Right now I'm talking to the mysterious woman inside my dreams, she's telling me that I have a sealed ability that doesn't even show up in my status.

"What do you mean sealed skill?" (I)

"At the time of your first evolution, I granted you the [ Evil Leech Covenant ] ability." (mysterious woman)

"That ability was sealed the moment it entered you, I was surprised by that at the time." (mysterious woman)

"You mean I would seal my own ability?" (I)

"No, it sealed itself off, something in you made it start a process of evolution, just like a caterpillar enters a cocoon to turn into a butterfly your ability connected with something in you and started the process of evolution." (mysterious woman)

"This is an automatic process for all skills when they meet certain requirements, but in your case it was different, this skill hadn't met all the requirements it needed so it was sealed." (mysterious woman)


"So I'm still not able to use this ability, am I?" (I)

"This skill has already completed its evolution into a new skill, but it remains sealed because you are not strong enough to use it." (mysterious woman)

"If you're telling me about her then you already have something in mind so keep going." (I)

Her smile fades into a serious face, she looks into my eyes as she speaks.

"I can temporarily release the seal of this ability enough for one use, but there will be consequences for using an ability that is above your current strength level." (mysterious woman)

"What consequences?" (I)

"Your soul will be wounded, for others, it could be fatal but you must survive, but the pain you will feel will be something you will not be able to imagine." (mysterious woman)

"Knowing that, do you still intend to help that Fairy?" (mysterious woman)

From her serious face and the way she talks I don't think she's lying, in the books I've read so far I've seen some rare mentions of wounds to the soul, but never a clear explanation of what it was, but I know how important a soul is already that I reincarnated in this world.

"(I'm not a Hero who would take a risk for someone he doesn't know, much less a saint who helps those who need it most, so why should I pay such a high price to help a creature that has nothing to do with me?)" (I)

For starters, what was it that made me want to help this Fairy in the first place?

I started to think and the memory of the scream I heard through Kira comes to mind, I've never heard anything like it, that scream made something inside me ache just listening.

"The cry you heard through your Familiar hit you in your soul, by hearing that cry with your soul you felt a small part of your suffering." (mysterious woman)

"Get out of my head, at least give me some privacy." (I)

If what she says is true then that pain came from my soul, it was just for a second but I still shiver just remembering that pain.

"If I kill the Fairy she would be freed from her suffering and could reincarnate one day just like me, right?" (I)

"After all, I was reincarnated in this world, even Byakko went through a process similar to reincarnation." (I)

"The moment the Fairy dies the five souls within her will be completely destroyed, their existence will vanish, never to return." (mysterious woman)

I broke out in a sweat hearing this, I'm not even able to understand the seriousness of it, but the way the mysterious woman's face twitched looks it must be worse than I imagine.

If I remember correctly, the auctioneer said that the necromancer responsible for this had his soul destroyed as punishment for breaking a Taboo."Because things have to be so complicated, I thought I could help this Fairy, in the same way, I helped others in my group." (I)

"You'll still use your two Aura abilities and your blood servant ability to heal and transform the Fairy's body, but you'll need this sealed ability to mend your souls, and even if you do I don't know what results will come from what will make." (mysterious woman)

"In other words even if I accepted suffering to help the Fairy I wouldn't even know what she would become or if she would fully recover?" (I)

"Exactly." (mysterious woman)

Why!? Why!? Why!?

"(Because I can't say I won't help that Fairy even though I know all this, it would be so easy to refuse to help, I can apologize to Byakko later, none of the others seem to care what happens to this Fairy anyway, so why it's so hard to say I won't help her!?)" (I)

I remember again the first time I saw that Fairy through Kira's eyes, her image appeared in the crystal on the living room wall and I was surprised by her grotesque appearance, but those red tears, those tears showed that there was still a consciousness within the Fairy. , she is suffering and still hasn't given up, I remember that between the screams one of the voices was still asking for help.

Are you trying to tell me that because I heard this simple request I have to help her?


"If she's suffering so much then why could she still hear a call for help, how could she resist all this suffering?" (I)

"If it wasn't for this call for help, it would be so much easier to say no." (I)

"So you understand how heavy that request for help is?" (mysterious woman)

"If she's suffering so much when you say it then she should want to end the pain as soon as possible, maybe the Fairy herself has already gone mad with the pain, but that scream wasn't someone asking for death, there was a strong will in it." (I)

"It's been that way since my past life, I've never been able to let go of someone who still had the will in their eyes." (I)


"If I refuse to help her now I wouldn't be me anymore, no matter what I come across I have to always be honest with myself." (I)

As well as helping children in the orphanage who still wanted to improve or when I helped someone in a difficult situation by giving them a job and a place to live when I was building my tech and games companies.

"Looks like you finally made your decision." (mysterious woman)

"I will use the ability to help the Fairy." (I)

The moment I say this I feel a weight leave me, I feel more relaxed and calm now, I didn't realize how much it was bothering me to think about it.

The mysterious woman's serious face turns back into her calm face with a slight smile on her lips.

"So now it's time to trade what I get for helping to release your ability even temporarily." (mysterious woman)

"I was starting to worry that you would refuse out of fear of the consequences." (mysterious woman)

"So all this acting was for you to gain something?" (I)

"I may have acted a little, but everything I gave was true." (mysterious woman)

It seems like she's always having ulterior motives."What you want?" (I)

"One day not too far away someone will come to you asking to join your group, I want you to use the same skills you used with your two children with this person." (mysterious woman)

"(Is she referring to Irius and Irina when she says children?)" (I)

"And why would I accept something like that?" (I)

"You know I don't mean to hurt you, and the person I send will be completely loyal to you too, nothing to worry about." (mysterious woman)

She's always watching me and planning something, but it's undeniable that she's always helped me, some of my skills she gave me too, even though I may be suspicious of her intentions I know it won't do any harm to me or my group.

"Alright, how am I going to recognize this person?" (I)

"You'll know who you are the moment you show up." (mysterious woman)

She walks until she's right next to me and puts her hand on my head, then a scarlet glow leaves her hand and enters me and she pulls away once more.

"So that was it?" (I)

"Yes, for me it's easy to do something like that, the moment you wake up you'll see the skill is there among your unique abilities." (mysterious woman)

"You can only use this ability once before being sealed again." (mysterious woman)

"I understand." (I)

The mysterious woman turns and starts walking towards the portal shaped like a red vortex, but stops walking when I ask her a question.

"Do you know what will happen to me if my soul is hurt?" (I)

"If you succeed and make that Fairy better then you won't have to worry about the wound in her soul." (mysterious woman)

"What do you mean by that?" (I)

"You will find out." (mysterious woman)

She enters her portal and then the space around the portal seems to crush it to nothing, so it seems like there was never a portal there.


"What a stupid decision I made this time." (I)


The next day I wake up seeing notification windows.

Ding! Ding!

<[ Her skill evolved [ Evil leech pact ]> [ Blood pact ] ]>



<[ New Unique Skill Acquired [ Blood Pact ] ]>




<[ Ability [ Blood Pact ] has been temporarily released from the seal by [ ○□■□●☆ ] and will be resealed after one use ]>

So that's the skill I'm going to have to use, I got one more unique skill so why don't I feel happy.
