After over an hour of waiting for the girls to wake up, I ended up falling asleep again until someone came to wake me up.

"Master Zenos, wake up please." (Alice)

"Hm~m" (I)

"It's already mid-afternoon, you need to eat something, please wake up." (Alice)

"..." (I)

"Alice?" (I)

"Sorry to wake you up, Miss Irina asked me to wake you up for something to eat." (Alice)


"Thanks for that, I'm really starting to get hungry." (I)

I get up and look around, but I don't see anyone else in the room other than Alice who is wearing a maid's outfit.

"Where are the girls?" (I)

"Mrs. Freya came early and woke them up." (Alice)

Alice has really changed, her demeanor is more refined and polite, too bad her eyes are still the same as when I met her.

"I don't think I've had a chance to talk to you alone before, have I?" (I)

"Yes, the master is always surrounded by people and is always busy with something." (Alice)

"Are you enjoying your life here?" (I)

"I have never been so happy, Mrs. Freya taught me many things about how to behave and act, while Miss Irina helped me to study and taught me many things about the world." (Alice)

"Even Nira taught me about trade a few times, the opportunity the master gave me that I was just a slave is something I will never forget." (Alice)

"I'm glad to hear this." (I)

As she spoke I could see a small smile forming on her lips, it looks like she really is happy, I hope all this happiness ends the darkness inside her.After this little talk with Alice, I get up and go to the bathroom to clean my teeth before going back to the bedroom, before going downstairs I want to confirm my appearance after evolution.

As soon as I enter the room I remove my clothes and go to the full-length mirror to see the changes in my body, but it doesn't seem to have any at first glance.

My hair color is the same blood-red color as always and its length comes to my shoulders now, my eyes are still the golden and dark purple colors, my skin is still as brown as before and my colorful tribal tattoos are still on my arms. , legs and back as before.

"I don't see anything different." (I)

I look at my reflection in the mirror and I notice something, my face is different, I didn't realize before why I've only had this face for a while, but now that I've looked it looks different than I expected.

I'm not ugly, I'm actually better looking than before, but it looks different than I expected, it somehow looks less masculine than my previous face, but it's not feminine, that's a faint feeling I get when I look fit. detailed.

"As long as I'm not as ugly as I was at the beginning, I don't care too much about my face." (I)

"But if I keep changing like this it's going to be hard for me to get used to any appearance, every time I evolve my appearance changes, at least there weren't many changes this time." (I)

"Huh!?" (I)

I got distracted with my new face that I didn't realize the most important thing, when I realized that tears started to come out of my face, the change isn't much, but as long as I hear some change I'll still have hope.

"I'm so happy, even though it's the same height as when I was still a Goblin I'm still glad I've grown a little, maybe if I keep evolving I can have my adult body as I so desire." (I)

My height is now 1.20 m tall, even though it's not a big change I'm already happy, I go to my clothes and put them on before going down to the kitchen to eat something.

"Master, look, look, see how Layla is prettier, isn't it? Isn't it?" (Layla)

"..." (I)

As soon as I arrive in the kitchen I see the same scene from every day, total chaos of people talking about different subjects, Sophia and Leo having an arm-wrestling competition, Freya and Caryna cooking and Diana holding Ibuki so as not to eat the food before the others.

But something is very different from previous times, everyone's appearance is a little different.

Layla who was walking happily around my head stopped right in front of me and was the first one I could see the changes, she was already in her normal appearance with her wings and four arms showing.

Layla was already exceptionally beautiful before, but now she's even more beautiful, she now had an extra pair of wings on her back the same as she already had, looking like a seven-and-a-half-transparent bird's wings.Those were the only changes in her physical appearance, but I also felt her presence changed a little more, through our connection I can feel that she got stronger too.

"You look beautiful, but you shouldn't be flying around my head like that." (I)

"Alright, give me a ride." (Layla)

Without waiting for my response, this uneducated Fairy sits on my shoulder as I walk into the kitchen, that's when I get a better look at everyone's new appearances.

The ones who had the least change were Freya, Sophia, and Kira who look no different from before except for a jewel in the shape of a drop of transparent water on their foreheads.

They also look prettier than before and their eyes seem to have a depth they didn't have before too, I imagine they must have evolved.

Then I turn to Leo who hasn't changed much besides the color of his hair which is black as ink, his presence also seems wilder, other than that I don't see any other differences in him.

I turn to Diana, her well-trained body seems to have less muscle, but somehow she looks stronger.

Her skin was already brown and her hair was already white with a red streak before, but now her hair is even whiter and shiny which makes the strand of red hair get even more forehead, her height is still the same as 1.90 meters, his wolf ears on his head seem to have gotten bigger the same for his wolf tail.

Diana also has a wilder presence but I also feel dignity in her, her golden eyes have a slight red glow to them, the fur Diana has on her arms and legs seems to be a little bigger now too.

Ibuki being held by Diana looks bigger now, she seems to have grown up and is now measuring around 1.50 meters tall, her formerly black hair is now a dark purple color and is longer than her shoulder height, her skin is still white making her look Human if not for the horn on her forehead which is now three times bigger than before and is slightly curved up, her eyes also turned purple like her hair.

Ibuki is very beautiful now, not only has her height increased, but her body has more feminine curves now, it seems her body has developed a lot in this evolution giving her breasts and waist a little bigger for her who had nothing before, she is as beautiful as the others now.

She would be prettier if she weren't so violent and aggressive trying to break free of Diana's arms to get to the food.

I look at Irina and Irius and see that they are exactly the same as before, I don't feel anything different about them, the two are sitting talking together with Alice and Nolan, they must still be teaching them as I told them to do before.

I look at Érica who is in her Demon form and notice some changes in her, her hair is still completely black but it's longer now almost reaching her waist, her eyes are still red like before, her skin has turned completely light blue now, his bat wings cannot be seen, but his tail appears to be longer and is looped around his waist like a belt, his pair of horns on his forehead has gotten bigger and is curved up looking sharp.

Érica is still the same height of 1.60 meters tall, plus her breasts have grown giving a touch of seduction to her appearance, her presence has become darker and her current appearance is very attractive to any man.

After seeing the change in everyone I decide not to stand at the door anymore.

As soon as I walk in, everyone looks at me with smiles on their faces, Ibuki takes advantage of this distraction and lets us go with dexterity and flexibility that she didn't have before Diana's arms and runs to where the dishes are still being assembled, but is impeded by currents of light that hold her in place, looks like Irina saw her break free and chained her in place with her magic.

After greeting everyone and watching Diana recapture Ibuki I join everyone in for a chat while we wait for the food to be ready.

During our conversation everyone said that they evolved, it seems that everyone evolved during the night while they slept, of course only those who participated in the battle evolved, it also seems that everyone needs to change jobs and Ibuki needs to choose her first job, it seems she evolved two times and became a Superior Ogress, so she can choose jobs now.

We all went to the table to eat, with everyone evolving during the night it brought great joy to me and them, it improved our mood that was bad because of the things we saw yesterday.

After eating I told them to meet in the living room as usual to have a scheduled meeting.
