at that moment I was worried that she changes into a Demon like Érica.

After a few seconds there was neither light nor purple flame remaining and we could see the three again, the couple looked the same as before, but Nira who previously had brown hair and eyes now had changed color, her hair is now black and her eyes are dark purple, other than that I don't notice any more changes, luckily she still looked human.

Soon a purple glow came from inside Nira's clothes looking like tribal marks, suddenly this glow became a purple flame that surrounded Nira's back and both arms, this flame quickly gathered on her back before leaving Nira as a dark purple fireball.

This fireball slowly took the form of a bird and started to fly around the room in circles as it changed shape, soon the purple flames went out and a black Raven with purple eyes appeared in its place, it continued to fly before landing on Nira's shoulder.

"Now I really need a break." (I)

"What Raven is this?" (I)

"This is a Cursed Raven, a specter type monster, he can use curses and poisons to kill, he is also very fast and smart." (Irina)

"We were once called upon to eliminate one of them, they are difficult to deal with and rare." (Irius)

"Thanks for the explanation Irina and Irius." (I)

"Do you know where this Raven came from Nira?" (I)

"I know master, he formed inside of me and is now my Familiar, I can feel a strong connection with him." (Nira)"How so did it form within you?" (Érica)

"This is a monster that only appears in places with a lot of miasma and many curses, thanks to the kind of life I've lived until today, I've come into contact with many cursed items that left traces of their curses on me, I've also come into contact with miasma many times , I felt this thing suddenly appear inside of me and suck the remnants of the curse from my body and the miasma inside me and in the surroundings before leaving." (Nira)

"I'm tired and I need to prepare myself to take care of the Fairy, I'm going to sleep now." (I)

"Érica, Irina, and Freya will show you around the house and explain things to the three of you, I'm going to sleep now." (I)

"Good evening everyone." (I)

I was tired so I went to my bed, but before going to sleep I needed to do something, I don't know if it will work but it doesn't hurt to try.

I was alone in the room but I started talking as if I knew someone was listening.

"I know you can hear me, you said yourself you were always watching me, I hope you can talk to me so I can help this Fairy." (I)

"You must know that I will do everything in my power to help this Fairy, but I don't know if I can, so I ask you to talk to me about how I can help her." (I)

After saying all this I give in to my tiredness and go to sleep all I can do is wait for her reaction now.


When I opened my eyes all I saw was a very familiar ceiling that wasn't from my room and the smell of medicine, I stand up and look around, I was a little surprised to see this place where I've been trapped for so many years.

Looking around I saw empty hospital beds, medicine, life support devices, and a small table with a laptop on top of it.

This was the hospital room where I spent the last few years of my previous life going back and forth from the coma, not knowing if I would be able to wake up the next time I closed my eyes.

I was lying in the same bed, I get up and go to the window where I see the multi-story buildings of modern cities and cars parked on the streets, but just like this room everything is empty, cars don't move, there are no people walking in the streets. streets and not a single noise around me.

"This must be a dream, this is perhaps the first time I dream of my old world since I was reborn." (I)

I look at my hands, which are the same brown hands with some tribal tattoos that run up the back of my hands and up my arm.

"To see me like this even in my dream must mean that I've fully accepted my new life." (I)

"You would be thinking right, maybe you haven't noticed your personality is no longer the same as your previous life." (mysterious woman)

"So you showed up, to tell you the truth I had my doubts whether you would show up or not." (I)

"Where are you?" (I)

The moment I asked where she was I looked back and I see a part of space start to crack and from the cracks blood starts to flow, soon the pieces of space fall and disintegrate leaving only a red swirl in its place, suddenly a person starts to come out of this red swirl, as soon as it has completely left, I see that it is the mysterious woman.

Her red clothes, her beautiful red hair with a black crown on top, her red eyes, and her red lips with an amused smile on them.

"I am here child of my blood." (mysterious woman)

I have the urge to run to her to punch her in the face, the cause of that child's body is hers I'm sure, but knowing I'm about to ask for a favor I control myself not to say anything offensive.

"That was a nice entrance, if you're here does that mean you're going to help me with that Fairy?" (I)

"You're just kind of right, I would like to help and I could even do something about it, but I won't." (mysterious woman)

"Then why bother coming here just to refuse to help me." (I)

"The truth is, you don't need my help, you have everything you need to save that Fairy, except for one skill." (mysterious woman)

"So you came all this way to trade this skill or test me again to see if I deserve this skill?" (I)

"I don't need to test you anymore and you've had this ability for a long time, you just don't have access to it." (mysterious woman)

"What do you mean I don't have access, is it one of those things in my status that I'm not able to read or identify?" (I)

"No, these things you are not yet able to fully use and have not fully integrated with your body, in other words, they are dormant, the ability I am talking about you will not even be able to see in its status because it is completely sealed off." (mysterious woman)

"A sealed ability?" (I)
