We were all gathered in the room for a meeting, as many of us evolved I wanted to know each other's races, I could see their status but I didn't want to invade their privacy.

"I am happy to see everyone getting stronger." (I)

"You look a little different, Father." (Irina)

"Good of you mentioning it, I wanted to ask you and Irius something." (I)

"You can ask anything you want." (Irina)

"My appearance changed a bit after I evolved, but you two say you evolved, but your appearance hasn't changed at all, why?" (I)

"Vampires don't undergo major changes in appearance as they evolve." (Irina)


"My sister is right, I find it strange that Father has changed after his evolution." (Irius)

"(Did my appearance change not because of evolution, but because of the adjustments that mysterious Goddess made to my body and soul?)" (I)

"I'm glad the master has changed, he's more handsome so it's ok." (Érica)

"I agree, the master is cuter so I approve." (Diana)

"..." (I)

"(What are these two talking about at a time like this?)" (I)

After clearing my doubts on why Irina and Irius didn't change after evolving I started talking to everyone to discover their new races.

I started with Irina and Irius who evolved straight into Upper Twilight Vampires just like me, but unlike me who's close to evolving again, they're still in the first few levels so it's going to take a while to evolve now.

Then I talk to Freya, Kira, and Sophia.

I was very confused by them, I know they evolved because they are prettier than before, but the changes are very few.

After talking to them I learned that all three had evolved into a Superior race of Elves known as the High Elves.They all thanked me so much, it seems that the maximum level for the Elves to evolve was 500, but they said that after choosing to serve me and I used my power to awaken and transform they had an effect that halved the level they need to reach. to evolve.

I was happy to hear this, after the three of them said this the others said it was the same for them, knowing this is very important.

Each level requires more EXP to level up, this makes each level take longer to level up, they only need half the levels they would normally need, meaning I've saved them years of fighting and training.

After talking a bit with the three Elves I learned that the High Elves are more connected with nature than the normal Elves, the jewels that the three have on their foreheads are the symbol of their connection with nature.

That gem serves as a battery where they can store their power to use more pie and also serves to heighten their senses.

They also said that because they became High Elves more Spirits and Fairies will gather around them, that's because their Aura mixes with the environment, this is a characteristic of High Elves from what they said, it turns out that this type of Aura is warm and inviting to Spirits and Fairies.

Sophia said she won't have any problems with that since her specialty is Aura control for combat, she said she'll help the other two to control and hide their Auras in the next few days, this should avoid attracting Spirits and Fairies.

I hadn't realized before that Sophia was so good at controlling Aura, if I remember correctly I think she was using her Aura during the battle against the monster wave.

Knowing this I said that I would be happy to learn Aura control too, maybe this will help me as thanks to the titles of a friend of Fairies and Spirits I have the same problem as the three of them, actually, it seems like I'm a magnet for them for what Layla told me which is much more serious as if my Aura were a beacon that draws them towards me.

Sophia said it's almost impossible to learn Aura control without an Aura skill, but because of evolution Freya and Kira managed to learn their own Aura skills, as I also have Aura skills she will teach me too.

After that resolved I talked to Ibuki who was very happy to get stronger, after talking a bit with her I realize she is just a little smarter, she evolved into a Superior Ogress, so what increased the most was her strength and Vitality (HP), she had a big change in her appearance having more feminine curves than before, it was like going from being a child to becoming a teenager, but her personality is still the same as usual it seems.

Now that she has become a Superior Ogress, Érica said that it would be good for her to start learning magic, it seems that to even to an Oni she needs to learn more about magic, she can also acquire jobs, Diana advised her to take turns between the works of warrior and mage, it seems like a good idea so I left everything in their hands and told Érica and Irina to start teaching Ibuki about magic until she evolves into an Oni.

Later I talked to Leo, he said he became a Black Lion (Beast Man), he doesn't know much about this superior race of Beast Man, but it seems that his strength, vitality, and defense increased a lot after evolving, by the name of your race I can understand the change in your hair color to black.

It seems that Caryna doesn't care about Leo's new appearance, she just said that she found his new hair color interesting.

So I started talking to Érica, she said that besides her change in appearance and body, what changed the most was her status, it seems she gained a lot of Intelligence and mana in her status, she said that she evolved into a normal Demon and that it is halfway to its next evolution.

After that I turn to the little Fairy who was flying around the room playing with the Cursed Crow Yomi, I call Layla to talk to find out about her changes too.

After talking a well with her I found out that she evolved into a Chaos Fairy losing the inferior that was in the name of her race, she said that she had a big increase in all her stats and was very happy, she said that now she can harmonize environments where its element is located.

She asked me if I wanted her help to cleanse the mansion's miasma or if I wanted to harmonize this miasma with the magical energy to cleanse the miasma's malice.I asked others for their opinion on this and found that this is a skill that only Higher Fairies should be able to learn, this skill is something they can only use in their elements, but as Layla has the element of darkness she can cleanse the malice of the miasma and replacing it with the pure power of the dark element, so the miasma will continue here, but it will no longer harm people who enter here, but because the dark element is stronger in the miasma, skills, spells, and techniques of detection and sense will be blocked or less effective.

Layla also said that if she harmonizes the miasma here she will be able to sense if someone enters the manor grounds as her mana will be flowing through the miasma.

Everyone seemed to approve of this, so I permitted Layla to harmonize the mansion's miasma, not knowing it was going to cause a problem in the future.

Layla said she would need my help for this and that it would take weeks to complete the process, but she said it wasn't difficult, I said I would talk to her more about it later.

After talking to everyone this was the result of her evolutions:

Ibuki: Superior Ogre

Érica: Demon

Kira: High Gray Elf

Irius: Upper Twilight Vampire

Irina: Upper Twilight Vampire

Sophia: High Dark Elf

Freya: High White Elf

Diana: White Wolf Man-Beast

Leo: Black Lion Beast Man

Layla: Fairy of Chaos (Unique)


After talking to everyone about their new races and talking about Layla's plan to harmonize the mansion's grounds I told everyone we would have two days off and forbade everyone to train, I said everyone should look for something fun to do to get through the time.

When I said this I saw Caryna dragging Leo away as she ran saying they were going on a date with an innocent and happy smile on her face, sometimes I forget I gave her the magical body booster skill since I don't see her using it normally but watching her pull the mountain of muscle that Leo is with that ease reminds me of that.

Anton and Tânia left saying they were going out drinking and visiting some stores, Tânia wanted to visit clothing stores to learn about the city's fashion and Anton wanted to visit the gun stores to compare himself with the local blacksmiths.

Sophia forbade Freya and Kira to leave the mansion until they knew how to control their Auras, and the others wanted to lazily enjoy the day without leaving the mansion.

I thought of something good and went to the kitchen with Freya following me, I had the idea of ​​trying to make a pizza for everyone, I even told Irius and Nolan to go buy beer for everyone, I also told Diana to go to the Guild and invite Mari and Guild leader to eat today, I told her not to take no for an answer.

The others decided to spend the day sleeping or talking, that was our day.
